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Limiting car thefts to people that crash

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Having a text available over the car when you crash saying "The owner recently crashed" and adding a rule saying you shall not steal or picklock a car that has this message over it. Or even make it scriptly impossible, everytime you try to picklock the car it should output "cant picklock a car that its owner recently crashed, wait a little bit" this should help reduce incidents of people stealing cars from people that inevitably crash.


I have edited the suggestion to another one as it turned out to be a feature that existed of cars autolocking after you crash as the driver. 

Edited by Philo
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Combat logging or not, you wait them out till the cooldown is gone. If there was any former RP interaction he has 15 mins to log back in. If he doesnt thats a ticket to the report section. I don't see why isnt it manageable, perhaps explain how is it not?

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3 minutes ago, Philo said:

Combat logging or not, you wait them out till the cooldown is gone. If there was any former RP interaction he has 15 mins to log back in. If he doesnt thats a ticket to the report section. I don't see why isnt it manageable, perhaps explain how is it not?

If someone code 0's they must wait for you to come back. Its already a rule. No need to add more rules on the same subject.


Non-Roleplay (NRP)

  • Actions that are unrealistic or promote poor quality roleplay are considered as non-roleplay.

  • Examples of actions that are considered as non-roleplay:

• Baiting Government Services - Provoking a reaction from faction services without a realistic reason / or calling faction services to e.g. rob them.

• Mercy Killing - Asking to be killed by a friend (Killing a friend falls under deathmatching).

• Unrealistic stunt jumping or the use of an expensive vehicle to ram into other vehicles.

• Spawning a scripted work vehicle and using it for anything other than its intended purpose.

• Submerging any vehicle in water or unrealistically beaching any watercraft. 

• Swimming in water for an unrealistic amount of time or without a destination during a chase.

  • Players who disconnect during roleplay must reconnect and inform other parties in order to resume roleplay. If you are unable to reconnect it may be excused after providing proof that would give you a valid reason not to return. Our official discord server has a channel dedicated to game crash notifications.

  • In a situation where a player gets away from an incident where they're being chased/pursued, they must wait 15 minutes before they can logout. Players should not instigate roleplay situations if they do not have time to play it through. 

  • Players who ignore answering roleplay commands directed at them, e.g. /do.

  • In a situation where a player’s game crashes or the player is kicked from the server, they should be allowed to have the same advantages as they have had before their leave.

  • Players should not deprive other players of roleplay, e.g. early on the interaction asking them not to speak unless it makes sense in the roleplay situation.


and if you are not near your car when you crash and it gets stolen its fair game.

Edited by Ultra3D
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?? I am pretty certain you didnt read my suggestion. There is nothing said in it about adding things about combat loggers? I don't know how you read it but let me explain the suggestion again.


You randomly crash in your car, a text appears over your car "Player recently crashed" which will make players unable to picklock the vehicle for 5 minutes or so then it will be picklockable if he fails to connect within the time limit. I don't see how does this affect combat logging in any way? You combat log you wait 15 minutes either with this feature or not with this feature. So I dont understand your point of view at all. And I do know the rules there was no need posting it.

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6 hours ago, Philo said:

?? I am pretty certain you didnt read my suggestion. There is nothing said in it about adding things about combat loggers? I don't know how you read it but let me explain the suggestion again.


You randomly crash in your car, a text appears over your car "Player recently crashed" which will make players unable to picklock the vehicle for 5 minutes or so then it will be picklockable if he fails to connect within the time limit. I don't see how does this affect combat logging in any way? You combat log you wait 15 minutes either with this feature or not with this feature. So I dont understand your point of view at all. And I do know the rules there was no need posting it.

I know, but why add script that affects people when they break the rules rather than use the rules that are already in place to protect yourself.

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Cuse this rule has nothing to do with finding an EMPTY car out of nowhere in the middle of nowhere, the first thing that comes to mind is imma lock pick it

But if its someone that was on his way to something important with a lot of stuff in ins car, but he just crashed...

I heard everyone crashes occasionally - is anyone not crashing? I do per 10 hours or so of gaming without stop, which is basically daily.

Players who disconnect during roleplay must reconnect and inform other parties in order to resume roleplay.

