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Everything posted by Zoah

  1. The problem with the current Leaked Shipment Info system The Current System has a few major flaws that seem very NON RP and makes completely no sense to me. I will explain below my understanding of how it currently works and my problems with it also examples. I believe the current system works like this. Someone interrogates the black market dealer. If successful the dealer frequently tells ALL the official illegal factions along with PD and SD. This doesn't make sense. It should only tell the faction that is interrogating the dealer. I also heard that the Irish shipment NPC leaked THEIR OWN drop to their own gang. I believe there may be some bugs in the system and it's negatively affecting the server. As far as I know there is also a chance that PD will get notified of the drops separate of the other illegal factions. This I believe is okay, but I do not think they should get the info when an illegal faction member interrogates a shipment dealer. It makes no RP sense that they would get the info out of thin air. I believe it should be changed so that only the gang that interrogates the dealer gets the information. EXAMPLE earlier today my gang made a shipment. Another gang took the turf that it was ordered from. A member of the gang that took it interrogated the dealer. That info was then leaked to PD. So PD finds out of thin air because an illegal faction member interrogated the dealer. I was expecting to fight one gang for the drop not PD who had no RP related to the situation. I understand that Cops would like to be included in the shipments to make a risk to it. But I believe they should be implemented in another way. Everything I stated may not be 100% correct, I'm just stating my understanding of the system and how it worked. If anything I stated above is not working as scriptly intended could Developers or staff please let me know as I would then file a bug report with my situation.
  2. Good to know, was only traveling down one short road so that was my goal. Request this be archived.
  3. Date and time (provide timezone): 3PM GMT+9 Timezone Character name: Yousef Assad Issue/bug you are reporting: My Briefcases disappearing when held on a bike after a short distance. Expected behavior: Briefcase will disappear when carried in hand on Bike. VIDEO
  4. +1 Us criminals are always looking for quality of life updates. Something like this would relieve the reliance on banks. Not saying that I wouldn't want a rework of the current bank robbery system, the main issue with it is the reason most banks fail (besides cops) is failure to aim at the same time between the two people that aim at the tellers. This issue completely feels NONRP and OOC to me, as the split second in failing to aim doesn't feel like a realistic reason for the tellers to hit the alarm. This could be easily fixed by increasing the time it takes for the teller to start the alarm. This would decrease the amount of failed banks for a bad reason. This issue also causes the cops to come and waste their time on a scriptly failed bank robbery. I don't think I should have to worry about my ping and the other aimers ping to rob a bank, it brings OOC into IC. Here's a link to a video explaining Counterfeiting if the developers need any inspiration about counterfeiting money. LINK Overall I think many crims want more ways to launder money and this would be a great addition
  5. As long as you are not doing anything illegal and you still have the new player tag then you can not be stolen from. In this situation it seems pretty obvious that it was your car as well. Most people use NVIDIA Shadowplay to be able to record the last 5-10 mins of gameplay so they can report rulebreaks such as this. I recommend doing that so you get evidence when stuff like this happens. Good Luck!
  6. Zoah

    New RV

    It would have a different interior than the RV right? If there are any that would fit the style of what the inside of a Camper would be this could be cool.
