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/carrybody issue

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Date and time (provide timezone): 01/02/2020 01:00 EST (I believe that is the date and time it occurred. Chewbiddy responded to my report)

Character name: Jaxon David

Issue/bug you are reporting: While preforming /carrybody after preforming a vertical rescue as FD I RPed that the injured person was on the ground and did a OOC /carrybody to walk off the roof with them and get them down for transport due to the fact a injured person cant use ladders. As stated before I RPed using a man basket and rope to lower the injured patient to my college who was on the ground. After they were RPly on the ground I /carrybody them off of the edge and it put me into a injured state.

Expected behavior:  /carrybody should prevent the person carrying the patient from being injured 

Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate
No evidence but I can easily duplicate it if needed 
Vehicle license plate number*: N/A

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Ok so I've had someone who isnt LSEMS assist me on a vertical rescue by the bank, after we RPed he was on the ground he OOCly told me to do /carrybody and walk off the roof it wont kill me. Well it did, turned out the guy who helped me was an admin. He then said sh*t that isnt suppose to happen. I figured it was a glitch. Everyone I've talked to said it's suppose to immune the person carrying the body. Well the other day it happened to me again so I'm assuming it's a bug. 

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I'm unsure of the "immune" part but typically what occurs is the basket is used and the person on the ground level does /carrybody as, from what I recall, there is no vertical limitation. The person on the upper level only positions the person in the proper place so the /carrybody will register the location of the injured. When I was in MD this is what we typically did unless an admin was present to assist with a TP to the ground.

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1 hour ago, Aldarine said:

I'm unsure of the "immune" part but typically what occurs is the basket is used and the person on the ground level does /carrybody as, from what I recall, there is no vertical limitation. The person on the upper level only positions the person in the proper place so the /carrybody will register the location of the injured. When I was in MD this is what we typically did unless an admin was present to assist with a TP to the ground.

/carrybody does indeed not have any vertical restrictions, placing the patient near the edge and RP'ing that a basket carries them down and going safely below them and using /carrybody will cause them to be teleported into your arms.
I assume this is what was meant to be done, as I cant imaging carrying a body would make your character immune to damage, as this would be used as an exploit for sure.

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@ImQub3dttv, Thank you for the report, I believe this can be archived for the following reasons.

  • Reported bug is an intended feature.
  • The participating staff provided an alternative solution.
    1. Place the person next to the edge and 'load them up'.
    2. Safely make your way to the lower or ground level
    3. 'Catch' the basket using /carrybody while below them.

 This does present a possible server suggestion though for EMS personnel though.

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@Xoza the statemest's above about the player ground level using /carrybody works. We ended up using it yesterday while doing a vertical Rescue. I was unaware that it would reach that far for the ground level personnel. I was told by an admin the person on the roof would be the one to use it. This can be closed and dismissed thank you! 

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