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New Players should be lootable upon death

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As the title says, new players should be lootable when they're dead. I understand the point is to prevent new players from getting upset if they die unfairly, but it allows for ridiculous RP scenarios where new players can run into labs, suicide with heavies, and lose nothing.

There's no difference between looting someone when they're injured and them losing it versus them losing it upon death.


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This topic is debatable but I mostly agree with this. 

The reason why I agree is that I have encountered a couple of situations where I was almost getting robbed by new players with heavies and this has not only happened once. Unfortunately in those situations because of desync they fully died and respawned at Pillbox with an AK on their backs.

The reason on why I don't is the reason why the protection was brought into the server into the first place. Most of them are new people that are just getting into RP and that they need adapt more. 

Are there any solutions for this? Maybe. Such as losing the heavies that they have in their inventory and keep the other items upon waking up at Pillbox but that still needs a lot of work in order for it to be implemented into the server and I personally think that this server has more better suggestions to be implemented before this could even be a thing in this server.

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23 hours ago, TreMetal said:

Probably could do a compromise where weapons are dropped on death for new players, but they can retain other items.


21 hours ago, Osvaldon said:

That is what I thought when I read the OP.

I would be fine with this. Illegal items such as guns, drugs, and drug supplies should be lootable, and the rest they should respawn with (GPS, Map, food, clothes, etc.).

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