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The Underground

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The Underground woke up as a group and decided it was time for a fun day today. Occasionally a day off is always nice, so the search began for a police cruiser.

They had a quota of trying to steal one a day, as that had become a niche of theirs; but they wanted to do more than simple patrols and shenanigans. Today they'd decide to check labs, chops, and pretend to be cops! Pulling over multiple people, throughout the course of a few days, some jail sentences, and many cruisers; the group managed to steal quite a bit. Cars to chop, guns to use, and even some spike strips to prank with. The group set up and confiscated the drugs of many criminals, laughing as they hopped back into the cruiser and drove off into the sunset.


It was a constant cycle and is still ongoing, because there's one thing more valuable than money... and that's fun.
Sadly all good things come to an end each day, and theirs most often ended in the back of a cruiser.



Edited by Melody Valentine
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The Underground did a little digging to see how much planning it would take to hold their own event. Melody despised seeing so many bicycles unused and the skate park empty... So the idea struck her.
A BMX rally.

She reached out to her neighboring organizations, most notably 
The Black Disciples, and got her Event's License ready. Normally The Underground was totally against giving money to the government for anything... But this was the exception. They got together with their members and laughed, watching some of their own members get hurt while trying to attempt stunts on the half-pipe.  Not long before the event started, Black Disciples showed up and they all began to have fun; sharing their own bikes with everyone as well.


They all kept the medics busy with their antics and shenanigans, constantly falling off of their bikes and crashing... But everytime, they'd hop back on with their friends and keep pedaling. The event was a success, and The Underground couldn't have done it without the help of their friends.

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The Underground heard rumor of a new group arising in the city, dawning an all white set of clothing and cars. The Underground took interest in this group, calling themselves 313; she wanted to simply make friends and allies with newer groups. She approached them and gauged their ideas, their lifestyles, and their hopes. The group seemed very similar to Underground in it's earlier days, simply wanting to exist and have fun; but being punished and pushed for its mere existence. 

After some time, they called for a meeting. The all white group pulled into the Underground's HQ with a proposal. An absorption into the Underground.
The command talked it all over and decided as they aligned with the Underground's ideas and founding core values, that they would pick them up and hand them the opportunity to prove themselves. 

313 took this seriously, and immediately took action.
Melody heard of a lab explosion at Eclipse Towers from a dear friend and called for the group to come and watch her bike. Over thirty minutes passed... But the perfect storm happened.
An officer said that the lab was almost cleaned and cleared.  Melody noticed all of the officers at once began to holster their weapons and pile items inside of the TARV. The only armed guard was talking, distracted...

She hopped over the barricade and swiftly left the scene, surely to be chased. She radioed in that there was no chance she could escape, but she could get everything out. Quickly dropping all of the inventory of the TARV, she was spotted almost right after. She told her family to get the loot and to stay safe while she was gone in prison, smiling.

The group from 313, alongside another seasoned member, grabbed everything before Melody was taken out by a swift tire shot by an SD officer... She was caught with 35,000 dollars in fines and five years in prison, but it was well worth the hit.


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The day was quiet, an Underground day off. The Valentine Family was soon to leave The Underground, unknowingly to their command; but not before one last walk through the fire and flames. A prison guard with a name redacted from the manuscripts of The Underground's history would begin to tire of their antics and shenanigans. The man, brave, stood stalwart in his insults against them. Openly stating to their leadership that he would get the urge to draw a gun when he sees pink, Melody rallied the group quickly and passed out firearms with the dull pink light from their headlights all dwindling into the lifeless eyes of their rat masks.
They scoured the city in search of the man, only to find them sitting at the Sheriff's Department in Paleto. They waited, smiling wide. Shotguns and .50 pistols have always been their forte.


Quickly bumping them off the road and shooting out their tires, they swarmed the SUV and got everyone out. Taking out phones, radios, and bodycams; the group successfully kidnapped the man on the beach and drove him to a location a few miles away...


The group aimed at the man, letting him know he was to be a symbol of vengeance upon the totem of their values. Opening fire, the group laughed and regrouped back at their HQ swiftly.
The group spent their last moments of freedom with each other before Melody mentioned the body they had with them still, offering to turn herself in for the situation so the rest may go free. The family decided to rally together for one last ride inside of DOC, all being placed in Solitary cells next to each other.


The point was proven, and they giggled at the thought of what they had just done.

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The night was young and The Underground was talking in disgust of how the organizations of the city were being pressed by LSPD, and more specifically; the Detective Bureau. The group reached out to their friends in other organizations... They wanted to invest into a new, untapped market that has very seldom been explored. The calls and texts were simple. The Underground stated they had extremely rare merchandise for sale that they wished to offload whenever they readily acquire this merchandise.

