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Everything posted by Vez

  1. my bf400 spawned in as a rapid gt when i retrived it from mors also.
  2. +1 some of these bans are justified but most aren't, when the anti cheat flags a person, thats when devs/ senior staff should go through their logs and try to find hard proof of at least one or more instances of the player cheating, hard proof no stipulations. This could be done in multiple ways, logs of shootouts with their health/damage they have dealt to other players. Also there could be a way to look into people using an esp too, from what I've heard the majority of people using esp are abusing the hunting for quick money, admins could look into the amount of time people are killing an harvesting animals and if there is many instances of them finding these animals too fast/right when they spawn then it could be deemed using esp. but all these people being banned and no proof being given in their punishment's appeals is not right. its like throwing someone in jail irl, with no proof backing and it needs to stop and proof needs to be found before the ban not after when they are trying to appeal their ban.
  3. +1 would also fix the annoying issue of having to drive all the way to mechanic to get mods to work especially if you code 0 in a chase you cant get those mods back and are left at an disadvantage would no longer be an issue
  4. keep grinding boys, good post
  5. Vez


    i would like to mention, they also already had a helicopter on us for masks and detectives and swat, this shit cant get any more un realistic.
  6. +1 many people replying with a -1 are legal workers and dont have to go through this so they wouldn't understand how it works in the crim aspect, if you try going undercover to get some heat off of you by other gangs and you dress up like a random in like a warrener like i have done multiple times, people look at your XP and know you dont actually only have a warrener and you are just trying to hide your identity for some reason so they will ask you to take your mask off and all this, there really is no way to prove someone uses it to MG but in crim aspects it can be MG a lot more than you guys would think, probably even by PD too it doesn't even have a benefit to be on the scoreboard other than to flex your xp which doesn't really give you an advantage at all besides salary, also it wouldn't affect people buying vip, you dont buy vip to flex your xp in the player menu you still get the benefits even if xp didn't show, you would still be able to see your own xp with /stats and would still get same salary benefits, so if you buy vip to flex in player menu, you're buying vip for wrong reason anyways.
  7. +1 doesn’t make any sense why it’s there anyways you should just have to type out the suspects name
  8. Vez

    New Vehicles

    +1 give the Novak some competition with the Toros
  9. yes it happened to me on Tuesday and yet no one has even said anything about me asking about it, hope you get help im still waiting for my money days later
  10. "THE RV" The day starts off slow as the brothers "Jay" and "Conner" search for something around town to get into, while talking to some close friends they get informed about how an RV could be a really good investment they decide its worth a shot because it inst that expensive they each throw in 50k and buy a RV to share They each go into their houses and grab a bag full of plants, after that they make a trip up to the chemical store in Conner's contender and completely fill the trunk and crates full of supplies They get to a remote location to stash the RV away and they start slaying away for hours of cooking many different kinds of drugs and taking breaks in between to socialize with some of the boys sitting outside After long hard hours of cooking they have decided to call it quits for the day they decide on spending their money earned on some more heavy weapons so they hit up their contact and secure a few more heavy guns with the money from cooking, all is good no more war just time to make money and keep collecting these heavy's
  11. What an original name...HAHA you just threw diamond in the name, good luck tho trying to hold onto that name
  12. Good change, but you said it is the main form of criminal rp for many which is correct because drug labs are now fucked, and chopping cars is fucked due to the 2 hour despawn timer, robbing people is basically the only thing we can actually do efficiently as criminals now, now we can’t even do that rp has been so boring this week bring back the old drug system
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