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First Suggestion: Aircraft Pilot Job

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As title states, my suggestion would be aircraft pilot job. This could be similar to a taxi driver but could ferry larger amounts of clients to and from airstrips/airports on a regular basis. Both planes and helicopters could be used for this service as a quicker albeit more pricey way to travel around the map.


Helicopters will have more freedom and can possibly charge a fare for the distance traveled, much like the taxi. They could either be company owned or independently operated based on if the player has purchased a helicopter for themselves.


One possible limitation is the amount of airfields there are in the game as there are only two major airfields and the small Mackenzie airstrip. Planes could travel to and from Sandy Shores and LSIA on a regular flying schedule with more than one pilot flying at a time. Maybe, there could be a civilian job in Fort Zancudo that requires a regular flight in from LSIA. Another limitation would be player flying skill because they might crash and kill the entire flight aboard or damage the aircraft on landing.


Sorry for the wall of text!


EDIT: I apologize for posting in the wrong section, didn't look closely, thanks for moving to the correction section.

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Thanks for suggesting this, we'll discuss this further upon a later date. I like the idea, it would definitely take time to fly planes across the state. One thing, I think passengers should be peds or non-existant, regular players wouldn't often use this as they could also drive across the map and having 20+ players occupying a plane at all times is unlikely. Helicopter tours might make sense as well, though I find just renting these vehicles can have the same effect (on price too).

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Pilot would be awesome, being able to charge much higher rates. Have fuel supplied by one of the other economy industry's. Helicopters could pick up from almost any location, whereas aeroplane pilots will have to be skilled to pick up passengers from weird locations. Could be awesome! I'm all for it.

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Make it that the job isn't to fly passengers maybe, and instead the job is to fly cargo planes?

This would do so get a crate loaded into your plane and then have to fly it accordingly to your route.


I just think it would be smarter for the job to fly objects instead of passengers as I don't see it getting used very often if it only fly passengers / players.

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Make it that the job isn't to fly passengers maybe, and instead the job is to fly cargo planes?

This would do so get a crate loaded into your plane and then have to fly it accordingly to your route.


I just think it would be smarter for the job to fly objects instead of passengers as I don't see it getting used very often if it only fly passengers / players.


In my opinion passengers should not be players but just a number. Not actual players. It could be like that but with the possibility of carrying players too. But again not just players.

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In my opinion passengers should not be players but just a number. Not actual players. It could be like that but with the possibility of carrying players too. But again not just players.


I like that idea, it's like flying players just that they are NPC's that "boarded" your plane.

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I agree that NPC passengers with the option of actual player transportation is the best option. I have a feeling not many people would be using the pilot transport system to make it worthwhile for the pilots. Maybe a better rate of pay for transporting actual players because of the rarity? Also having multiple types of jobs for the pilots would be a better incentive for them, as @Marc suggested a cargo transport option would be great!

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Wow guys, great additions to my suggestion! The cargo job would be incredibly useful both legally and illegally(heh). And my original idea was to just ferry players who didn't want to drive all the way to sandy shores or zancudo or something. Using NPCs is a really good idea though. I think helicopter pilots would benefit hugely from this job, especially with the Cargobob. Can't wait to see what the developers come up with!

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