  7. I'd like to start off by saying that I don't think profits for making LSD are too low. Profits for Crack, Heroin and Meth are not scaled with effort/time/ingredient cost. Lysergic/Cocaine are the best profits and the easiest to make. While I agree making LSD is completely fair and a great source of income considering the risk/reward, I do think the other drugs that take 4 or 5 ingredients need to be buffed in price. This information listed is also slightly inaccurate. You have to order the Lysergic Acid in shipments of 240 at a time in this case. Which takes 30 minutes to come in. Pick it up, stack the crates, take it to your lab, pick up the other shipment which you could offset by 15 minutes from the first. So 45-60 minutes to get the Lysergic acid. Then you have to take 40 briefcases to Humane labs and drag 960 items from your inventory into these briefcases. I'm assuming this is a solo cook for jake? I guess if you're going for a world record and clicking very intensely you could manage that whole process in 45 minutes like Jake says. So that's 45+45+225 cooking time. 315 minutes or 5.25 hours. 168k divided by 5.25 is 33.6k per hour. But this Lysergic cooking is not cheap in the terms of Shipment Power as 480 Lysergic costs a whopping 72 Shipment power. Which with 5 turfs takes about 7 hours to generate. So if you have a gang of 30-40 people all wanting stuff of the Black Market you really can't monopolize the shipment power and consistently do these Lysergic cooks. Let's say you're going to make COCAINE. Anyone that has planted and picked 480 Marijuana plants knows that that is not a short process either. I'd estimate about 2.5 to 4 hours to do that. Not to mention you could get hit by other gangs while planting at a drug lab and the risk is pretty high to lose some briefcases/plants or get into a shootout or lose control of the lab and have to wait to go back if you flee etc. Especially if you aren't backed by a bigger gang. You can't forget that not everyone has access to stock prices from the black market or has a big gang to protect them. This is why I wish that Crack and Heroin would have higher selling prices that were adjusted to the extra ingredients and time it takes to cook them on a table. It would allow less strain on the Shipment power of gangs for a single person to make profit by ordering lysergic all the time. NOBODY buys "Chemistry Workbenches" (Crack/Ecstasy/Heroin tables). They are utterly useless and 98% of time people just cook cocaine or Lysergic on the Marijuana workbench. I want more diversity in the drugs I can cook. This is why I don't agree with using only LSD cooking statistics from a privileged and well established player to downvote the whole topic of cooking. Just because some people can make hella good profit off of LSD doesn't mean there should not be other options and diversity in cooking choices. I'm tired of cooking LSD because its the best profit.
  8. Hope to see you in game man! Are you a Crim or Civilian? Or both? Both sides have some great RP opportunities here and lots of potential content. This server never gets boring ! Welcome!!
  9. This is my take on a few topics related to the Drag. The Drag was definitely easy to escape from cops with before any changes. But it was not easy just because of the handling of the bike. Off-Roading escapes were the easiest. It was already nerfed multiple times by the new off-roading rules and the fuel tank. Along with the tunnels being blocked off now. I believe the rule changes regarding off-roading was sufficient as a nerf to the Drag and increased realism in pursuits. I believe the handling Nerfs are a bit too extreme. I read this article and it seems that in real life stretching the bike would make taking corners a little bit more unstable but would increase straight line and slight turn stability. (read for yourself) https://www.hayabusa.org/forum/threads/stretching-my-bike-will-kill-my-curving-abilities.96340/ I don't think we should try to make the server too overly realistic and stray too far from the core vehicle mechanics of GTA. Rockstar did a great job designing their vehicles and tuning them how they are. There are a million things that should be changed if you really want everything to be "realistic". To me it seems like the Drag being put in the spotlight instead of the tons of other unrealistic things on the server is just because PD is tired of not being able to catch Crims on them. It feels very biased. Cops don't lose anything if they don't arrest a crim. If a crim gets arrested they could lose $10,000-$100,000+ and have to spend many hours in jail. Is the 240KM/H speed cap realistic? Is the amount of crime in the city realistic to a real city? Is the speed and acceleration of cop cruisers realistic? Is it realistic that people are going to kill each other over petty stuff? Is anything in the server realistic? No because it's literally a video game at the end of the day and people should stop trying to take the fun out of it. We're all here to escape from real life and be something we're not in real life. There's a balance in the server that needs to be maintained, it's between realism and video game characteristics. If the server was exactly like real life nobody would play it. The realism argument is very poor in my opinion. Us Crim's had a great bond with the Drag as it was every new gang member's dream to purchase one and be able to get away from the Police supers and Helicopters. It takes a long time to make money as a crim, because our RP directly results in money and time loss in prison or by losing weapons in fights, drug table explosions etc. Saving and buying a drag was satisfying and is not a quick task. I'm sure a lot of people are upset about the nerfs and sad they can't drive their favorite bike anymore. The Suzuki Hayabusa has a fuel capacity of 21 litres. The bike gets 14kilometers per litre of gas. Which means a tank should get at least 294 Kilometers of driving. The R34 GTR holds 65 litres and gets 16.16 L/100KM. This equals about 400 Kilometers. On Eclipse right now the Drag gets 1/4th of the mileage of the Elegy Retro, if not less. The fuel nerfs which were supposed to be more realistic have actually made it LESS realistic, how does this make sense? Overall the nerfing of the drag was just another thing to make criminals feel targeted negatively and like our voices aren't being heard as much as the legal side of the server. I applaud people like Bala who genuinely care about us Crim's and our well being on the server enough to spend hours coming up with fresh ideas. I hope my post sheds some light on the criminal viewpoint for those who haven't experienced it. Thanks for reading
