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Everything posted by Ultra3D

  1. Ultra3D


    "Meeting and Hard Questions" After a bit of meeting and talking, salvation and most of the gangs/family's met to discuss the police presence in recent gang vs gang altercations. It was said that people were calling cops on other groups incoming shipments and calling cops for "Backup" when a shootout goes south. The host of the meeting, The Russians, proposed a way of stopping this from taking place. They suggested a "Blacklist" system that would punish people who communicate with the police to damage other organizations. This left a lot of questions in peoples mind. The meeting was cut short when police got wind of our location, for the second time. Before and after the meeting, we spoke about what might happen next. We had some ideas that this was going to be the new Counsel. After the meeting this slowly left our mind but the question was still, what next. This had been a question I asked my self since day one. During my time in Salvation so far I had to sacrifice things I use to enjoy doing to fit in more with the group and what it stands for. For the most part I was complacent with this but recently I have been getting the itch to do more criminally inclined activity's. This made me think. From my first group to my last I do nothing but be as loyal and helpful as I can, but I have started to feel that my ambitions and goal don't line up with the groups. While I continue to think about what I want to do thing will continue the same. I'll provide my help where its needed and my loyalty where its wanted.
  2. When it comes to low numbers in MD I'm sure a middle ground can be found. But thanks for your amazing input trying to say I should not have this opinion because I have done this in the past but I am the same OP who advocates for people on PD to play crim and for more crim to play PD/SD so everyone can understand each side. But coming from someone who has only played in admin gangs I can see your side but I try see both sides! But true I have done it, and dont think it should happen!
  3. I dont agree or disagree with anything you said. But I want to bring this up to you. GTA itself has built in racism, homophobia, and sexism in its base game and online. If you do not like being near or apart of anything that has that I hate to say it but GTA is not the game for you.
  4. Ok but how much is the officer involved besides redirecting traffic or maybe taking a statement? My point is just because there is a fire does not mean its a crime scene, which is how its currently handled on the server. It also may be state by state but I have seen firetrucks/Ambulances respond to calls where Police are not present.
  5. I somewhat agree and I already addressed what you said in my post. Police can show up but its usually after FD/MD is done or if there is a possibility of malicious doing. But they usually do their work after FD/MD is dont and its not considered a "Crim Scene" from the start
  6. (All information Im speaking on it referencing when they explode in an apartment because that all I have experience with) So I have been thinking about this alot recently. Two days ago there was an explosion at an apartment of someone I knew. They were showing someone recipes and unfortunately blew the table. After getting in touch with the person involved IC I was asked to try and save them and forget about the equipment. After trying our best to get into the apartment he ended up dieing. I still wanted to try and salvage the equipment. At the time there was little no no police response so I tried to run it. At the time PD/SD had not even set up scene management yet. I ran in and went to a random floor. I was then followed by SD about 15 seconds later where they instantly pulled a taser and yelled "HANDS UP NOW" I started to comply by ask why this was happening. After that a higher ranked SD came in where I asked the same question. They said "This is an active crim scene" This is where I see an issue. After going back and forth with SD/PD and MD they told me they got a call about seeing flames. I have played PD so I know the call. So I ask them why seeing flames is a crim scene because RPly it makes no sense. FD being there to put out the fire etc makes since but making it a instant crime scene makes no sense. I understand that when that call comes in it only means one thing but I feel which how its handled makes it impossible to RP any situation out in those situations. I feel SD/PD should not be notified or even respond unless MD feels they should by seeing people with guns or AFTER entering the building seeing drug materials. Just like real life MD/FD go places without PD all the time to conduct themself. I personally feel that PD/SD saying "This is a crime scene" just after getting a "This building is on fire" call is somewhat meta. Again I understand that those calls only mean one thing but IRL fire calls get handled solely by FD/MD all the time where PD only come in after the fact/where wrong doing or malicious activity that lead to the fire. But this would only be found after the fire is already out. Was going to post this in suggestion but wanted other opinion first.
