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Storage of Crates, Bags, and Briefcases

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Currently, the way players take advantage of storage capacity within items such as crates, bags, and briefcases is pretty broken and extremely unrealistic. While I know this has been a problem for a while now, recently we've been seeing a lot more of drug labs exploding in people's houses or apartments.


It's been highlighting a problem where people will store 20-30 bags / crates / briefcases inside of eachother which just seems super unrealistic and an easy way to hide items inside of eachother. Personally, I find it super unrealistic when I'm searching through a crate, only to find 30 more crates with crates inside of them, and then maybe getting to something with other materials inside.


Overall, I understand why people do this, but I genuinely think there's a better way to handle this rather than encouraging people to store items inside of each other.

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Considering you did not provide a suggestion, I will just drop my own.

Allow for drug materials to stack

The current system does not take into account that an item is 0.5 and 20 items of 0.5 weight, dont add any weight. Allowing for all 0.5 items to stack, would completely eliminate the need to stack storage items. Your materials would stack to the capacity of the storage item, meaning it would also influence its overall size that is required for storage (making stacking impossible) and would generally allow people to use storage as needed, rather than relying on stacking storage.

It makes no sense that i can stack 200 units of drugs vs not being able to stack drug materials. Food/water/ores/oil/drugs/fish/etc all stack, and I think that the most fair and balanced approach would be to allow for drug manufacturing materials to stack as well, rather than them being split items.

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