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Angel Ceez

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Everything posted by Angel Ceez

  1. +1 would take away from the normal mundane look of the city.
  2. + 1 I agree with most here, scamming should be regulated in some form. TOO many people are making it a full time job scamming people and it just gets to be rediculous and not fun to be on the server. Scamming shouldn’t be banished as it’s great to establish a clean rep amongst players and develop a circle of trustworthy people but it should be looked at/somewhat regulated. You got people hounding High End Lot when it’s full to just try to scam people and also scamming new players who may not fully know the scam rules as these people lie to them about the rules, then they fill the high end lot with the shitty mid end vehicles they scammed leaving HE lot unusable for people trying to sell correctly and pay taxes. I feel like something has to be done or reconsidered as far as the laws around scamming. And also for those who have been scammed, make sure who you are dealing with has a clean rep ask around about them and ask the right questions. Maybe a real estate faction and more lots to sell vehicles will help.
  3. +1 since credits are OOC I should have OOC access to any credit vehicles across all characters under one account.
  4. Yea they would have to be expensive. Around or exceeding the price of a boat should be good. I don’t see too many boat owners around.
  5. I know planes are a no no due to desync but I know both PD and EMS have choppers. It would be nice to be able to purchase a helicopter and have use of the airfields, a civilian chopper with no mounted guns or artillery on it just another way to get around. DCC could do chopper tours and use choppers as a means of service to people in an executive fashion, vehicle shops can mod them gassing a chopper would occur at an airport/airfield. I’m not sure on the server stress it would cause but comment below on any better ways to improve this idea. Just a random thought I was pondering. Also the addition of a helicopter license would be required which should be expensive to get.
  6. They used to have supers as credit cars too. I know the etr1 was in there. They don’t have to banish cars just switch them up once n a while so people with credits got something to buy and let credit cars be tradeable with ONLY other credit cars to not destroy economy but give people the chance to get something they missed. +1
  7. Im just saying to occasionally add supers, sports any unique cars to the credit cars list. Like every month or every three months the list of credit cars change which might increase players to keep logging in and keep things fresh. Maybe they can rotate the entire list and add like a deal of the month or something. Due to current list standing so long, I am seeing a lot of sentinel classics around town and other cars as well it’s becoming monotone to see. There is not much variety in vehicles in the server it feels like but the game does offer a lot of cars to choose from. I’m aware of balance issues and I know the mods will make great choices in selections to maintain balance. This would give a fresh look to the server if more cash n credit cars were added. Comment below with any other ways to improve this theory.
  8. The aim would be to raise the wages to match current prices not to exceed them. I do see where you are coming from though.
  9. +10000 having this same issue, placing items is working just fine but picking them back up just says I don’t have permissions to remove furniture yet I own the home and am placing things without a hitch. Frustrating as I’m trying to sell a property and I want to keep my furniture! Hope a fix comes soon!
  10. price of ammunation guns went up, and the prices of houses seem to be uncontrolled on how the prices are skyrocketing upwards. The price of water/food is high. With all these prices being so high at what point is it considered to raise the earned income on everything? The cost of living in the server has gone way up but I don’t see the amount of money earned being increased. Faction jobs need a massive raise/restructure, civilian jobs need a raise, EVERYTHING needs a raise. It’s not fair that someone who is grinding gets rewarded with so little including criminal jobs. Now guns are sky high about 3x as much to buy. I suggest every job including civilian and faction jobs have a raise along with welfare getting a bump too. It seems unfair that everything around the city is going up but the actual earned income has not went up. Please leave suggestions below and how else we can improve the economy because right now the economy feels a bit unbalanced. Please note, I’m not suggesting everything be easily earned, in stating that all ways of income need a slight bump upwards.
  11. yes it would be within Roleplay reality. It has to make sense. No 1G mansions here lol!
  12. Or it should take the whole fare for the complete trip and if they don’t have the full amount it should put the player in debt with the remainder they didn’t have. +1
  13. Low end should be 0-50k, Mid End should be 50-150K, High End should be 150+ only. Too many times I see a 35k car taking up space at HE Lot why should that rust bucket be selling next to my sports car or supercar? Too much clutter at HE Lot to properly sell a vehicle in a fair amount of time.
  14. It’s a shame that a million dollar home interior looks the same as a 3g with dildos in the ghetto. Give us the ability to purchase new interiors for our homes. It would give us something to do with our money and we can purchase a fixer upper that has a horrid interior and change it like an investment. More interior options in general would be amazing. And also increase the storage of homes depending on garage size. Like a 1g would have 500 storeage and a 2g would have 750, 3g 1000, 4G 1250 storage etc. why should a mansion have the same storage capacity as a 1g apartment in strawberry? It would help people have incentive to buy a bigger home for more than just vehicle storage and looks. And while we are at it, why not be able to upgrade storage of houses too? Like every house comes with base 500 storage and is upgraded where level up the storage.
  15. Every glovebox should be able to hold at least one handgun.l or more or decrease handgun volume.
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