They talked up their own product, smiling. One of a kind items, each worth an endless amount.
The city was angry at the thought of Law Enforcement and The Underground wished to do something about it in a way no one else ever had. It was time to start 
human trafficking. 

The Underground offered one thing to everyone...
The ability to purchase Law Enforcement Officers for their own entertainment, revenge, or whatever intent they may have.

The rat people in pink were here to stay, and selling this new product could be the difference between merely existing, or becoming heroes to criminals throughout the city.

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The Underground had to give their idea a test run, and it was finally time to begin their business. They called around, asking if anyone wanted to buy a Police Officer. 
The group had gained the trust of an officer by means unknown, and Melody played this right into her own hand. Initially planning to drug the officer, she decided to tap into the market of human trafficking to sell the man off. She gave him a call, smiling, and picked him up. Convincing him to simply hop in the back seat, she radioed for the buying party to ensure they were ready for the purchase.


The Underground swore an oath to only sell those deserving of what they believe to be justice, and being in any form of law enforcement was enough for them. It's unknown what happened to the man... Other than that he was allowed to live.

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While relaxing with a little of the Bridge Street Brotherhood, the Underground was invited to hit a bank in a spur of the moment endeavor. Black Disciples and The Good Family were invited in as well and the groups, with no less than forty people; arrived at the bank. With police showing up on scene, a small chase ensued and shots were fired from both sides.

The chase ended at Route 68's bank, where the massive group of criminals began to drill into the bank and hold their ground.


They chanted "Eat the rich!" over radio, and all agreed that either everyone would fall together or no one would. This was a push, a final stand, and a trial of accuracy and patience. The firefights ensued and multiple members of every organization were injured, and a member of The Underground even killed... But that was the day the criminals won. All of the responding law enforcement were killed in the hellish exchange of lead and metal; leading to only a single helicopter in the sky with no way to combat the killing floor below them.

The groups were victorious and smiling, bathing in the sheer cold of the triumph before them. The bodies were still warm, but their souls were on fire.


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The Underground's human trafficking ring was beginning to take flight and soar high. The rumors were spreading of an organization of rat people willing to sell those who've committed atrocities against humanity, and the others who were law enforcement. An anonymous phone call was dialed out to The Underground, needing someone quickly... They were ready within minutes.

Picking up Melody's hearse, The Underground readied a man who was formerly both Underground and the faction he was being sold to. Melody talked him into the car with Underground members on standby, smiling. She pulled her pistol from her glovebox, sighing as she pointed it at the man's head.


Delivering him to them for the things he had done in the past, selling him for a small sum; the man was used in a bank robbery for a fearless duo. While unsuccessful, it was a learning experience for both groups.
The Underground sat back and watched their merchandise being used appropriately and and laughed as it all happened.


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The rise of Tanner Joseph all started when he was down fishing at the pier with his cousin Brayden Rush after he flew in from a city called Detroit. They were both just enjoying themselves talking and listening to music while they were fishing. When out of nowhere came Melody, the leader of The Underground. She asked Tanner and Brayden if they wanted to help do a bank robbery. They both have never attempted a bank before and both said yes. The bank robbery ended up going bad and Brayden and Tanner instantly saw that the Underground cared more about eachother than money when they tried getting the cops away from Brayden and Tanner. It was at that moment that Tanner knew he had to join because of the lifestyle and outlook of Underground.

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This was it. The biggest thing they had ever done...
[REDACTED] were almost in place. Three of them at key locations ready to go, and they would make the perfect storm. The Underground passed the devil while walking around in their sewers, and they whispered soft nothings in their ears about burning the city down finally. The first phase was finally to start and they would issue simple demands against the government.

The Underground were not the 
vigilantes of Salvation, they were not the Robin Hoods of the Bridge Street Brotherhood. They did not seek out corruption in ways others have, and it was time for law enforcement to finally see the capability of those no one wanted. The capability of those willing to cause change by any means necessary. The capability of those willing to go to Hell by walking the path of good intentions.

The ends justify the means.

... But not before a party at 
Bridge Street 💚


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The Underground wished to grow their presence within the city, and came up with the idea of simply opening up their own shop... But without an illegal front. It would be new territory for them, but after applying and somehow getting approved; the group all sat in front of the newly acquired property and smiled. They went inside and began to lay the tiles and paint the walls, even putting up a few lights inside. 

The group would band together to begin the payments, and in celebration of it all; they called up some friends.

