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Everything posted by mikebumbum

  1. just like i hope you realize just because you write long paragraphs doesnt make what you say true and you can type till your keys break and we will still feel the same way and have different ''truths'' you havent played a serious crim and i think for you to have most the claims you do you need to make a crim character and seriously play it for 6 months as your main and join a gang and we will see if your opinion ( because thats all it is has nothing to do with the ''truth'') changes
  2. you meming about it and showing clips of an entire different game shows your mindset. The PD montages are gonna be real dry soon with no crims to shoot at
  3. why can you guys never just admit you did wrong and ruined others experiences there seems to always be an excuse when it comes to PD players. The other side of people involved are telling you they didn't enjoy themselves you ruined their gameplay. Hearing that should make you stop and think how you can make everyone have fun rather then just winning and getting to throw people in jail on a game. Like we've been saying eventually you will have no serious opposition as people don't want to play a game where they aren't having fun because the biggest group in the game abuses loopholes in rules or has excuses that seem to get everything ''allowed''. I know for a fact if GD did this we would get non rps for it .Im pretty sure these players are already leaving the server the ones from that report at least and many crim factions feel that way. Maybe instead of making excuses stop and think of ways you make sure everyone has fun and its not just you guys trying to push to win all the time. Before its too late and you end up with only pulling people over for speeding or illegal parking and im sure thats not what you guys want.
  4. even the road ones arent to stop moving cars irl ... its too warn traffic that something is happening there and not to cross like what
  5. because crims are frustrated and starting to not have fun anymore in general and its a mixture of things. meanwhile we try to explain why we arent having fun and every PD member comes into every thread to put down everything we say its getting to the point where most of us choose not to login
  6. read what we said rather then just reiterating a useless answer it makes 0 sense to use wood barriers to stall a car just because these arent fully indestructible does not mean its not abuse
  7. they were also shooting at the car on the highway going 220 when the 811 shot no shots at them lol but its fine no point in arguing with the almighty pd faction
  8. it's people like you who will make sure the other half of the server never has fun and it shows not gonna argue with you on every topic because you can't just admit you play to win and its fine. Enjoy your physics class
  9. There is another choice follow the car till it runs out of gas or crashes from driving fast.... or LOSE THE SITUATION. its okay to lose just like crims do you can too. PD effectively ruined his RP by abusing this to win. You feeling you had no other choice shows the mentality that its impossible to lose
  10. This is what one of those barriers look like they are made to stop people from walking not driving it would fall apart as soon as impact happened as its a piece of wood in slots held by more wood. In real life these would slow your car a little sure but it wouldnt be destroyed like what you saw youd be able to go right through it just like a water bottle. but on this game it stalls your car just like a water bottle does. Please tell me the difference ill be waiting.
  11. this right here is a perfect example of the pure biased actions. Should I be able to line up water bottles while im chasing criminals as the game mechanics cause them to stall cars? If I did that id get a nonrp and be one step closer to getting banned but if you did it you'd either get told its an ic problem or get a warning for unrealistic actions. is it only allowed because you are police and we are criminals. It's abusing game mechanics which happens often from PD but no one blinks an eye.
  12. they werent used for that though they were used with the intent to destroy the car which is unrealistic those barriers are supposed to be used to block off crime scenes not turn into a brick wall to stall a car... If they were actually destuctable at any speed and just slowed the car down like it would realistically I would agree it makes sense to put them there I guess... but you used them in a way to end the RP so that you could win. He was going to get away only due to the slim fact a cruiser smashed into you otherwise he would have been caught. Instead you guys decided to use ply wood barriers to win the chase and destroy the car it's highly unrealistic and just sad all around
  13. you still shouldnt abuse something that completely ends the rp just so you can win those barriers shouldnt have been set up as its unrealistic. thats not a tactic thats effectively setting up a brick wall that cant be passed just to win. The fact you think thats okay shows the mindset you guys have.....