There was no role play when I crashed, I was driving somewhere...  There are no Other Parties... someone random found my car in the middle of the road...

You reconnect back, your car is gone, you are stuck in the middle of nowhere.


Something to protect lockpicking while someone is "Disconnected from the server" for like 5-10 minutes so they can come back and have their game continue as it was left. cause crashes are not real.... you cannot RP a crash. in anyway. its an excuse cause PHYSICALLY your out of the game and you can only trust that others will run with your RP when you log back in. no harm.

But loosing your car in 5 minutes just cause you crashed? It doesn't state in the rules something to protect against it.

not does it have to have a rule, just a simple script that locks a car like NCZ does? but for 5 mnutes. If not. you can at least draw the fuel out of it? i don't know... make Jerry cans refillable at gas stations and have one in your TRUNK always. Justin case.

Real life scenario escpecially if you go OFF roading and into the wilderness, some cars have SPARE tires, which is another point that I do not understand why cant we repair our own tires. but thats another subject altogether.

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1 hour ago, nubbuka said:

Cuse this rule has nothing to do with finding an EMPTY car out of nowhere in the middle of nowhere, the first thing that comes to mind is imma lock pick it

But if its someone that was on his way to something important with a lot of stuff in ins car, but he just crashed...

I heard everyone crashes occasionally - is anyone not crashing? I do per 10 hours or so of gaming without stop, which is basically daily.

Players who disconnect during roleplay must reconnect and inform other parties in order to resume roleplay.

There was no role play when I crashed, I was driving somewhere...  There are no Other Parties... someone random found my car in the middle of the road...

You reconnect back, your car is gone, you are stuck in the middle of nowhere.


Something to protect lockpicking while someone is "Disconnected from the server" for like 5-10 minutes so they can come back and have their game continue as it was left. cause crashes are not real.... you cannot RP a crash. in anyway. its an excuse cause PHYSICALLY your out of the game and you can only trust that others will run with your RP when you log back in. no harm.

But loosing your car in 5 minutes just cause you crashed? It doesn't state in the rules something to protect against it.

not does it have to have a rule, just a simple script that locks a car like NCZ does? but for 5 mnutes. If not. you can at least draw the fuel out of it? i don't know... make Jerry cans refillable at gas stations and have one in your TRUNK always. Justin case.

Real life scenario escpecially if you go OFF roading and into the wilderness, some cars have SPARE tires, which is another point that I do not understand why cant we repair our own tires. but thats another subject altogether.

Again, if someone takes your car when you code 0, /report. They will get you your car back.

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unfortunately I have done the /report a many of times so far for bugs, and general game breaking moments. on me and such, its... a miss miss. sometimes an admin won't be online or available for 10-15 minutes. You have to walk. It happens. Same with Taxi's btw...... can we open the registration back?? why is it locked, 2 taxi drivers, 6600 distance just to get to me

so its kind of the same, they are there - but... in the moments  you need them its painful to wait for them. of course. If there is no other way... 

At the end, Admin isn't supposed to even be related to a SMALL car thief, which found an EMPTY vehicle and decided to lock pick it.

This is not RP - can the vechile wouldn't really be empty, the player just crashed.

Second, he might take the loot from the inventory of the vehicle, or have sold its content OR even CHOP SHOPPED it already? 

What then? If an admin tried to help the player but the vehicle is gone... who is at fault?

No one. Shouldn't be possible to even LOCKPICK a player who disconnected not longer than 10-15 minutes ago. just to make it a lot of more easier and nicer and more realistic to everyone who is playing. This can happen to anyone at the end, this is my opinion. Why bother an admin or a REPORT for it you know? its not game breaking - its a hassle for who ever got stolen by a crash...


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3 minutes ago, nubbuka said:

unfortunately I have done the /report a many of times so far for bugs, and general game breaking moments. on me and such, its... a miss miss. sometimes an admin won't be online or available for 10-15 minutes. You have to walk. It happens. Same with Taxi's btw...... can we open the registration back?? why is it locked, 2 taxi drivers, 6600 distance just to get to me

so its kind of the same, they are there - but... in the moments  you need them its painful to wait for them. of course. If there is no other way... 