A fight night at Undergrounds HQ, underneath the overpass. Single fight eliminations and the winner would win a cash prize, of which a particular Valentine helped with. 
Some of the Bridge Street Brotherhood, a few of the Black Disciples, and of course The Underground all fought bareknuckle until there was only one person left to claim the prize.
Beaten, bloody and bruised, all of the criminals rejoiced at the night they had.


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The Underground was proud in it's awakening of ideas and philosophies that it once created and pushed. It was a hard lifestyle that wasn't for most people, and that's why the group always chose to remain small and keep it's integrity and ideology intact, as a single grain of sand could always tip the scales into an undesirable direction.

Multiple single-table ecstasy chemical-bombs were planted throughout the city within RVs. They contacted an ex member of the family, informing them that they wanted to meet up and discuss the bad blood between all of them. Melody put a gun to the man's head and informed him
"You are no longer a civilian, and as an ex member of The Underground, we're promoting you to Hostage. Congratulations."


Demands were immediately ignored by The Underground. Informing the many detectives and other law enforcement on site to not touch their getaway car; the demands were entirely ignored even with a gun to the hostages head. Disgusted at the actions, The Underground informed the members on frequency to begin the chemical mixing and leave the area for the vehicle to explode, potentially killing tens to hundreds of lives. The Underground knew that the hostage wouldn't be hurt, as the man most likely felt poorly by the police departments actions of knowingly endangering his life. 

The Underground doubled down on the bombsites, starting the second and giving police the location of the first to prove they were not joking. Scene management was set up on the first site, but they were told they were not believed by the police as they simply did not care for the actively smoking RVs and only wanted the hostage. Repeatedly discouraged and with morale broken, The Underground in their confusion simply attempted an escape with the vehicle they had initially planned upon escaping with, and after several minutes it was finally brought back. 

The light was fading fast as they attempted their escape onto the highway, preparing to set up an ambush and escape towards Paleto. The Underground members were swiftly halted in an extraordinary fashion by a seemingly indestructible set of blue barricades, of which were only destroyed after sending their car flying, totaling it and flipping it.
They were caught.


Why not value the lives of those they were sworn to protect and serve? A question The Underground wondered still to this day, as the oaths even their own criminal organization were upheld to the highest standard. They sneered and glared at the bars locked in front of them as they changed into orange jumpsuits, they realized swiftly that you cannot trust law enforcement to uphold even the vows they swore on their first day employed. 

The twilight shimmered through the fog of ill tempered hatred and gleamed forth a glimpse of hope.

Tomorrow is a new day, and this could only be an experience to learn from.


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It was a quiet day on Hawick Avenue - a usual hangout street for many organizations in the city, including the Torelli Crime Family and The Underground.

Approached suddenly by his old boss Melody Frey, Vince was asked to visit the Frey Bakery down the street, to see the new interior. Delighted, he complimented Melody on her excellent interior decorating skills. However, her parting message was one he would never forget:

"Remember that brown mouse mask of mine I gave you? You might want to start wearing it again."

Vince was given an offer too good to refuse - merge the Torelli Family with The Underground, and be assured a position of high command under Melody, with a focus on business and high class affairs. After considering the wishes of his family, and more importantly, his fiancee Grace Adams, it was clear that only one option remain - join The Underground.

It was obvious to people on the street that the Italian Mafia was back in the city; but this time, it came in PINK.



Example of an "Italian Rat"


Upon completing the merger, Vince Torelli, alongside Ryan Frey, were given an introduction into the world of Underground high command.

On a sunny afternoon on March 11th, they were brought out by Melody to the Hill Valley Church in Vinewood, to partake in the clandestine initiation ceremony.

As Melody said, oaths were for capitalists, except one - to never repeat what was seen at the initiation.



LSPD surveillance photo of the initiation, c. March 2022


A small bag containing around twenty human hearts was placed on the ground below their feet. The hearts of twenty or so members of The Underground who came before but failed. Perhaps it would become a snack of the mysterious "sewer rat" that allegedly caused the shutdown of the city's underbelly.

Whatever might become of the remains, it was clear that repeating what was witnessed at the meeting would jeopardize the safety of everyone in attendance. How the members died is unknown, but to possess this plethora of human meat would be equitable to murder in the eyes of the law. It was vital that their mouths remained closed.



LSPD surveillance photo of Underground members leaving the initiation ceremony, c. March 2022


That day, Vince became a made man. Not necessarily inducted into an Italian organization, but into his true family on the west coast - La Nostra Rodentia.

While the Torelli Family would exist in name and de jure presence around the city, the golden age of playing the criminal world 20th century-style was over. James Torelli, Jr. in New Jersey knew that evolution comes from adaptation, and that this merger would be the most viable option to preserve the presence of the mafia in Los Santos.

