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Bala's Carjack Suggestions

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I saw another thread talking about alarms and such, but for me I don't think that securing your car is necessarily the right way to go, I think that just changing how you steal it is. This server isn't really one to add skill levels so i'll leave out, we'll just assume everyone is a experienced car thief. 😛

Breaking into a Vehicle

I'd like for vehicles to have a 'lock integrity level' that persists like it's fuel does. The level would depend on the type of vehicle (supers would be higher level, jalopies would be lower).
Every time someone successfully finishes their lockpick attempt, the lock integrity decreases until finally it breaks. Once it breaks, the doors are open.

The RNG element of using bobby pins is very frustrating, because there is no logic to it and it's the equivalent of doing /dice and waiting to get the right number. With this proposal, with each attempt you are closer to getting into that vehicle.

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Lock Integrity

Once the integrity of the lock is destroyed, in order for it to be repaired, one of the following situations would need to occur.

  • If it's chopped, Mors Insurance will replace the lock integrity for free, as part of their fee.
  • If it's impounded, the city will replace the lock integrity for free, as part of their fee.
  • If neither of those two things happen, you will need to take it to the mechanics and either Bayview/LSC mechanics will be able to fix it for a nominal price.

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I'd like to suggest adding screwdrivers for not only increased lock-picking durability but also, for the next part of the suggestion. Screwdrivers you could use quite a number of times but eventually they too would break after enough use. Bobby Pins are one-shot and broke.

Screwdrivers could be assigned a numerical value with the amount of uses on it (like we have for weapon ammo in your inventory). In roleplay terms, the screwdriver would wear and eventually wouldn't function.

Screwdrivers due to their size and weight on a person would be heavier to offset their more convenient use over a bobby pin. If a radio is 5 weight, then perhaps a screwdriver is around 3-5.

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Hotwiring a Vehicle

The final part of the suggestion involves the starting of a vehicle's engine. You get into the now unlocked vehicle, sit in the driver seat and.. what now? 

If you have a screwdriver, you can use that for a quicker hot-wire attempt. 
Using a bobby pin in the ignition, would take longer to finish the hot-wire attempt.

Pressing Q in a vehicle would start the hot-wiring process.

  1. First press of Q - This would require one bobby pin or at least go left with the screwdriver. This would remove the cover on the steering column of the vehicle and give you an short action bar. This would set the hotwire status to 1.
  2. Once that first action bar is complete and you pressed Q a second time, this will pull out the battery wires from under the steering column. Short Action Bar. This would set the hotwire status to 2.
  3. Once that second action bar is complete and you press Q a third time, you'll strike the battery wires together and spark them. This would set the hotwire status to 0 but start the engine.

If the vehicle has no gas, you can't hot-wire it, obviously.

If you bail mid-way through the hot-wire process, someone else can take it over. So if someone is robbing a car at Chilliad and you interupt them mid-hotwire, you can force them out and hotwire yourself.

Leaving the vehicle with an action bar will however not update the hot-wired status and it would remain on whatever it was last left on.

- - - 

Vehicle Lock and Hotwire Status Inspection

If you were outside the vehicle (similiar to /checkparkingpay) you would be able to inspect the health of the lock using /checkkeylock. The more damaged it is, the more damaged it will appear i.e. Pristine Lock, Slightly Damaged Lock, Badly Damaged Lock, Broken Lock etc..)

If you are inside the vehicle you will be able to check the hotwire status, using /checkhotwire

This would add to stolen vehicle role-play when encountering law enforcement. Sometimes when we find vehicles unlocked, it's not always because they have been stolen so it gives us a little more to work with in terms of roleplaying with that car.


Edited by GOAT
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12 hours ago, IsThisSeige said:

Also, from criminal stand point it would take way too long for even the high level criminals to master something like this.

Huge +1. Stealing a car should not be as easy as bobby pinning a door. Crims are always complaining that they want new things, more challenging things. Here is something that they can actually start to challenge their roleplay with.


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