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The Lost MC

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💥The Return  The shot ⦿ The near miss

Hugh once wore a patch, that was his pride, that was his identity. He got it from Adam, more than half a year back. It didn't just grew on him, it stuck hard, evolving with 'Enforcer' patch. But after one drunk and drugged out night he woke up with his cuttie torn, a bottle up his ass and a note "You're done" stapled on his jaw. He just knew he fucked up, so he found his bike and left the state. 

He tried making ends meet elsewhere, finding various jobs as a trash-collector, mechanic assistant, but it was just not the life for him. So he decided to go back, because in his eyes it has always been ride or die.


Hugh came back to Stab city.

Many things changed, and there were no members he really knew, so he decided to help anyone he can in the way he knows best - selling some straps with ammunition. One member really needed the money and had a gun that he needed to sell. Hugh dug up his old contacts and one picked up, sealing the deal.


Handing over envelope with 11 grand inside.

He found out that a very old prospect that he knew a little ran the club now. He was in good terms with old refuge H. Club president and other high ranks welcomed the old member warmly and said that he can stick around, and that there is a decision to be made here. Obviously the club was doing great and the club didn't need Hugh as much as Hugh needed the club. But due pleasant welcome he decided that he has a living chance to get back in.


Hugh talking with President eye-to-eye

So the wait has begun. Hugh was very nervous while he waited for the verdict, he haven't slept for more than two hours each day, and it was starting to get to him. On the fourth day he started boosting his mood with amph, so he would be still functional, taking few sniffs of the dust every 3 hours.
Hugh became in good terms with most of the crew, even few new hangies. He met a hangie named Costa, who gladly accept a challenge to a fight.


Outcome of the fight

Hugh enjoyed the fact that the club is doing well, and just received the verdict - he can try for a patch, starting off as a hangaround again. He slept for 3 days straight, like a baby. Now he's back on the sanded corner of most bad-ass low-lifers place, trying to earn his way back in.



Edited by Qumran
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Bald heads . Return of the business . Ghost from the past .

Hugh got caught by surprise by the return of his uncle. Someone relative, someone close is back to Hugh's life. He didn't hesitate, he gave the best for his uncle, buying him a new bike. In return he exchanged it for Daze's hair and his old moonbeam, which Hugh used to do business with. Things would be looking up for the old biker.


Hugh cutting Uncles' Dazes' hair

He quickly noticed that there were more bikers around the city, as he met one by the city mechanic hive. Hugh had a good chat with the Diablos, but as they were a non-criminal MC, and they were proud of that - Hugh had no real interest in them, just trying not to start a beef. Ex cops, cops, DOC's, and all other badge wearing shmucks shouldn't be flying colours, in Hughs perspective that is.


Getting to know the Diablos

So Hugh, or Huge, like other members call him, now knew he can get this patches back, it was possible. Immediate action and initiative was taken. Robbing stores was one of the acts, but as it turns out, doing it duo is as bad business as it is a huge risk. "Fuck that, am I right?" - Hugh spoke to his uncle.


Stray shop in the middle of nowhere shared this footage with the authorities when they arrived.



Hugh selling his prised shotgun to an old friend and the best contact, name? Non-disclosed.

When Adam was around (old and respected member), Hugh was his right hand selling weapons. And he grew some skill, had his ways in pushing the arms. Hugh found a niche in the club again, where he could get a supply. He pushed his old stash of 3 .50 glocks and a shooty up front, buying more weapons in advance. Business would start to bloom again.


Hugh has no memory of this event

But the ghost of the past is always by Hugh's side. Old addictions, old actions and the things that he've done haunts Him every day. Taking amph is the only way for Hugh to feel normal, Whiskey is another drink, please. Hugh is out of control when the day ends, so he just hides, taking heroin to have some rest. Hugh holds his best, but blackouts are the old norm, still.

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