  7. see @Bala I dont agree with this. This is cringe.
  8. I personally have never said thing mentioned in this post IC. But I dont care if its said. There is already rules on it and I dont feel we need more, and when it comes to a better community I feel that there are 1 for every 50 people who use these words. I dont see this bettering the community. I feel time should be spent working on report mentality and punishments rather than give people more reasons to report.
  9. Then report? You think Banning the words are going to prevent people from saying it? No. It just means more reports and less RP.
  10. Banning words/actions breaks immersion my dude.
  11. Its a game and all you need to do is "/b dont say that please" and they will need to stop. Simple.
  12. -1. As I have started in other post like this is that this is a 18+ games. It is a game where racism, sexism, and racist/derogatory words are build into the game by rock star. I think the current rule of the words being allowed but not overused is fine. Now when it comes to the twitch thing, People can and do stream. Twicth wont punish unless you are contributing, and if someone is constantly screaming the nword that's already against the rules. Currently the rules are in a weird state and forcing people to learn twitch TOS is just another step not needed.
  13. Ultra3D


    Josh’s story - Continued Chapter 1 - Long Past Through the past few years I have been through many generations of gangs, groups, and families. Seen the city get burnt down and built back up. I have seen the way we do things change in minor and major ways. Everyday I adjust to a new thing and everyday something new changes. I have told my past plenty of times, so I'm going to keep it short and to the point. From my start in the front yard Ballas, I found that I was good at what I do. I was capable of being the person Ballas wanted and needed me to be. I quickly went through the ranks before becoming a member of command. I help lead the Ballas through its ups and down before finally being taken off life support. Memories: 1 2 3 After the Ballas fell, myself and a few others decided to form Crimson Syndicate with other Ballas who still had fight left in them. Sadly, I learned quickly that when a group fails once you should not bring the same leaders to the new group. Backstab after backstab and seeing all the work I put into the group get handed to someone else while slowly being pushed away hurt me. After hearing “Don’t give Josh the freq” while on the freq was the final straw. Memories: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The next section of my life was with the start of FSO. It was a quick section as the same people who push me away after all the work I did failed and jumped ship to this group. Then without fail, my name got ran through the mud leading to me being removed. Finally, my family Aztecas. Since starting in this city I have known about The Aztecs. I have always been interested in their members and their group as a whole. After speaking with Alicia and other members of their high command and telling them my past they were skeptical. Having been in groups such as Front Yard Ballas and Crimson Syndicate, regardless of my part and how I feel about them, does not leave a good track record. But they gave me a chance. I quickly proved myself as a great asset for them by constantly being in every situation I was needed with BLS or a trunk to move injured. After a few minor wars we finally all got together to do promotions. I proved myself enough to not only go from recruit to the next rank up but going up two ranks at the same promotion meeting. This made me proud. Giving me the first feeling of accomplishment in a long time. But all good things must come to an end, and come to an end it did. After the [REDACTED] Incident, Aztecas and many others decided it was time to throw in the towel and end all active operations in the city. Memories: 1 Chapter 2 - Getting back to it After taking a long break from all criminal activities, I started talking to old members of past gangs I was in. After speaking with a person I had worked with through all the groups I had ever been a part of I got invited to join 67. I was happy to see faces I had not seen in a long time all in one group causing chaos once again. This lasted a few months before a situation arose with the Irish, a group we were at war with, that led to myself and others taking a step back to evaluate how we wanted to continue thriving inside the city. This led to the longest break I had ever taken from what I enjoyed the most. After a long time of thinking and considering what I wanted to do next I was approached by an old LFM member and Azteca hang-around who I had worked with in the past. He had an opportunity for me to continue doing what I loved the most. We spoke about a group he had been running and that if I was willing to help their efforts that I could become one of the family. After getting more information and talking with other members I decided to take him up on his offer and join. Chapter 3 - Adjusting to change After joining salvation I have started to adjust to their stance/morals they take again/for certain action. While currently I'm still proving myself, I feel I have show that the knowledge and experience I hold is valuable to them. So as I continue to get used to the morals of this group I will continue to grow and plant myself as a member of their family! Thanks for reading! Sorry about this being majority text, next one will have more content
  14. I think it should got by IC days not OOC days, so +1
  15. Its not just an issue from criminal side, they are just the side negatively affected the most. The issue im bringing up is that I feel its on the verge of PG, because they stop losing health before medical RP is done.
