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Better salaries

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Inflation in the city has been rising for so long now and salaries have been flat for even longer and its probably about time some companies got a pay rise, Weazal news for example has been ridiculous trying to put adds out for the past few weeks of all my trying yesterday i was only able to place one add in all my hours playing and you'd be lucky to find two people on duty at any giving time even during peak hours. I cant blame people for not wanting to put the time in as salaries really do suck these days and you can make more in that hour from mining or hunting.

Edited by apologisemeow
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-1 Salaries are just fine in my opinion. The fact that weazel doesn't have enough employees is more to do with how they're hiring. The tax system is the system that should be fixed, I don't have a whole lot but I'm in the top tax bracket. It's disheartening to get $100,000 salary and only have $65,000.

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Salaried jobs SHOULD make less money than 'grinding' jobs, and just going to LSC you can many times see 10 mechanics hanging out not doing any work. Weazel reporter issue is due to their IC hiring practices / management, and nothing to do with 'low' salaries

Edited by Jleoni
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Of course its to do with salaries with better salaries more people would want to be on duty and apply for said job 5.5-6k per hour is pocket change, as a former mechanic most of the time i could not be motivated at all to put my hours in bigger salaries is more incentive to work.

Edited by apologisemeow
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While there were recent nerfs to income (especially for lower / middle class), something should be done about the 'scripted businesses', and how they are essentially money printers.


Why can't I (or anyone else) purchase a lot, apply to the gov and start my own little dealership or high end lot?
Why must stores be in such limited quantity, there should be many and not all of them should be blindly profitable. (It should be possible to lose money while owning a scripted business, just to competition (and not due to completely stupid decisions)

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The economy is closely monitored by server staff. If we deem it necessary action will be taken to raise salaries. However this is not something we have in mind at the moment.
As for businesses, the profit margin is under control; large amounts of money are not the result of them.

Thank you for your suggestion.

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