  10. lots of good ideas for the dev's to implement +1
  11. everyone see's charlottes profile pic and says it's time to simp
  12. +1 There is another issue which I believe could create incentive for drugs other than LSD and Cocaine to be made. Currently making crack takes 4 ingredients and cocaine takes 3, the max sell price of cocaine is the same as crack even though crack takes longer to cook, has to get sodium from mines and takes longer to queue up on the tables. So for extra work and extra time you don't even get paid more. This is the same for Heroin and Meth. Heroin sells for around 700-750, takes 5 ingredients, costs 300 plus a marijuana plant and sodium per drug and takes around twice as long as 1 cocaine. So you get less profit from drugs that take more time and more ingredients. This system makes no sense to me and is the main reason why Weed Tables (Cocaine, LSD, Meth) are much more in demand than Crack tables. I don't see why anyone would make anything other than Cocaine and LSD. I believe a fix would be to change the Heroin max sell price to around 1100, Meth to 800-850, Crack to 750-800. I'm also all for LSD and Cocaine to go up about 100. With black market access I can make 110k in about 4 hours of work using 18 weed tables and 3 ventilators. This is also a huge risk with setups that large. The old profits were almost 2x this when LSD sold for 980 each and you could dropoff 500 volume worth with a mule or 100 with a bag. 200 with a crate. TLDR: Drugs with more than 3 ingredients prices do not reflect the extra work and time to make, so cocaine and LSD are the drugs mostly cooked.
  13. Date and time (provide timezone): 12:00-4:00 AM EST Character name: Yousef Assad Issue/bug you are reporting: Stores unable to be robbed with more than 3 PD online. Expected behavior: So tonight only, I tried to rob stores and we get the message saying there are not enough cops online. Some of us have more than 6-10 cops aliased and on the server at this time. I also passed by a group of 5 officers. It just won't let us rob stores even with 200 people online earlier. Usually it's still doable at 80 players as 3/80 could easily be cops. I've never once seen not enough cops online for stores and tried multiple times over the past hours. With this evidence I believe it is a bug. Hopefully it is fixed on restart, if not I am making staff aware of it now. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Just try to Rob a store on the server and you will see.
  14. My Hakucho Drag spawned in as a Random car when I logged in at bank and then later as a random bike after I retrieved it at the parking lot. As you can see, both of the License plates are the same [AMUSED].
  15. They increased the likelihood of drug tables exploding. The profits are down 50% as well with the turf update lowering prices for all drugs. There was a bug before where tables never blew up. Now everyone I know is having their tables explode at low temperatures. Also with the black market closed for weeks and all these explosions almost nobody can get a hold of more tables. Crim RP economy is really rough right now.
  16. Zoah

    The Rooks

    A Family Divided (From the perspective of Yousef Assad) The Rooks felt like a rope holding too much weight and whether we wanted to admit it or not, everyone could feel that it was going to snap soon. Tension was steadily rising for the Rooks, between petty disagreements, struggles for power and each member of High Command having a different vision for the future something was bound to happen. And it did. The days of "Ash's Crew" were over as Duke "Ash Volkov" formally left the family; bringing along with him a few of his closest friends and brothers Mario and Enzo to the other side. They will be missed, and their efforts and accomplishments were greatly valued. Everyone understood the decision to part ways and thought it would be for the best. Uncertainty and Resolve Following the split, many members were lost and uncertain what to do because of the sudden loss of leadership. Just when things were bleak and The Rooks had completely lost their influence over their main hub of operations (Del Perro) to The Aztecas who had taken advantage of our situation, from the shadows came [REDACTED]. He managed to reorganize the family and give them a sense of direction, under his leadership, by tasking different members to focus on certain aspects like Drug Production and Money Laundering, The Rooks were able to completely regain control of Del Perro in under a week from The Aztecas. Under this returned leadership the core mission of profit and control of the wealthy business district was flourishing again. (the businessmen relaxing and debriefing after a long night of shipments) New Associates The remaining core fighters from Ash's Crew knew The Rooks needed manpower to be able to contribute to gang conflict and for protection of their assets. These members quickly formed a close alliance with [REDACTED], this solved the manpower hole. This allowed The Rooks to be able to easily plan Bank Heists, commit hits on other gangs at Chop Shops or Drug Labs and to support a side in the recent gang wars secretly. Things are looking good for the family once again. (The Rooks along with their new close friends) The Battle for Chiliad A prominent member of The Rooks with many connections in the city named [REDACTED] received a call from [REDACTED]. They worked out an agreement to fight a common enemy and they surprised the Irish and Triads as they wouldn't expect the firepower waiting for them in that camp in the mountains. The battle was intense with Irish and Triads firing upon [REDACTED] from the mountains. The Rooks and allies were instructed to use cover and hide until the Irish pushed our lines. This method worked well and they were able to hold position and control of the drug lab and marijuana plantation from the assault. Before a clear victor was crowned, SD showed up and members of both sides fled the scene as they knew their fallen allies would be treated by the SD and MD.
