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Everything posted by CaesarSeizure

  1. -1 The manual review process serves also as a dam that stops a big chunk of players from just joining the server all at once. Without it, the staff would be swamped with people breaking the rules, people bypassing bans due to ease of access. Having manual reviews is not just about English skills, its also about filtering out people who understand the rules and are here for the RP and not just GTAO.
  2. I feel that right now the speed limits of 70-110-130 are too low for how much traffic the city has. If you drive the speed limit you basically have to stop at every intersection (every other if shorter distance) and it just doesn't make sense to have to stop so often. With a higher speed in town you could avoid having to stop so often at traffic lights in town and outside of town or highways you can travel safely faster than the current speed limits, as again, there is a lack of other traffic.
  3. +1 i actually thought that a CK was a big deal, basically losing your character because - you die. If this had consequences, like losing your jobs, ranks, assets and just getting to recreate the character (with XP) in tact, it would be really good RP wise and would add the element of death to the RP.
  4. +1 there needs to be some RP involved, rather than pressing I and taking stuff.
  5. +1 could make casino parking lot the 2nd parking spot
  6. I understand where this is coming from. Though maybe instead of accelerating your review, have some weekly check in for people who have applied, could help weed out the people who have applied a couple of weeks ago and at this point have already lost interest, but since you cannot withdraw your application and honestly wouldn't care about withdrawing it, you could have less applications of people who potentially get approved and never play (though this might not be the case and i am sure that lead admins have this info on how many people never come online after being approved).
  7. +1 this could add some interesting RP
  8. I am fairly new to the server (around 1 month or so) and one of the things that stands out is how excessive mask usage is. It just doesn't make RP sense that a bunch of people gather around LSB/MD with masks on for no reason, other than to protect their identity most likely due to some criminal activity. Masks should be made either illegal and punished by a fine from the PD OR be a server rule regarding masks in NCZs. Same as you shouldn't be waving your gun around in NCZs, you shouldn't be covering your face 24/7. Edit. As people are suggesting, this should only impact full face masks.
  9. Oh ye, there is that rule, but in that case you could at least mention question number or something, or contact someone from the quiz team/responsible people directly. Though his response that all questions are bad tells more about him than the questions.
  10. +1 Though maybe they should also look at the possibility to change the way it works. Maybe if only 1 DCC is on duty, allow people to take out Citybee (in every location or at least out of town). During the weekend i had multiple times where i was the only person on duty, and taking a guy far up north really takes time, while in the meantime 3-4 requests in the city go up.
  11. Maybe you should post the question(s) from the quiz that you think are bad? Maybe that would give some light to what you think is wrong. And the questions are pretty easy, most don't even require to have spent much time on the rules.
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