  16. So after being on this server for over a year now and being on both sides of the issue, I feel we need to rework how MD is allowed to used /stabalize. What I mean by this is in its current state (from what I know) MD does the typical /me what would I see after looking over you, and the moment that the person respond they instantly /stabalize before doing any medical RP and then start doings their medical RP after the /stabalize has already started. For Example (How it currently is) - MD - /me would check the injured man for wounds/damage Person - /me would have two GSWs to the chest with one to the arm MD - /Stabalize MD - Seconds after /me would ....... then continue to to do rp, usually ending after the stabilize finishes What I recommend with explanations - MD - /me would check the injured man for wounds/damage Person - /me would have two GSWs to the chest with one to the arm MD - Starts Rp to the point of BLS where you do the rp to treat the person until they stop bleeding, or you make the person "Feel better" MD - Now /Stabalize MD - /me (continued medical RP while the /stabalize is happening) So to end this off I want to make a few clarifying statements. So these examples above are not all MD by any means but over my 1 year + on the server this is a common scenario. Another question that might arise is people "stalling" and my response is treat it like when people stall during BLS and stall in general, give them a moment and if they continue to stall force RP. The main reason im bringing this up is after playing crim and PD, I have been apart of and seen situations where a person gets shot up/injured in a large way, they do their /me for their injuries and they start /stabalize, giving the person no chance of RPing it out.
  17. Read through the rules and you would see 7. IC and OOC Interactions Players are welcome to voice their opinion or suggestions but may never disobey administrators. All players must be able to communicate in English and IC chat must be English only. Foreign language in-character must be done as such: “[Language] English Text” Other languages may be used in private only if everyone who can see has agreed to it. Sexual, torture, or disgusting roleplay is allowed only if all witnesses give prior OOC consent. Players using offensive language IC must not use it excessively and must stop if asked OOCly. IC content must not contain acronyms like “lol” or “u” or smiley faces excluding IC SMS. Text chat, VOIP, radio, phone and commands like /ME or /do are for IC content only. For OOC content, players must use chat commands that encase the content in brackets. For example: (( this is OOC content )). OOC chat commands are /OOC, /O, /B, /PM and /F. Public advertisements must only contain realistic IC content and cannot be used for crime. OOC videos or screenshots may only be used IC if footage depicts the character using the /record command or has roleplayed a camera at the start and end of unedited footage. Roleplayed camera footage may be uploaded with RP proof of starting and a snippet but full footage must be stored and be available if needed otherwise the snippet is no longer valid. Property cameras must have a scripted object on the interior or exterior of the property.
  18. GTA 5 is a game where if you play as Franklin and go to sandy the NPC's/NPC Cops will abuse you. A game where racial/homophobic slurs are build into the base game. ITs a 18+ M rated game. Join a E for everyone minecraft server if you dont want "Inappropriate" language or want a "safe space". Like started before, if someone says something offensive" like a racial slur or a "homophobic" remark tell them once to stop and they need to, if not you can report and get them punish.
  19. Streamers and Large youtubers come here all the time? I think this problem is you dont like the words, in that case tell them ooc to not use them while around you and they should stop.
  20. its a RP server, Keep ooc politics out of it. If you dont think its safe to stream dont stream. Simple.
