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The Red Devils

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First Initiation



The Red Devils finally accomplished their goal of developing an initiation process. As a matter of fact, they conducted their first one today! The members of The Red Devils met up with the three initiates, and we brought them to the location where this would take place. After the initiates were patted down, the Red Devil higher ups began questioning the initiates about why they wanted to join, what made them choose to be a criminal, etc. 


The initiates were also questioned on their knowledge of the city, including other gangs amongst other things. They were also questioned over Discord about their knowledge of server rules, which the initiates did a good job answering our questions. After they gave us their story and answered our questions, it was time for The Red Devil members to vote on each initiate over the ledge. 


Each member took turns giving their thoughts on the eager initiates, and gave a final vote on weather they would become recruits of The Red Devils, or thrown off the ledge. In the end, all the initiates were voted in favor of joining, and that's exactly what happened. The gang began setting up the initiates by getting them radios and bringing them to the clothing shop to get them in gang attire. Upon arriving at the clothing store, it was decided that everyone would change their clothes differently, to add individuality. So all the members picked red clothing and grabbed the Red Devil Mask. The outfits seemed to work out.


The Red Devils will continue to accept more members and conduct more initiations. The crew has also recently purchased a Motel in Chumash Plaza and plans to use it as a business front. The Red Devils continue to grow, and aspire to be more well known throughout San Andreas. Stay tuned for more from The Red Devils, and let us know what you think of our thread!

Edited by WobblierDog15
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After some deliberation between the founders, it was decided that The Red Devils should disband. It was fun while it lasted, however, four gang members, including the founders, had SD characters. It was decided that a gang couldn't thrive unless we spent all of our time on The Red Devils. We want to give a huge thank you to all of our members, we had a lot of fun! This thread can be archived. Goodbye.

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