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[Jail System] Remove AFK Timers.

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The only part of the problem I fell like is DOC only wanting to book and transport people. Every time I have been to jail there will be 5 or 6 people out side waiting. When someone comes in they take them to the cells and leave. That is the only rp that happens. And then people who are prisoners only want to fight or go afk. We need to stop looking for ooc solutions to ic problems. If DOC members don't want to do rp with prisoners they should not be there. If you don't want to rp as a prisoner log off. You cant just complain that there is nothing to do if you don't attempt to make rp. The whole purpose of removing the timers was to force rp for prisoners, which i guess people don't want.  

So if you don't like the time. Dont due the crime. Or find away to make the best of it. 

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1 hour ago, IAmTurtle said:

You cant just complain that there is nothing to do if you don't attempt to make rp. The whole purpose of removing the timers was to force rp for prisoners, which i guess people don't want.

I think the problem is the lack of RP available. What can you possibly RP?Aside from mining ore to obtain stamps that can’t be realistically used for anything or asking an admin permission to Prison Break RP that usually goes unanswered, there is nothing to RP.

The problem doesn’t lie with people not wanting RP. It’s that the developers left prison RP in the dust. They created an update, removed AFK, and haven’t touched it since. 

But hey, at least we have pets now 🤦🏻.

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On 5/28/2020 at 12:56 AM, Rykarch said:

If you remove the afk timers, everyone will be AFK'ing, this is a fact, which will allow players to perform illegal activities without any fear of having to wait in jail.. and from there, we'll have a Los Santos full of wanna-be OG gangsters fearless of going to jail because as soon as they go to jail, they get off their PC's whilst having the game opened and go n' do something else until they're back for more chaos. You know this is a fact.


It's a no from me.

I don't understand your point as the person would still have to wait the time for the crime, he just would not have to be at his/her PC. You don't understand the point until you go to jail for 10+ hours.

Also this suggestion has a +1 from me 😄

Edited by WolfV
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- 1.  I Like the current system as it is. most people dont go to jail for more than two hours. you would only go to jail for more than two hours if you commit a string of serious offences which just pile on time and fines in the end.

Maybe the AFK timer frequency could be adjusted to better accomodate people instead


Edited by highonquackk
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12 minutes ago, highonquackk said:

- 1.  I Like the current system as it is. most people dont go to jail for more than two hours. you would only go to jail for more than two hours if you commit a string of serious offences which just pile on time and fines in the end.

Maybe the AFK timer frequency could be adjusted to better accomodate people instead


With all due respect you're talking out of your arse. You can easily rack up 4 hours of charges on one scene. I've had this happen 3 times in a week.

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