  14. Mike started to get comfortable with his new family The Gangster Disciples. Him and the leader Oti Maxwell started to roll around a lot together and had each others backs. The gang was in a good place recruiting loyal soldiers and doing as they pleased. They would hang out with the other allied gangs at places like Sea Lab and the Azteca church. The gangs would drink beers together, Smoke blunts and gamble with each other and have good laughs. The enemy was usually no where to be seen so there was plenty of free time to chill. Oti called all of us to Zeta HQ for a meeting. We all arrive promptly to hear what he had to say. He told us him and Helsinki and had to go to the annual Peace Summit of gangs in Chicago at first we didn't really understand as the Los Santos branch of GD had just recently started. They would go to meet with gangs such as other branches of GD, BD, Vice Lords, Bloods and Crips. The gangs needed to go over overall relations in the country as a whole as things were looking rough and too much gang violence was going on. They said they weren't sure how long they would be gone for as these things usually took time. The gang understood but didn't want their leader gone as he would pave the way for the gang and make sure the gangs goals were met. With that they set out after the meeting and took a flight out of Los Santos straight to Chicago to start settling the beefs. The gang would talk over how they wanted all the gangs to settle their beefs for now as Los Santos itself had plenty of problems to settle with the gang violence at hand and couldn't afford to be fighting 5 more gangs at the time. The group would miss Oti and Helsinki alot but knew what they would want us to do. They needed us to continue to grow to become one of the strongest gangs in the city and to take out any opposition that came their way. Mike knew he would have to step up somewhat and help the others come together as a whole. He would take the things he learned from Oti and used them to his advantage to help keep the group moving in the correct direction. The gang needed some new leadership and needed an interim King for the time being. Thankfully Oti was prepared for a moment like this and had someone ready to take his spot for the time being. With the new appointed King came some new higherups to help him keep things in line while Oti was gone. The gang had a meeting to go over all this information and the gang was told what was expected from them during this time. After this was set forward the gang headed out to meet with their 3 allies and explain who was in charge on our side and that operations shouldn't change and that we still had the same objective at mind to kill those who disrespected our gangs. The new leadership was welcomed by all the gang leaders of our allies and we moved forward to discuss what was going on in the city. Triads and Irish were trying to force smaller gangs like Crimson Syndicate and The Ballas to join the war on their side. This was something that didn't sit easy with anyone on our side so we set out to fix the situation for Crimson Syndicate. After some talks and some relocating Crimson was happy with the new arrangements given to them and were happy to get out of the previous business deal they were in. Things seemed to be getting back to reality in the city once and for all. The fight was ongoing for a little more then a month and we were getting tired of the cops being called on us at almost every situation involving the enemy side. We relaxed on fighting so much in preparation for a real war. We decided to to have a mass at the church where some prayers were passed around and some song and dance was had. Every gang besides the enemy was invited to this event. Everyone had a great time and even some newer groups like the Yakuza popped in to enjoy it. This grew our bonds not only as a whole organization stronger but as a joint force on a mission to eradicate the city from any gangs who didn't respect policies they once upheld themselves. It was time for a change in Los Santos and we would be the start of it.
  15. Again there definitely should be something to protect civs from ridiculous robberies but gang members and even police officers should not have some type of rule protecting them from getting robbed. It's also frustrating for us to get harassed all day by PD just for being '' known criminals'' but we deal with it icly do you not think the server should be balanced to let everyone enjoy their roleplay rather then being forced to follow guidelines that just make no sense icly? Why should we be forced to be frustrated (The majority of the servers playerbase) to stop getting people upset about being robbed on GTA? Not everyone's perfect there is bad apples in the crim aspect of the server just like there is on the legal side / PD side of the server. It isn't fair to the rest of us who have put thousands of hours into the server just like others who have been here for a long time to have RP opportunity completely ripped from the server based off a small minority of players.
  16. Huge +1 this needs to be looked at and needs to be looked at now. This is killing criminal RP which is the biggest community in the server if all the crims leave / get banned due to rules like this what do you have left? PD would be useless and would be here for literally parking tickets. I don't think anyone wants that as we all know PD wants just as much action as crims. The main problem is everything PD does is deemed IC meanwhile if I rob someone in an ENEMY gang I get questioned and can possibly get a punishment for it? Where is the fairness in that? This rule along with the NLR rule need to looked at badly as these rules are literally freezing criminal RP I am actually scared to play the game and enjoy being a criminal and do criminal things because I don't want to have to be reported for every scenario and defend myself for literally playing the game. My gang has IC problems with other gangs and they think it is fine to come around us at gas stations and even at gang HQ's as literally there is an OOC barrier protecting them. Shouldn't we be able to RP as we please if I don't like a gang and I see them at a store or a gas station or anywhere for that matter why shouldn't I be able to rob them? My RP is that I don't like them do I really have to wait for them to go to a drug lab (which by the way no criminals actually use because now they are pointless with tables) to rob them? It's constantly restricting RP for criminals and we are bored and tired of being reported on a daily basis just for playing the game. How are official wars meant to happen? Something staff spent so much time making a whole new system and rules for with these new rules? If I can't rob other criminals except for at labs or chops how can problems arise? If we end up somehow fighting once and we kill the whole other side how is conflict supposed to escalate with NLR? It makes 0 sense should I really just forget that this other gang disrespected us? That's literally a whole chapter of RP gone from existence something that could have been a month long thing where everyone involved had fun. This just isn't the case anymore and its the reason you see so many people either not playing anymore or just going to PD because there is no criminal RP allowed to happen anymore. These rules were made for protection of civs and new players which I guess is understandable but for these rules to be used in Crim to Crim conflicts is absolutely ridiculous. The losing side will ALWAYS complain about this rule as long as its in play and will push alot of rule play and 0 role play. If that's what we want so be it but I don't think that's the case. Lets make some type of rule change to where if you're dressed as a gang member this rule cant apply for you as your a hostile threat to a gang wearing gang colors / masks / and having guns out. Or just get rid of it as a whole as its severely ruined RP for us. Don't dress like a Triad if you don't wanna be robbed like one. If these sorts of rules don't get looked at and addressed a big portion of the community is eventually going to feel pushed away and not want to play anymore. There is days where I don't even wanna login so that I wont get reported for something petty. Lets make crim RP good again please hear us out as we all want to be able to have fun and right now we cannot. We don't want the server to be a PvP server we just want to RP our stories out in a realistic manner and not one that is forced on us.