At the end, Admin isn't supposed to even be related to a SMALL car thief, which found an EMPTY vehicle and decided to lock pick it.

This is not RP - can the vechile wouldn't really be empty, the player just crashed.

Second, he might take the loot from the inventory of the vehicle, or have sold its content OR even CHOP SHOPPED it already? 

What then? If an admin tried to help the player but the vehicle is gone... who is at fault?

No one. Shouldn't be possible to even LOCKPICK a player who disconnected not longer than 10-15 minutes ago. just to make it a lot of more easier and nicer and more realistic to everyone who is playing. This can happen to anyone at the end, this is my opinion. Why bother an admin or a REPORT for it you know? its not game breaking - its a hassle for who ever got stolen by a crash...


Adding a "cant touch" script would not be realistic either.

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Just now, Philo said:

So as you disappearing from the world for 5 mins unwillingly after a crash.

Exactly what Im getting at. Things happen. Adding more restricting scripts does not help in the long run. Not everything is going to be exactly "realistic"

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You're contradicting yourself right now. Scripts can definitely help in cases like crashes. A 5 mins cooldown on your car that you crashed while driving wont really hurt anyone. I mean when do you see people disconnecting when they're driving? They most certainly crash. Cops shouldnt get that cooldown. If it was a criminal running away cops should be bobby pin the car no problem. I mean cops wont take advantage of a crash any ways. so the will wait it out.

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+1 If you just randomly crash, chances are that will be somewhere random and your car getting lockpicked and looted or stolen is a posibility.

Yes you can /report, but you will need to have evidence that you crashed and your car was taken after - staff wont just take your word for it. If you don't have proof of what was in your car, you cant get a refund. If its not above 25k, you cant get a refund. If someone doesnt get in the driver seat, you will still be the last driver and there will be no way to see who took stuff from it. If they just take stuff out of your trunk, you wont know who did it. Good enough reasons why just /report wont help you?

Yes people should get the same advantage back, the problem is, most of the time you crash - it is random and doesn't even involve other people.

And lastly, what kind of abuse do you expect to get from people who combat log? YOU have to wait 15min anyway, so if a timer of 15 minutes from the time the person disconnects from the car is added, youre not really gonna miss out. Unless of course you like lock-picking cars of people who crash.

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14 hours ago, Ultra3D said:

Adding a "cant touch" script would not be realistic either.

We can add an in game item , alarm for car systems, that can either me A)very loud in its horn. B) CAlls the cops when trying to lockpick it C) makes in unpickable but no other alarms, so... you can maybe break a window and try with a different tool Or just a combination of the two in order to make it MORE harder to lockpick while you are Disconnected.

Or make it more dangerous by adding alarms to all players for them to buy and in stall at the nearest Mechanical service station 


I can think of many ways, MAYBE an automated YELLOW TRIANGLE METAL BAR (those old ones that police put on a car wheel, and it locks it in place. So you cannot drive it.

Image the cops found an empty car, checked the ID and plate, saw its yours (for breaking RP they just do a quick check and see your not actually only and the car is abandoned

But this can happen automatically just fo rthe sake of it once you disconnect. You need a LARGE tool to break this metallic lock on the wheel, like a bolt cutter, or a saw.

Makes noise, takes time, Saw might break - can add saw to utility tools to cut CHAINS and METAL WHEEL TRAPS or what ever that yellow wheel trap is called haha


Definately many options that this will be not only a correction to the current forumula, this will make role playing interesting too when suddenly the guy you are trying to get his car while he was offline (comes back from his long piss break) to find someone working hard on taking the wheel trap off. then RP can happen. given the player joins back in 5-10 minutes..

Times need to be balanced on the operation of the tools to be fail but that's it.

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15 hours ago, Philo said:

So as you disappearing from the world for 5 mins unwillingly after a crash.

exactly. I think crashing is out of RP, obviously, and needs to be treated as such. There are stuff that are out of our control and we cannot simply RP well like a crash, lag, no audio cough drop, animations, actions and many more that limit our RP in any game.

In order to make that as smooth as possible, other solutions must be made in order to patch them in a non ic way even. 

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