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put some objects/barriers around the crash zones

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to my surprise there are known crash zones, my suggestion is fairly simple:
put some barriers or other objects around them, so people can recognise them.
doesnt even have to be "air tight", just easy to spot.
would save the admins work too, since less people to respawn a vehicle for?
keep it up, loving it so far.

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they don't need to be "air tight", just a visual reminder, a few barriers would do, you would be able to drive around if it doesnt affect you.
for me it isnt always, but I did crash a few times next to cars that where all on the same "line".

Edited by Pear78
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1 minute ago, Adrian Johnson said:

Stop being arrogant only thinking about yourself.

However i never crashed before, but ever since all those new players have come i crash basically everywhere at random times.

...point being, as far as I see those crashes are happening only to SOME players, I crash like 1/10 times while my friend crashes 1/3 1/2 times at those spots, there has to be a solution just blocking roads is not one.

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1 minute ago, SkylineGT said:

...point being, as far as I see those crashes are happening only to SOME players, I crash like 1/10 times while my friend crashes 1/3 1/2 times at those spots, there has to be a solution just blocking roads is not one.

I agree to the point that blocking the roads is not a solution, but yeah developers should rather find out what causes people to crash there and all in all find out why people start crashing at random spots at random times, alot of people i know also never crashed before like me, then we were up to 250-300 players online and we crashed everywhere at random times.

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