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Everything posted by SoloSmith

  1. I totally understand your frustration. I personally consider it very lame, especially when they are targeting new players. I've suggested a rule change previously, to put an XP limit on robberies so new players aren't exploited but nothing as such yet. It really sucks to lose your hard work but imposing limits on it would be unrealistic. As others have said, the real problem here is that robbing farmers is one of the most profitable options for criminals at the moment. Stick to trucking or something for the time being. Fishing used to be a hotspot for mugging and crime, now it's deserted 90% of the time. As the drug system is fixed and more options become available for criminals, I expect much of the hostility surrounding farmers to go the same way.
  2. None taken. I really do not care about my characters financial situation. I don't care about the cars he has, the useless house he owns, it's nice fluff but that's all it is. What I do care about? RP. You are not leasing cars in Eclipse, you own them. So that mutes your initial point entirely. Same with houses, they are not rented or under mortgage in Eclipse, you own them. I am against it because the system in rushed, has metagaming and powergaming scripted into the damn thing and brings nothing to the server but allowing a handful of players picked by someone (who may not even have good RP standards themselves) to run around killing people with a cool gun.
  3. No. There is too much fail rp in this server to warrant CK's. They should be optional and voluntary at all times. A CK isn't a name change. You don't keep assets. You don't keep experience points. The character is deleted, gone, everything they own, gone. Eclipse does not have the RP environment to support CK's at this time. There are literally 1000 different things that could be added to improve the server and the RP. The hitman faction is not needed, it brings nothing to the server in its current state, and introducing a crazy system like CK's just to make it work is pointless.
  4. This makes 0 RP sense and 0 realistic sense. You can't force people to lose cars or even bank balance when killed. The fact the Hitman instantly succeeds in extracting cash from the bank is powergaming. I understand the intention, to create a worthwhile punishment for getting killed by a hitman but breaking RP rules to do so is unimaginative and counter-productive. There is also 0 risk to the Hitman outside of prison time, and we already know that means nothing to most people. They should have to buy the guns and equipment. Want a bigger cut? Try it with less gear. Want to ensure the kill? Buy more expensive stuff.
  5. This system is rife with powergaming and metagaming qualities. I have no idea who thought this system is a good idea. You cannot add 4 hour prison sentences and huge fines to enforce a higher level of RP and then introduce a feature like this, it's chalk and cheese. It is further increasing the divide between the different types of RP'ers you have in this community. Do the devs and founders even speak to each other? From my perspective, it doesn't appear they do. Please explain to me how it makes RP sense that the person placing the hit contract is completely infallible in this entire situation? They have no chance of being discovered by other players, the victim or the police. Likewise with the Hitman and this "director", if every exchange is done out of game, it's broken as hell. There is no risk for the Hitman Director, the person placing the hit or the hitman in this entire situation. It's ridiculous lol Selling cars & houses, joining factions. That stuff is accepted because it doesn't harm anyone. Using OOC methods to play an IC hit contract is absurd. Was probably a lot quicker and easier to make the system on the panel, no other reason why it would be done that way. Where does the initial 100k go? So I pay the director 100k to kill a guy, the hitman kills him, then the 100k is taken out of his account. Does the initial 100k just vanish? How does the hitman get your bank card if he kills you from 100m away? Not to mention the other security methods on withdrawals. I have run a small Hitman faction in the past. The vast majority, 80% of the RP, is in the initial meet, the creation of the contract, the demands from both sides etc. That has been completely removed with the OOC method of placing the contract. This is DM with imaginary justification from a source nobody can verify. Honestly, this feels like an admin playground rather than an actual RP related feature.
  6. I think there's other ways around it. Shit cars should still be relatively easy to steal. The server needs more money sinks. Let people purchase security upgrades for cars. 1-3 tiers, each tier is more expensive and makes it harder to steal.
  7. Make it so people can only get fined once every 24 hrs per camera or something along those lines. In regards to stealing cars, with the current system speed cameras wouldn't work. People steal cars to drive to Mors and other stupid shit, there's no really decent reason to steal vehicles 90% of the time as they can't be sold, easily tracked etc. For speed cameras to work, stealing cars should be a lot harder.
  8. Not really topic related? But on that point, hold the non police to the same standard? lol
  9. I do like this idea in moderation. There are a lot of areas where speeding is really dangerous. Around PD, MD. LSC, Bayview, Weazel etc. Areas with heavy population. A few cameras in these locations would be nice.
  10. The prison bus we use is really buggy. I've had people stuck inside, not been able to get in, it's weird. We do RP escorting prisoners in some circumstances, but not all the time. Typically for larger scale crimes. Even if we're in a cruiser, you're still free to attempt an interception.
  11. As it stands right now, +1 to this. Criminal life is all about risk vs reward, that's as true in GTA as it is in reality. There is no further reward for criminals in the latest update, just a TON more risk. Massive jail times (which I really like but again, not right now) and now losing mass amounts of money too. You are crippling criminal players which is going to lead to further boredom and frustration, which is going to cause conflict between certain factions on the server. I don't like the fact everyone drives around in supercars, or people commit stupid crimes because they are bored. But this is not the best solution.