  17. +1, I agree that prison needs more RP content and these ideas are great
  18. Zoah

    The Rooks

    Yousef Assad From Humble Beginnings Yousef Assad was born in Damascus Syria, to two loving parents. His father being the patriarch of the family saw tensions rising in their home country and applied for Visas to the United States for the whole family. The visas were approved and Yousef only a young boy at the time left Syria behind for good. Once in the USA they moved into an upper middle class home with his mother and father, his father was an optometrist and provided a comfortable life for them in a city about 30 miles from Los Santos. He graduated high school, made some good friends and got a job at UPS. But Yousef was not satisfied by this normal boring life and his friends offers to move with them to Los Santos were exciting to him. Moving to Los Santos Yousef was persuaded to move into the city of Los Santos by his good friends from highschool, Mario Volkov, Andrew Lawton, Vladamir Suskini, Nigo Kaneko and Nate Bev. They had all moved into the city a few weeks prior to Yousef and how happy they seemed there to have an exciting fresh start made it impossible for Yousef to not move there as well. They started off as many others did, bright eyes and full of optimism, driving that Gruppe Six truck, Go Postal and quite a few nights spent fishing. The imported cars and beautiful properties were appealing to Yousef and his group of friends. This group of friends has been extremely close since the day they got to the city and democratically makes decisions together, always considering how each of their actions would affect the group as a whole. They pretty much owned the fishing dock and any others that fished there during those first few months were at their mercy. The Void Mario was the first to come across a member of The Void, he met Randy Berkowitz and showed interest into the group. After conferring with the rest of the group it had been decided that they would all attempt to join this organization to learn more about the city and the sophisticated gangs that run it. Mario referred Yousef, Vlad, Nate, Andrew and Nigo to the organization and they were soon all members after showing their skills and the value they offered to the organization. The group soon became integrated into the family and felt more accomplished and complete than ever before. They were so excited to wear that purple tie and paint their cars that deep black color with a purple pearlescent. The Family (Void) had many interesting adventures together. They had each other's back no matter what, any time anyone would call for help on the radio everyone would do their best to assist as soon as possible.From car chases, to drug lab raids, to forcing a prospect to fist fight an enemy gang member that they had captured who was driving around repping the Families colors. The prospect "Samuel Ortiz" ended that fight with a massive right hook to the jaw of the rival gang's member. They changed their car's colors after that incident and were constantly apologizing to the Void for their mistake. Yousef had his gun license and supplied his group with weapons up until a very dramatic and serious event unfolded starting at the oil field. He was mining oil, just working a legal job attempting to peacefully earn some clean cash when a group of men wearing Goblin Masks and chrome cars pulled up to his mule and stole his .50 pistol along with the truck. After they drove off Yousef was furious that these people dared to rob him doing a legal job, many know how disrespectful this is and that experienced members of the city don't often do that. He called Mario and got onto a radio frequency with Vlad Andrew, Nigo and Mario. They then knew to check the oil field drop of point and picked up Yousef to go confront them there. When the group arrived the Golbin Men were waiting there. Mario negotiated to get the truck back and these men said that they were members of the "Los Zetas" a fear large group of criminals. Mario called a contact in the organization and then met him at their HQ. After conferring with them they said they had no idea who this Goblin gang was. At the same time Andrew was selling the oil as the goblin gang had drove off. As he was lugging the oil out of the truck with only Yousef by his side the Goblin men returned with shotguns and .50 pistols and stole the truck once more. Now it was personal, Andrew and Yousef told Mario what had happened and Yousef and Andrew rearmed as Mario chased these chrome car driving goblins around the city. The group eventually all caught up to them and confronted them on lying about being members of the blue gang. The situation escalated and the goblins told the group that if they don't drive away they were DEAD. There were only two in that car and the other two were obviously equipping themselves with weapons and ammo in the house they were parked at. With tensions high and hate growing between