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Everything posted by Ultra3D

  1. I see a middle ground where allowing MD to carry guns into situation. Not only for situations like this but in general. In the past they could I dont know why they cant now.
  2. If md sees gang members building up or has irrefutable evidence of drugs being produced then they can bring PD in. But I mean even if its not that, I still thing that there is a better way of handling these situations that can be a better middle ground
  3. I agree with some of the things you are staying. Since switching back over to the criminal side of things im just starting to notice how cut and dry situations are. There are little to no fully RPed out situation where both sides get to participate. This is not a issue of the person but how things are set up. I personally feel that if things were changed that MD were to be the only ones that get the calls and once they deem that PD is needed (Which should not be right away) PD can go from there. This leave opportunity for escalation to it being a crime scene where the whole block needs to be secure etc.
  4. You got it 100%, I don't care if PD/SD are they but I feel how its currently handled does not make sense RPly and the call when it comes in only means one thing.
  5. Very simple, I feel all the Fleeka banks should have the full bank ability to deposit/withdraw/manage debts. Currently from what I know only one Fleeka, LifeInvader, acts as a place where you can put money in and take money out. The only issue is it acts as a normal ATM where it was withdraw limits and deposit limits and does not let you manage debts. I suggest that all Fleekas get the ability of LS Bank to do everything you need to do. I feel this would benefit all groups from Gov to Criminals. It would allow people to deposit large amounts of money without needing to drive all the way accost the city, limiting the chance of dying with all the money on you. It would also allow criminals to deposit illegal money without needing to go inside of an NCZ. It would also allow selling of vehicles/houses with cash to take place at different areas.
  6. Ill respond to this then I will ask staff to lock this topic as its just back and forth with no new ideas being brought up. In this situation you are missing every point I made and have made conclusions. Yes I did enter the building but at that point only one FD was there and two SD speaking with other people. No scene management was set up nor was it apparent that such thing was going to happen at the time. Now for the fear RP, how would me trying to recover anything be such, and as stated I was not there at first to get equipment. I was there to save the peoples lifes as when it blew they were still alive. They died as SD was moving me outside. After this point is when I tried to recover the items. RPly there is not any fire issue only a toxic fumes issue which I could have easily solved. To answer your final question that you dont understand comes in two parts. One was the fact I feel these situation are some what metagamed/forced (not in a rulebreak sense). What I mean by this is when tables blow all LEO's and MD get the call and even though its not stated "THIS IS A DRUG LAB" all PD/SD/MD treat it as it is because those calls only mean on thing. I wanted to start a discussion about different ways this situation could be handled so its not forced as a instant crime scene for a drug lab so more RP possibility's could be had. Now for the second part. I dont know if you do or not but Im guessing by the tag under your banner that you only have played a GOV character. This leaves you in a situation were you have only really experience one side of the equation. All though this is not a bad thing I personally feel you and many others would understand the frustration of criminals/civilians when they complain about civilian/criminal issues. As stated here ^, even though it was stated in an bad way, still shows I have done the same things I am complaining about but after experiencing both sides allowed me to see how both party's feel about these situation. So I was hoping for both sides to talk about the issues from each side and try to find a good fix that would be fun/middle ground for both party's. Even if people don't agree its fine, that's why I posted it here instead of suggestions. All I have to say is I really hope at some point more criminals/non-gov civilians play PD/SD and that more PD/SD play and experience criminal content of the server. I feel the more this happens the more both sides will get along together and the less of a cops and robber situation it will turn into.
  7. Because usually first FD will do their thing and say it was or rule out foul play. Fires happen all the time in LA and LAPD are not always there so idk where you are getting that information and also like I started above if pd is there they don't immediately take over the scene and call it a crime scene. They will probably be there to redirect traffic and take a statement or two. Dimitri stated it well "I dont think Ultra3Ds statement is about not having PD/SD on scene, but rather on instantly making it a crime scene, without awaiting the results. I do think PD/SD should secure the perimeter and be present, but FD should decide wether criminal activities were the cause of the explosion and then let PD/SD do the investigation."
  8. Thats not what im saying. What im saying is that I feel that when the explosion calls come in it only means one thing. So police instantly show up and say "Its a crime scene" even though I feel its unrealistic. There is no chance for anything to happen,
  9. I have been called all the words mentioned. Just because I chose not to let them affect me does not mean it does not happen.
  10. Simple, The % of people actually using these words in the way you claim are single digit% of the servers population. Words are words and there is already a rule about abusing the right to say them. Was that clear enough?
  11. Big -1 to that. This basically mean any "Group" that gets offended just adds another word that things cant say. When it comes to the nword and the other "Homophobic" words its what ever but now there are new "groups" every day that feel they are targeted and feel "oppressed" so I feel it could become very problematic
  12. its an RP server imitating real life for the most part so I don't see what you said making any since and I have friend groups like many other that when in a party chat its basically a FFA roast session. But at this point you feel your way I feel my way no point in continuing to argue, all I ask is that you should take a quick look into what is said in the single player mode before you try and +1 restrictions for a server.
  13. +1 on everything. Big+1 for the 1st and 4th option. As for 1 it just makes things quicker and 4 adds more ways to RP things out. It does not do much for either side benefit wise but it adds more RP that can be done with script.
  14. I don't think tha'ts true, especially with the LP because cops will just scan it and know before you tell them its been RPed and I think you need alt RP perms from admins+.
  15. Happens in real life. You shit like people you don't like in certain situations and calling someone a bitch/pussy is nothing.
  16. My guy this topic is about Racist and Gender based slurs. IF you think pussy is bad this is not the game for you my dude. I am one of the people who disagrees with this post but I dont say the N-word or other racist terms. But you got me lost at banning cussing. Take that kind of censorship to minecraft.
  17. +1, hunting needs an update/refresh with more content
  18. +1 on the concept -1 on not being able to hide the .50
  19. +1, But we still need GROUP TEXT FIRST. That is all.
  20. -1, Only reason PD show up to empty stores is because PD/SD does not utilize their one tool they already get which is the cameras. If they used them more it would naturally make stores harder for crims and give PD something to do.
  21. +1. I personally feel I system should change where any gang that shows good RP/forum activity after about a month should get f4 and continue to work towards the IC goal which would be cartel connections. During this would be a similar situation where they can gain influence for themself without the cartel connections like a HQ/personal turf.
  22. Yep. You will run up on an animal and it will disappear or you with be one stab away and it will do the same.
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