  17. nah I 100% agree with you robberies of civs shouldn't be happening at least not in open places but I still think if you are in a gang my gang doesn't like or if we have problems with you that if I catch you at a store with a gun i should be able to run down on you. Look at places with gang violence people will rob people on sidewalks or in front of stores. Does it get excessive on the game? Sure but at the same time if criminals cant rob other criminals except for at labs that people don't even use anymore because of the new tables then it completely ruins a major portion of criminal RP. There is a reason criminals wear masks to avoid being caught by things like cameras etc. Criminals have lost alot of potential RP over the past few months and this is why you see so much tension as of recent on the criminal side people are bored. They don't have a job like PD to keep them entertained for the day. We need some old things to come back and some new things to be added or crim RP will eventually get ruined. With no crims it leaves cops with nothing to do but catch petty crimes or just giving speeding tickets. It's something that needs to be talked about and actually looked at on a broader scale and looking at things like this rule and the updated NLR rule is definitely a start
  18. This rule has effected gang conflicts as a whole at the same time. I agree that civs shouldn't be robbed for no reason as it gets ridiculous. But at the same time if im at war with a gang or having constant conflict and i see them at a store by themselves there is no reason i shouldn't be able to rob them. It gives gangs basically a continuous NCZ around them which i think is unacceptable. This rule needs to be relooked at for criminals in general dont want to be robbed dont join a gang it comes with the gang life. Also Jay if that crim character doesnt have at least 50 days played over those 3 years i wouldn't count that. Being in a big gang is a lot different then being your average criminal committing petty crimes. Im not sure what gangs that character has been in as ive never met them but for someone playing strictly crim for over a year with almost 100 days played i can tell you rules like this are slowly deteriorating the crim side of the server and almost every single criminal can agree. Change needs to come and it would be nice if PD members would look in from our side rather then thinking all of us just play to shoot and don't have consistent RP to back the reasoning for our actions.
  19. mikebumbum

    House Locks

    you have to be the owner of the house to give people perms to use it. if its not under his name he doesn't scriptly own it
  20. the rule does need to change for crim on crim robberies as i shouldnt be in constant conflict with someone but cant rob them at a store.
  21. The story is just from his perspective i wouldn't take it to heart. More Blood has of recent been alot more involved in the war with 10-20 of their members always with us and they also weren't named. From his perspective you guys haven't been involved as of recent which i think most of us have seen. Anyway great stories guys and great faction in general constantly good interactions with this group every single day!
  22. can we please stop with the trying to make it okay by saying because its a bullet proof car it should be blown up by a mini gun lol can we also stop saying it was the commisioners car so it was okay to spawn a gatling gun truck to blow up his own car it just makes no sense
  23. cops need to fear that they will harm ''innocent bystanders'' in pursuits and shootouts just like we have to fear being seen by ''innocent bystanders'' while robbing people 2 different types of rules that cant be compared because in reality a criminal whos shooting people or running from police wont care about hurting civs and a cop would care about hurting/shooting an innocent person and wouldnt just go rampant through the city just to catch the person and arrest them the comparison i would use is if a criminal is flying down the sidewalk and hits into a ''pedestrian'' would a cop realistically follow on the sidewalk and run the same person over again just to keep up on a chase or pit a criminal or shootout their tires? no they wouldnt they would try to approach the situation carefully and not harm more people
  24. they feel good about arresting people thats what they get for winning and the longer they put someone in jail the better it makes them feel i just got put in jail literally 6 hours for a decent sized crime i guess when in reality i should have probably gotten 3 hours but i talked shit to the cop so he gave me any and every charge he could even think of in the minute he decided what he would place on me But again as all police think its just an IC issue clearly even the commander doesnt realize his factions RP isnt as good as he thinks
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