It was the age of ratty Italians, and the figurehead was none other than Vince Torelli. As for how long he can maintain the hustle is yet to be revealed, but if his hard work and dedication brought about by his tough Sicilian blood can say anything, it's that Vince won't go down without a fight, and won't go into the future without friends.

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Naomi finally got caught.  She knew the day would come, and her multiple bank robbery charges would bite her in the ass.  One day the law would learn not to transport her alone and easily removed from the DOC parking lot, and today was that day.  The bombs didn't go off in time, the highway was completely blocked, the car flipped and everyone surrounded.



Naomi had an 8 month sentence on the account of not being able to pay her fines by the whole of $1600, and a annoyed sigh came with the news.  An old friend from BSB, Ace Parker gave her a pickaxe, and she set to mining.  She got the stamps, lost them in a fight and repeated the process over and over going from the yard to stuck in a cell.


She made a half baked escape attempt, popping out the cell doors as a guard, left.  Laughing, as more doors were opened than she could have hoped, she ran around the parking lot, trying to find an open vehicle, but her luck ran out eventually.  DOC would get its due, and the fun would end.  8 months is a long time to think, and it gave her plenty of time to poke and prod at possible escape ideas in the future.  More than anything, she missed her family in Underground, and couldn't wait to be dressed in pink rather than an orange jumpsuit.





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Tom "Eris" Mathers was rather lost for the longest time after he had left Salvation. Salvation provided him a few of the things he needed to thrive at first. Order, a sense of authority when it came to those below him and a cause. But overtime, Tom had fallen out of love with Salvation and what it stood for. It became a rather small player in the underworld who were widely described as a "cult" more than anything else. The word on the streets wasn't wrong. They called their leader Messiah. The second in command at one point was Yahweh. The straw that broke the camel's back was the Command. Max "Messiah" Myers especially. While Tom would attempt to act as the liaison between much bigger fish than themselves, Messiah would act as if they were the biggest fish in the pond and dismiss them at any hint of hesitation. Ironically, the day he left was the day he was going to become High Command.

Tom attempted to seek purpose to no avail. Firstly, he attempted to go legal. A stable income and a safe purpose sounded like something that he most definitely needed. He worked at LSC for a bit, eventually having the goal of working at MD. "From fixing cars to fixing bodies." He would say. Weeks and weeks, months even of being clean and legal. He attributes the failure of this path to one man. John Styll. As far as he is aware, that's the man who threw a wrench in the gears of months of work and would eventually pay for what he'd done. But Tom had lost himself over time. His bank account drained more and more and he felt his mental state degrading bit by bit once again. Melody Rogers had made multiple offers to Tom to join The Underground over the time of its existence. Tom repeatedly denied said offers.



And then one day Tom had decided it was time to make a change. Tom decided to go Underground. After a couple days of talks with Melody Rogers, the Vice Admiral, he managed to get his recruitment meeting going. Ironically, in quite a Rooks looking uniform Tom followed Koda and Melody to Underground HQ. There, Melody would speak on the pair’s behalf. Melody ensured that Tom understood what he was joining, what he was getting himself into. Tom was fully aware by this point of what they had done and what they might do. While he didn’t fully agree with all of it, especially certain alliances. He was well aware of the chess game that took place underneath Los Santos between every organization and he was well aware that he’d have to make some concessions. So he agreed to everything Melody had said, pledging himself to the organization. 



It was time for Tom to be Underground. He smiled to himself and drove to the clothing store to get himself into uniform, as he was instructed. After a few minutes of looking through and trying on different outfits, Tom had found himself an outfit he thought suitable and one he liked very much. He looked in the mirror of the clothing store, looking himself up and down before finally looking at himself right in the… snout. He could imagine his grin glaring through the bottom half of the tan rat mask he was instructed to wear. Tom reached up and adjusted his jacket, chuckling in satisfaction. He was a part of something again. A mask meant more than anything in the world to him again. He had a purpose again.


Edited by AtlasOLimbo
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As Melody pulled over to the side of the road to check upon her fallen ally who had crashed, she saw knights clad in midnight blue armor brazenly pull forth their weapons and demand she leave.

A sense of grief arose from her spine as she crashed a bit down the road, grabbing her sidearm as the knight approached her and continued on. A chase was had and she was taken after a fight, with one of her own soldiers lives claimed within the process. She was taken, belittled, and their steeds destroyed in front of her. She sneered and plotted a vengeance against the queen of those knights, but alas; her kingdom was much smaller than those of 
blue and gold. 

