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Everything posted by LucasMadrazo

  1. I think pick locking all doors should be a thing; some should take longer than others.
  2. +1 - I think this would be a great improvement to the Server.
  3. I personally think that opening some sporting associations would be really cool. It wouldn't be too hard to add and start with UFC or Eclipse Fighting Club (EFC) - Make actual divisions and weight classes for it - Make actual champions and maybe add in a Championship belt accessory for the Champions. I'm not too sure how you'd add in other sports such as Soccer, Basketball and Football but those would be amazing if it could be implemented. I know this is a hard idea to add, but it is only a suggestion, that I personally believe would add a lot of unique roleplay to the server.
  4. +1 I believe they should add an NPC that spawns when there's 2-3 or less cops online, that allows you to un-impound your car. In all honesty, I only suggest that because the people here wouldn't appreciate having an NPC un-impounding cars at all times.
  5. +1 - I believe this would be a good way to implement the new businesses and I think it is much needed.
  6. +1 this would be very good to see in game.
  7. LucasMadrazo


    Looks very nice, can't wait to see more RP, just a suggestion (that doesn't need to be taken ofc) but maybe centering the images could make the forum pop more. Just my opinion, looks great already
  8. looks very nice, can’t wait to see y’all more IG
  9. I think tweaking the prices would be good, but I think there should totally be a limit. There comes to a point where it's too excessive or expensive.
  10. My point still stands, it's honestly harder to remember someone's voice and mannerisms then it is to remember a face IRL. I don't know if you work or have to spend your days talking to people IRL, but I have meetings on meetings that I attend and I am expected to know each of them. Never have I had to recall someone by remembering their voices or mannerisms, that's just unrealistic. You guys are here preaching all these crazy ideas, but remember this is supposed to be Roleplay, meaning its supposed to stay on the baseline boarder of real life. In real life, if you see someone's face for the first time and you meet and they tell you their name; next time you see them, the only way to recall them would be their face, you wouldn't see them again and be like "oh I know that voice" or "oh yeah those mannerisms are familiar" - it's just not realistic to remember someone by those attributes, when the first thing a person ACTUALLY notices and the brain REMEMBERS is; 1. The Smile - The brain registers a smile as either very nice or awful, if they are just average then your brain will not recall the smile of that person too amazingly. 2. The Face Structure - The brain also registers nice or bad face structures. 3. Hair - The hair is also another tell that the brain uses to register/re-call people. In my opinion, if you have the time to remember the mannerisms and voices of people on an, ill say it again, ONLINE VIDEO GAME, then you really need to get a job or just go out and do something lmao.
  11. That wasn't old Eclipse, it was old SAMP NGG I miss you Harm, you were a great person, I had many memories with you in game with factions as much as out of game with admin duty. You are missed, have been missed and will continue to be missed. Hope you are having fun up there
  12. I think there's a request area for that, no?
  13. The visual would be weird for sure, but it's just realistic that you can push a bike. If anything you shouldn't be able to push some of these cars solo, but you still can, while not being able to push a bike, which is way lighter? Just doesn't make sense.
  14. Sometimes there just aren't the officers online to get people's car's out. Which honestly sucks for people in weird time zones. I feel like a system should be added in where IF there aren't any officers online or the officers online are not allowed to do that duty - Then there should be an NPC to something where you can un-impound it yourself, but when there is an officer that can work impound online and active; then it wont let you un-impound on your own. I think that's pretty simple.
  15. Welcome to the Roleplay community!
  16. So, I believe that there should be an easier way for the criminals to make and sell weapons. It seems like the only good way to do so is by buying from an official faction (who have "cartel" giving them everything for cheap) I think that there should be something put into place where you have to; 1. Work/Run for Materials, Driving from a decent distanced point A to point B in order to get the materials AND pay for them at the best price) 1B. This also allows people to sell materials in case they want to just run these points in order to buy the materials and re-sell them for a higher value. 2. They have to use the materials (THAT THEY HAD TO PAY MONEY FOR A LIMITED AMOUNT EACH TIME) in order to craft a weapon. 2B. Bigger weapons should obviously take more materials than others, and when doing these Material Runs you should only be able to grab a limited amount of Materials each time. EX: You drive from a point in Downtown Los Santos (Where you went to the point, pressed E on it so that there was a "Job" or "Situation" on the map) Once you have the Auto-Marker for the Situation/Job - Drive to the marker (maybe in Sandy Shores or Palomino?) where there will be another point At this second Point once you interact with it (click E again to purchase the materials) It will let you buy a limited amount of materials for that 1 run. Each Run should OFFER you 100 Materials for $1,000 (if you have the $1,000 in pocket cash or in the bank, you should be able to purchase the materials) If you'd like to keep getting more materials, you need to re-start by driving back to the original Point-A in Downtown Los Santos in order to start a new Material Run. If you'd like to craft a weapon using the materials, I think it should work a little like this; - 200 Materials = Accessories (Suppressors, Extended Mags, Etc.) - 500 Materials = Normal Pistol - 600 Materials = .50 Pistol - 800 Materials = Heavy Pistol - 25000 Materials = Uzi - 50000 Materials = AK-47/M4 - 75000 Materials = Sniper I also believe that you should implement a type of table that you can purchase from a inconspicuous character, which should be a Weapons Crafting Table, which you use to build the weapons using the materials.
  17. I agree that jail time is way too excessive +1
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