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Everything posted by pixiejewels

  1. Hello @OVERLORD Are you still having issues with the chopper fuel? If so can you please provide footage so we can attempt to replicate the issue?
  2. Hello @What99Name Are you still having this issue? If so is it only specific lighting fixtures, (and if so which ones?) or is this only happening in the 2g home and not other establishments?
  3. Hello @Garbo is this still an issue? If so, can you please provide footage of the bug or steps to replicate so we can get an idea of where the issue lies.
  4. Hello, is this still an ongoing issue or has this been resolved?
  5. This appears to have been resolved, however if you notice that the glitch is still happening, please re submit and we'll re-evaluate.
  6. Hello, are you still unable to move items when building?
  7. Hello, is this still happening?
  8. https://imgur.com/QhonLDZ https://imgur.com/SrPCG3S
  9. I believe this is no longer an issue as it is unreplicable. This will now be archived. If you are still having issues with this, please let us know and provide any evidence you can.
  10. I've just discussed with DCC command and this gate appears to no longer have issues. If there is still an issue with it please let us know and provide any evidence you can.
  11. When you begin fueling, the prompt comes up to use /finishrefueling. This prompt should suggest /stoprefuel instead.
  12. After watching the footage this appears to be more of a desync/timing issue and not a bug. This will be archived, however, please let us know if you are still having consistent issues and we will re-review the cause.
  13. For furniture with a small hitbox, please use the command /removefurniture. This should also be used for glass objects and flags as the hitboxes are difficult to find.
  14. This was just tested with the current group who controls this NPC. It is grayed out until they hit information and then they are able to buy.
  15. Other reports of this have shown that this is resolved. If you are still having issues with this, please let us know.
  16. This is not currently replicable. If you are still having issues, please let us know.
  17. I just tested this with two sandwiches at differing decay and they did not stack. If you find this to still be an issue with other products, please let us know.
  18. I just tested and these two items found in the misc section of the furniture store have huge hit boxes for their small size
  19. Seeds are intended to spawn above the table when crafted which is currently working as such. If you are still having any issues, please let us know.
  20. Hello, @Skengprostie Was this resolved?
  21. This is no longer replicable. If you are still having issues please let us know.
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