  12. Adding to this. Same situation, same spot, same people, same bug.
  13. I like the idea but I'd rather move towards something that creates RP. Add the ability for donators /VIPs to advertise through Weazel at no cost. So they get the free announcement like they do now but they have to RP with Weazel along the way. And it creates a quality barrier between the advert and the public. VIP or not, seeing shit like "selling weapons for mass murder" is irritating as hell. Changing the names seems like a quick and easy improvement so +1
  14. There are not enough active officers in the LSPD, dividing at this point will do more harm than good. There's nothing the Sheriff's Department could do that the LSPD could not. The crimes up North are just the current "meta" just because of the server features in the area. Just like the Pier used to be a haven for muggings and other crimes. Even if there were enough people to make a Sheriff's Department, the time and effort it takes to make one and have it functioning correctly isn't worth it. The new factions update could see a massive change to the central location of criminal activity, making the scripting and man hours put into the SD a waste of time.
  15. Well, hopefully that's one less person I have to piss off daily :D I would like to point out, although this is RP and all that, the rules and laws are not the same as they are in real life. Just in case anyone has the same idea :D
  16. Hi Ben. I understand your frustration with the happenings at the PD recently, I've tried to explain it to you both IC and OOC but it doesn't appear to get through. I'll try again. While I understand under traditional means it would not be illegal to park somewhere that isn't obviously sign posted or painted to show that. However, this is a game, there are restrictions and people need to understand what we are trying to do. We cannot add signs or do anything like that without the developers doing it. At the moment they are working on big things with factions and criminals. The PD is able to function at the moment so our additional requests are "fluff", not priority to a small team with lot of work to do. We've requested more signs but until then, we still have to tackle the problem at hand. We cannot and will not ignore problems purely because the team has yet to put in a few signs. It's a matter of respect IC'ly and OOC'ly. We are trying to keep the area clean and tidy for the benefit and safety of everyone in the area. In a perfect world, sure people should be able to park around the PD in the areas opposite and such but that's not viable right now. The last week I've spent 90% of my time at the PD asking people to move, not park etc. It's not fun, it's frustrating, very little RP and just pisses people off. The area surrounding the PD needs to be pristine, both for realism and new players. It's often atop the list of places to visit and when they visit it should appear to be a functioning department in a realistic environment on a roleplay server. That is not the case when it is surrounded by players. 1 becomes 2, becomes 3, becomes 10. That's literally how it works. When you get a group of bored players in an area, shit gets stupid. They get asked to leave, argue for no reason, and then get agitated when punished IC for ignoring an officers command. We've had shootouts, car jackings, a bus killing 6 people, all because the area gets congested. We need to be proactive, not reactive, as such we try to stub the issue before it becomes a problem. Something that is difficult to do when certain members of the player base would rather argue with an officer IC than just do us a favor. Based on your principles we should just let the place descend into anarchy until signs are scripted it. I don't think so. Players need to understand and respect what we're trying to do and just park in the bloody parking lot. People are arguing for arguments sake. If this was just an IC thing, I could maybe understand, but you spent nearly 30 minutes PM'ing me about this OOC'ly, so obviously it's more than that. We are still lobbying for new signs to be put into place. Until then I simply ask for your understanding on an OOC level to not become part of the problem and instead understand what we're trying to achieve.
  17. Yeah, it is abused. Obviously it's up to the faction. Just figured additional security to keep things out if it gets hairy.
  18. I believe Biggs had gates installed due to similar problems of people just driving through and causing chaos. I patrol the area a lot and often see people speeding through at alarming rates. +1 to this idea. Would like to see gates in place similar to what Biggs has and maybe a couple of permanent concrete barriers/walls in place at leaders desired location to stop people ploughing through. If mechanics had the blockade ability it would work but they disappear whenever you crash, so I think some permanent options would work. Up to LSC though :D
  19. Account name: SoloSmith Character name: James_Forest Issue/bug you are reporting: When browsing the BOLO section of the MDC the two buttons at the end, I believe it's update/close, do not function. We are still able to do it with text commands so it's not a big problem, just thought I'd make sure you guys were aware of it. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: /MDC in cruiser or at station. BOLO Menu > Delete.
  20. Just wanted to add, I've seen a massive improvement in the last 24 hours. I don't know if you guys recruited more admins or what, but whatever changes were made, it's fantastic. I'm quick to complain but I'll give credit where credit is due I've seen more bans/kicks in the last 24 hours than 4 previous days combined, and more severe punishments too.
  21. I'm not sure what tools are available to admins in the server at the moment but I've seen very little in-game resolution to most of the RP problems I've encountered. There are people running around with personal cars that have non-RP names, the very lowest level of quality control in RP. I report it in-game, I'm told to post it on the forums. I try to RP with a guy that speaks entirely through /b and mixes OOC/IC constantly. People randomly shoot other people, blow up gas stations, nothing happens. Report in-game? Go to forums. Lol, Omg, Wtf - not really proper terms to use in RP, this is all over the place. I've made multiple reports in-game and every response is "make a post on the forums". While I understand this is a system that works, what's wrong with quickly spectating to check the problem first hand? It's your server, people are breaking rules, it's not the complete responsibility of players to police that. Then you encounter members of the PD and some of the community with a fantastic level of RP. There's no clear definition here. Is it meant to be casual RP, that's the impression I get as a new player. I'm not sure what the target level of RP is but if you want to improve the overall quality, you can't expect players to control the quality for you. While many people post reports, there's probably 2-3x as many that don't do it because it's a long and cumbersome process. Edit: Just read through the server rules - https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/threads/eclipse-roleplay-server-rules.258/ 95% of them are getting shit on. I've been here 3-4 days and I have seen nearly every single rule broken, multiple times by tons of people. Half the players I meet stand in total silence because they don't speak English. "Refusing to interact with other players in English will have you punished, repeated offenses may get you banned." The rules need to be enforced if they are expected to be followed.
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