the two groups, the two missing members of the goblins ran out of their house and screamed demands for Nigo and Vlad to get our of their car from quite a distance, the group made the quick decision to fight and many were quickly injured. Yousef was the last one to get into the fight and managed to shoot down one of the goblins right as he was attempting to end Nigo's life. With 2/4 of the goblins injured and only Yousef alive out of his group, things were looking bleak. Yousef then sees one of the goblins with bullet holes oozing blood run into the front yard of his house. Yousef knew this man didn't see him and that he could easily finish him off. He ran through the gate and shot the man in the back, then put a bullet through his brain out of anger for the injuries his friends were enduring. Then it was 1v1... Yousef runs back out front and quickly shoots down the last goblin and finishes him off. Yousef knew all of these gunshots would draw the attention of the police so he quickly starts filling up a back and his backpack with shotguns and pistols. The sirens were getting close so mario whispered to him over the radio to take his Rapid GT. Out of the corner of his eye Yousef saw a Police Officer on a motorcycle riding up to him as he ran to the Rapid GT. There were so many police cars coming that Yousef just got on his knees and didn't want to distract them from the very serious Gun Shot wounds of his friends that needed immediate medical attention. Yousef was handcuffed and visibly distraught as he wondered if his friends were going to survive. Luckily the EMT's arrived and saved the live's of all of his friends. Yousef was charged with Murder x3, possession of illegal firearms, including 2 shotguns, 8 .50 Pistols and tons of ammo. This got him 80 months in prison. He served his time, lost his weapons license but was reunited with Nigo, Vlad and Mario as they all did time with him in that trashy prison. Their charges were lesser but that just meant Yousef would have a ride when he got out of prison. Mario picked him up from the DOC and they resumed life as it was before those goblin men fucked with them. To Be Continued... (There are many more stories to tell)
  19. +1 When I try to look at the UI update objectively, I ask myself questions like "does it make interaction with items, bags, vehicles and houses easier?" or "does it make these interactions less frustrating / time consuming?" and the answer to both of those questions is no. There are very few things that this UI update has improved, it makes it a little bit easier to select a bag or briefcase if you were to drop a lot of them on the ground in the same area in close proximity, but the old system with just pressing "i" near a bag was much easier and pretty accurate. Now I have to turn my character around and look around trying to find the menu for opening/carrying/picking up my bag and then use the scroll wheel to pick which option, it's very frustrating and makes my experience on the server as a "drug cooker" much harder than before. Other problems I have are, searching the inventory of house storage( I have to move all around my house looking for the correct angle) which is a struggle and takes more time, for player houses ,entering a house unlocking and managing your garage is more dangerous than before due to not being able to press keys on your keyboard to do it easily and having to scroll move mouse etc. Why did they keep "k" to unlock cars but not houses? Generally I don't understand the point of an UI update that just makes things harder. It may look a little bit prettier but isn't any more immersive than the old system. I hate shitting on an update that took a lot of hard work and time from the developers because I appreciate their work but I generally don't like this new UI and find it frustrating to deal with when I know the old system was much smoother for me. Of course this isn't a big enough of a deal for me to quit the server or anything, just a minor quality of life degradation that can be dealt with and I can get used to.
  20. +1 Adds a ton of RP possibilities, air transport companies etc sound great, anyone who has 500k to buy an airplane most likely won't throw away their account on the server to crash a plane into people, its no different than VDM.
  21. I think the crafting times for drugs are a bad change, definitely hurt Criminal RP. I would like it if the crafting times were reverted and the shelved were replaced. Maybe even if the shelves weren't replaced but the time was reverted it would still be worth it. I like the new portable drug labs though. Also the vehicle speed nerf is directly benefiting the PD and SD, should revert that too. Cops are strong enough and it doesn't make sense to make the police cruiser as fast as a multi million dollar car. TLDR: Add tables back (maybe) revert long crafting times , keep new portable labs. revert speed changes
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