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Department of Justice/Legal RP

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Please edit this image, into your main post as this is the Davis Court House. Tolls can be set up at the parking lot so that people will have to pay like $50 dollars to enter it. I also think that it would be amazing to delegate the duties of Court Officers to the Department of Corrections, as they're ICly trained the most in facility security (also because i feel for members who are pretty much stuck in an interior or area of the server). 

If PD and SD get to have more places to role-play, why not let DOC have a new sandbox to play in as well?? This would help DOC boost their recruitment and roster, as well as reduce their retention rate of people leaving for other factions. I'm sure DOC would LOVE to be Court Officers too. 

Court Security Division (CSD)

- Responsible for maintaining security at the Davis Court House and to preserve the safety of all persons.

- Handles the suspects pending a trial at cell blocks in the court.

- Coordinates within its own department of corrections for prisoner transports, etc.


Edited by Percival
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@Percival Post has been updated with a DOJ Internal structure manual and your suggesting for including DOC - obviously I'd like to see the DOJ get off the ground first before focusing too much on the interactions between other factions.

Alternatively, you can click this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1W6ysSnjf3HlGi2ZwYjCdEODCIzLw2KR4/view?usp=sharing

Edited by Olipro
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  • Parole system already allows you to get out earlier
  • Felons don't 'get out of their crimes'
  • The time it would take to argue against something, would take the amount of time your sentence length is already.

If we had some kind of DOJ system, it would need to be very simple, state run, and require little time as any would be taken away from the suspect in detainment instead of serving the time. A defendant would simply approach the charging officers, or reside regularly at places of imprisonment, discuss the charges the suspect would be facing with the suspect and officers then help decide what are the best charges for the crimes, then charge the individual.

The individual would have to most likely have a history in law enforcement and know the penal code very well.

I believe expungement procedures and processes are a better way to go to clear someones record completely.

Edited by Xoza
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1 hour ago, Xoza said:


  • Parole system already allows you to get out earlier
  • Felons don't 'get out of their crimes'
  • The time it would take to argue against something, would take the amount of time your sentence length is already.

If we had some kind of DOJ system, it would need to be very simple, state run, and require little time as any would be taken away from the suspect in detainment instead of serving the time. A defendant would simply approach the charging officers, or reside regularly at places of imprisonment, discuss the charges the suspect would be facing with the suspect and officers then help decide what are the best charges for the crimes, then charge the individual.

The individual would have to most likely have a history in law enforcement and know the penal code very well.

I believe expungement procedures and processes are a better way to go to clear someones record completely.

Not entirely sure how much of my original post you took a look at - this isn't motivated by record expungement.

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