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Changes & Extensions to High End Car Market

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Okay, so i have been trying to list one on my cars on High End for 2 days now and i keep getting the message "No space on the market" this sparked a thought. Why not just extend high end to all the parking spaces in that area? 

In the compound where High End is ran, there are hundreds of parking spaces, that are never used EVER! High end is massively scaled down compared to the whole of the parking lot. Only fitting around 40-60 cars on it i believe. With the server experiencing a cocurrent 200 players, it only makes sense to expand the market.

Removal Of Low End:

Okay so, low end is quite pointless, lets be honest, many cars that are put onto high end these days can be considered "low end vehicles" and thats one of the main issues with the markets, they are overfilled by cars nobody wants. Low end never experiences the sell limit as nobody really uses it and goes there. In my opinion, its not a benefit to have at this this time instead...

Merge Both Markets:

Instead of having two separate markets, High end could be renamed "Car Market" and any vehicle can go on there, this would mean everything a player needs is in one specific place. And they know where to go. Also, a benefit of having this would mean that you can shop all markets: Cars, Bikes, Boats, Trucks. All here. Making the whole thing way more convenient.

Expand The Current High End Market MASSIVELY! 

 Obviously, with everything going onto one market, you have got to accommodate the space, my proposal would be to make the WHOLE high end car park a market. This means that no player will ever really have a issue with not being able to put their vehicle up for sale. As there would be tons of spots to occupy. Also, this method can rectify the bug that we have currently where there are empty spots on the market, yet the script believes the market is full.

Order Vehicles Dependent On Car Class

Finally, the big market could be ordered in car class. This would create massive amounts of ease for the player as they could pull up, go to the sports car section and browse the for sale sports cars. 

Ideas for individual sections:

  • Sports/Super Cars
  • Muscle Cars
  • Vans/Trucks
  • Boats & Water Vehicles
  • Low End Section (Cars up for sale for under 75K)
  • Motorcycles

Let me know what you think of my idea, and if you like it, feel free to drop a +1 to try and get this into motion!

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9 hours ago, Reece_1303 said:

Okay, so i have been trying to list one on my cars on High End for 2 days now and i keep getting the message "No space on the market" this sparked a thought. Why not just extend high end to all the parking spaces in that area? 

In the compound where High End is ran, there are hundreds of parking spaces, that are never used EVER! High end is massively scaled down compared to the whole of the parking lot. Only fitting around 40-60 cars on it i believe. With the server experiencing a cocurrent 200 players, it only makes sense to expand the market.

Removal Of Low End:

Okay so, low end is quite pointless, lets be honest, many cars that are put onto high end these days can be considered "low end vehicles" and thats one of the main issues with the markets, they are overfilled by cars nobody wants. Low end never experiences the sell limit as nobody really uses it and goes there. In my opinion, its not a benefit to have at this this time instead...

Merge Both Markets:

Instead of having two separate markets, High end could be renamed "Car Market" and any vehicle can go on there, this would mean everything a player needs is in one specific place. And they know where to go. Also, a benefit of having this would mean that you can shop all markets: Cars, Bikes, Boats, Trucks. All here. Making the whole thing way more convenient.

Expand The Current High End Market MASSIVELY! 

 Obviously, with everything going onto one market, you have got to accommodate the space, my proposal would be to make the WHOLE high end car park a market. This means that no player will ever really have a issue with not being able to put their vehicle up for sale. As there would be tons of spots to occupy. Also, this method can rectify the bug that we have currently where there are empty spots on the market, yet the script believes the market is full.

Order Vehicles Dependent On Car Class

Finally, the big market could be ordered in car class. This would create massive amounts of ease for the player as they could pull up, go to the sports car section and browse the for sale sports cars. 

Ideas for individual sections:

  • Sports/Super Cars
  • Muscle Cars
  • Vans/Trucks
  • Boats & Water Vehicles
  • Low End Section (Cars up for sale for under 75K)
  • Motorcycles

Let me know what you think of my idea, and if you like it, feel free to drop a +1 to try and get this into motion!

Yet  another suggestion regarding high-end, again, as ive mentioned before, this is almost a weekly suggestion now. Something does need to be done, however, since the last suggestion about this i have still yet to see any word, feedback or insight into this from the development team, if anyone has anything that any developer has mentioned on this then please link it. Its getting to the stage where a full boycott IC of high end is the only way to get anything done. 

The suggestions you make, i believe will not actually help with the problem. 

1. you mention merging the markets together, 
  a) as mentoned this would create lag, but also,
  b) having multiple markets is best for roleplay, and the overall economy, 

2.  You miss i think, why highend is full, multiple players with multiple characters flippling multiple vehicles
  a) if you just increase the space, then it will just get full again, as more and more people get into flipping cars
  b) a limit on how many cars can be sold at once, by a player, not a characer is needed. 

The curent state of the car indsutry and markets is so bad that "ease" to the player when buying a car should be bottom of the list in priority. It seems like this would increase people buying cars but no, it wont. 

The two majror impacts right now are 
1) people know they cannot sell future vehicles so easily. This means they have less incentive to buy vehicles in progressives stages, this is one reason why we have a disproporinate amount of specific vehicle s being driven my relativly newer players. They know they cnat sell their vehicles easy in future so why bother, might as well just get the best vehicles first right? 

2) There is nothing stopping me from having 4 altts, all selling 2 cars at high end 
   a) this is an obvious one, not much to explain. 

dunno if i explained this well, its late and im tired.

(( sorry about the multiple posts, no idea what happenned. 😞 ))

MESSAGE TO DEVLOPERS - i understand the reluctance to increase capacity, as by not increasing the capcity more and more players use weazel news, this promotes roleplay, i understand that, but its almost counter productive at this stage. 

Edited by padpilot
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keep low end yes, but not the same style. it would be best to have for example

low end    - 0-30k      (30 spaces)
Low_mid   - 30k-60k  (25 spaces)
mid           - 60k-100k (20 spaces)
high mid  - 100k-150k (15 spaces) 
high         - 150k-whatever (10 spaces)

ofcouse these numbers need chaning and tweaking but its gets the point across. 

The idea is to always allow for a few empty spaces in each markets, by having more opportuing and variety to sell, the markets ought to be more efficient. If we have only one or two markets, when they get full, what do we do then. 


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I agree with the overall idea of the suggestion, but perhaps not on the specifics.

I think doing away with 'Low End-High End' would be a step in the right direction, but I think it's better to maybe have less cars but in more locations across both Los Santos and Paleto. There are a lot of parking lots in the state which would be perfect for a car market.

I think grading the vehicles by class is an excellent idea. If you're looking for a bike, you aren't really interested in a Cheburek are you?

I also think for the more high-end vehicles, we could extend the selling time to a week as well to give the pricier cars time to sell. 

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