  21. This is kinda of a massive middle finger to the people who grind to get official but interested to see how this goes, coming from a old front yard balla
  22. Ultra3D


    Josh - Progress Chapter 1 - Work Hard Since becoming a full member it has been a grind. Trying to prove myself as one of the newer members, I have been doing the most In can when In can. Lately I have taken the role as our “Ambulance”. I have been using my contender to run injured people when needed. This have proven very useful and I have been given thanks from many members of the group just for having it around. To me its perfect, that fact I enjoy driving it and that I enjoy helping me family, it all works out. But working hard does not mean just helping your family, it means achieving goals and working with others to achieve new heights. We have been fighting everyday, and everyday. winning fight after fight with our current rivals, FSO and Irish. We have been working non-stop to keep chops and turfs in our name. This is a never ending battle because one day you can have ever turf and the next you can have none. But with our teamwork and never ending drive we have been able to keep on top of this. Chapter 2 - “The Fight” If you have been in the city you know that Aztecas and LFM have been in constant battle with FSO and Irish. The fighting has been a back and forth for weeks now. Even with our lack of cartel connections we have still been able to fight, and fight hard we will. Day after day when coming into the city we have our conflict but day after day we come out ontop. Recently we have been able to not only win fights here and there but also send a message while we are at it. After some FSO took a losing fight we decided to send them a message they won't forget. We dropped their lifeless members' bodies at their front door. With continued peak member count each day the fight goes on. Even with recent changes in our tactics of being on our own freq, we are still fighting battles on multiple fronts. We are currently fighting FSO, Irish, and other smaller groups that think of attaching us even after we give them our help to try and prove themself. But time after time we prove to others that its best to stay neutral with us, how we want it to be. Chapter 3 - Recognition After trialing for about two months we all got gathered up to have a meeting. Once the meeting started, everyone knew it was promotion day. We started with some basic meeting stuff, what we needed to do, what we were doing good already. So at this point we were all just waiting for the part of the meeting when people get their new ranks. Then it started, Alicia and Carlos started calling peoples name one by one. Then I heard my name. This was my first time being a part of a promotion meeting and I was wide eyed with what I saw happening to the other people promoted. As I walked up there was a small pool of blood below where I stood. Carlos and Alicia started saying their words. They would say how they feel the person being promoted had done and why they are promoting the person. After this I was told to kneel down and expose my neck. Willing and wanting to take the next step into this group I did exactly what they said and prepared myself for what was about to happen. Alicia then stated that during my time I had done more than was expected as a trial and had been trialing for longer than necessary. She stated that I would be promoted, not just to the next rank, but two ranks from trial. At this point Carlos grabbed my head and put two lines down the back of my neck. Pushing through the pain, knowing what this means for my future allowed me to suppress it and keep a straight face. At this point I was told to stand up and was declared “Guerilla” Chapter 3 - Power in allies Aztecas power alone is enough to make enemies shudder, but when you take more than you can eat you will feel the effect. During the height of the fighting we were showing fully force everyday. Us, LFM and other groups we fought alongside us made an unbreakable wall no one would even try to go through. With recent changes to how we manage ourselves, we no longer have joint freq with other allies during the day. We occasionally arrange something but for the most part were on our own freq. When we first started doing this I had some doubt if we would still be able to fight the people we have been fighting and still come out on top. But only days after the change I realized that my worries are unneeded. Day after day we have peak members on our own freq and we still continue to strategize and make progress in our fighting and tactics. At the end of the day a group is only as strong as its members, and members are only as strong as their bond to one another, and with Aztecas we are all family. Creating the necessary bond that makes us one of a kind. ((Thanks for reading, All information in this post is purely IC, no OOC hate. Thanks for reading!))
  23. Ultra3D


    Great post, sad I was not able to make it but happy to see what happened!
  24. Phat +1, would also like to add with the whole making your own bullets allow us to collect bullet casing etc from shootouts
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