She let it go, only to be attacked later for the sheer thought of returning the favor. She was with her own Robin Hood, which called in his fleet of like minded men and women to deal with the situation. She wanted to return the favor of the insults and attacks she had endured, however.


Burning the man who attacked her alive, she sufficed with her vengeance for then. However within the colony caves of her fellow vermin; The knights of blue and gold invaded the only castle they small group had with their own vengeance, claiming the life of yet another one of her vermin soldiers.


"And therein We had ordained for them: A life for a life, and eye for an eye, and a nose for a nose, and an ear for an ear, and a tooth for a tooth, and for all wounds, like for like. But whosoever forgoes it by way of charity, it will be for them an expiation. Those who do not judge by what Allah has revealed are indeed the wrong-doers."
-5:45, the Quran.


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The Underground's week had been a tough one.

Robbing banks, hitting stores, the occasional shootouts, and being hunted by Royals all had them on their toes... But it was time for a day to relax. Melody got some of the funds from their treasury and took the group out for nuggies and burgers at the local BurgerShot. The group acted like excited children on the way there, stopping and chatting constantly.


She ordered some of the Underground members food and served it to them, laughing along with them and smiling. She bumped into a friendly face by the name of Curtis Ashcroft, who asked if the group wanted any "extra lettuce" with their order...

She met him out back, purchasing his stock for the group to help with morale. After the group was done, she laid the blunts out onto the table and passed them out. Although she didn't smoke, the rest of the group did; and it was a nice way to end a trying week. They reached the clouds in the alley behind the fast food joint and laughed about it along the way.



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Tired of the day and stressed still from recent events, an unknown Underground member was hurt at their Headquarters from simple tomfoolery as per usual. Upon taking them to the hospital, Police Officer Sayaka Yukimura noticed a firearm on the back of one of the Underground members. 

The group sneered and planned to get him out, but alas; they were too little too late...
Some moments later, the same officer arrived to pull them over yet again.
"Gang affiliated" she said with a tone in her voice. The group was given the order to try to hold the officers in the car up and to kidnap Sayaka. The world never works as planned, and as so they backed up and began to flee. The Underground opened fire and fled after injuring the officer in question.

Chased down and forced to fight, they landed in prison and almost immediately ripped a gun from a prison guard's holster, using him as a shield for their shenanigans.


With the small wall of Underground members and the guard in their possession, they demanded that the three be set loose and in return; Melody would stay behind to turn herself in.

The three managed to escape temporarily while she stayed behind, unloading the man's gun and being escorted to solitary...





The escape, however; was short lived and only to serve its purpose in its failing. While she could get them beyond the gates of Hell, it quickly became apparent that the sky was haunted by the oppressors of The Underground; ultimately leading to the hunt coming to a close for the three escapees.

"The End of Time is near; yet you waste your life in amusements and vanities"
-The Quran 53:58-61
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The Underground met at their headquarters underneath the highway and demised a plan they all chuckled about.
"This time let's show the city a fun time!"


The group was known to be massive producers of ecstasy; their only main trade other than human trafficking. They crushed up some pills and slipped the finely ground powder into multiple cups of coffee... It's only ecstasy, no one could really get hurt from it, right?
Early in the day, the first cup was given to an unnamed detective near the Department of Corrections and it is unknown as to if the person took it or not... But later that night, The Underground landed a two-for-one-special.


The Underground laughed as MD pulled up onto scene, giving small chuckles and quips amongst their small group. A Department of Corrections guard and someone in the Sheriff's Department were given coffee back to back and both began to break into a sweat...


Very soon after the two had "dancing pills" in their system, the Sheriff's Department quickly detained and searched one of The Underground's members and found nothing more than a few plants... She smiled as she was let go, but she had a sneaking suspicion that this would not be the end of the situation.


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The Underground's fight night was a unique event and was a welcome one for the organizations surrounding them.

They invited all of their neighboring organizations that they were friendly with, equaling a little over thirty people arriving. The winner was promised a sawed-off shotgun, but due to unfortunate circumstances; they were offered a Combat PDW instead. The fights were long, well fought, and fun overall for all parties. A little minor trash talk here and there, but in the end there was only one winner.

The final match saw a member from each primary faction that arrived. 

A fighter from 
The Black Disciples.
A fighter from The Bridge Street Brotherhood.
And a fighter from The Underground.

Ultimately a fighter from 
The Black Disciples won the grand prize in a triple threat match for the ages!


And after the event and all of it's fun ended, they sat quiet in a meeting... Change was coming in a storm. It was time to step back from the light hearted shenanigan crew they were.

It was time for them to rise into something better than themselves. It was time for them to become a new Underground.

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