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Everything posted by Herbo

  1. As much as I think PD/SD are overpowered in some ways, I don’t think the Marksman Rifle is used enough or even utilized in a way where it’s OP. I don’t know if the creator of this thread has ever actually tried to shoot a Marksman out of a helicopter, but it is not easy. It is 10x harder then if you were to use a Carbine Rifle/SMG Additionally, the Marksman is honestly used pretty rarely amongst LEOs and only ever utilized in very rare situations as other guns are easier and more practical to use.
  2. The price on the door was dropped to 170,000
  3. Jamestown Street 64 $210,000 on door Comes with 1 200 storage safe along with a 500 storage house stash 415-2842 for offers
  4. If you have one and are looking to sell contact 415-2842
  5. It depends on what mods you're using whether it's OpenIV or Drag and Drop. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7LM8PDIwks&t=327s This is a link to a drag and drop weapon mod that some people use, I'd suggest making a ticket in the #technical-support channel of discord as there's more people that see that frequently and can provide better help. Feel free to message me on discord @ Herbo#9113, I can try to provide as much help as I can but I'm not really a master with mods. All mods are pretty fair game, you just cannot use Weapon Sound Mods or visual mods that give you advantages such as removing shadows, rain, or bushes. If you're unsure I'd make a /report 1 In-game asking or ask on discord.
  6. +1 Add the tables back to North Lab & Sea Labs and fix the multitude of tables at Espian Island Lab that simply don't work. At Espian there's I think 3 or 4 "Crack" tables, out of those 1 of them work properly. There's 6 "Cocaine" Tables, and only 5 of them allow for LSD to be cooked like the normal tables, and there's 1 Marijuana Table that simply doesn't work. I think these should be fixed along with just adding a few additional tables to each lab. There's 3 labs that I'd say are genuinely used for cooking, that leaves 3 labs that are just rarely used. Add more tables and more diverse tables so people spread out across the labs and don't group up at the 3 labs.
  7. Herbo


    Bought, archive please
  8. Herbo


    415-2842 with offers
  9. Herbo


  10. What Alex said is 100% true, this isn’t a problem itself, it’s just a symptom of a problem within the server. It is quite difficult to get DM rights or even kidnapping rights against cops that come with actual RP. I’d say around 75-95% of cop killing, cops being held at gunpoint, or cops being trunked is as a result of them trying to arrest someone and the person pulls a gun and shoots or something like that, instead of an ongoing situation where they fully have DM rights to kill a cop or kidnap them. Additionally, I’d say about 80% of the time, kidnapping, killing, or shooting at cops is way more trouble then it’s worth, especially for gangs. Now this is not something I’m complaining about as it makes sense, if we shoot at cops or anything and even one person gets caught, for the next few days we have to be extra careful about anything as cops are on our ass. Now I added that last part in to just explain why a lot of times, criminals will just do an IA, as it allows them to get “revenge” on a cop for being a dickhead without them suffering any real IC consequences on their part or their gangs part. Also, like Homast said, there’s a good number of gangs that internally regulate the matter of making IAs and talking to police. Gangs will kick you from the gang for doing these things as it’s against their lore, so it’s not like every criminal in the server just makes IAs
  11. Herbo


    415-2842 for offers
  12. I feel like this suggestion is pretty simple, once you reach a certain rank within LEO or join certain divisions you get access to better weaponry which makes sense, some of those being the Bullpup Rifle Mk2, SMG Mk2, Carbine Rifle and Carbine Rifle Mk2, A Sniper, Grenade Launcher etc. Now all of these MAKE SENSE as you progress in ranks IRL you get access to being "rifle-certified" and you would realistically be able to use guns like the M4 and MP5 which these guns are modeled after. Now my suggestion is getting rid of the Micro SMG from this loadout, Now I know the server isn't exactly based on realism, but what LEO in IRL, specifically in the U.S. uses Micro Uzis which is what the gun is modeled after. It just makes absolutely zero sense for LEOs to be using Micro Uzis. Now I don't want this to turn into some "cops are so overpowered" type thread, just simply debating on why or why not Cops should have access to a gun like the Micro Uzi. It is simply used to take tires on vehicles and it can end pursuits in a matter of 5 seconds if someone with half-decent aim is using it. It just seems like it's on LEOs loadouts for no other reason then to give them another advantage.
  13. pretty simple solution ngl, get rid of the requirement to type RP to get them out and just make a strictly timer thing, then it’s always enforced and there’s no way to get around it
  14. I think in general it doesn't matter, anything you buy with credits should not be allowed to be rented out or anything of that sorts that you are making money directly from the item. It is basically RWT where you're trading an item you bought with real money for in-game money.
  15. Herbo


    i'm not even gone hold you, this is the ugliest 4g I done ever seen
  16. Honestly hope they undo the ban man, you were great to interact with!
  17. ads get posted all the time, you could also ask around ICly at places like Weazel or LSC and someone will probably tell you
  18. look at Yputi being a good admin @Osbornpromote them
  19. Herbo


    1 dollar, take it or leave it
  20. You can look at it that way, but I'd say about 90% of the people who make montages on the server, are people who have been here for MONTHS and are pretty serious and known players of criminal RP. These aren't just people that login to clap and get themselves banned, they're people with HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of XP. So what your saying is just blatantly not true. You just overreacting a lot my G.
  21. Gotta agree with Atlas here, while I see both sides and when I first joined the server I had the same mentality of "Oh the cop has no reason to shoot me so I don't have to fear for my life". But at the same time the rules are the rules so.
  22. Herbo

    Los Santos Triads

  23. this is something that’s been in development. The server only has 2 devs and they have lots of stuff to work on so this probably isn’t top of their priority as the character customization isn’t terrible. I like the idea of more customization tho and hope it gets implemented soon
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