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Corporate Factions

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I propose we have a third faction category, Corporate Factions. This would be, currently, any faction that is a government faction but operating as a business. Bayview, LSC, Weazel, and DCC I propose should not be government run.  They should be RPly owned by a large NPC corporate conglomerate like Xero or Scholngaberger Sachs or other large corporation in the GTA canon.  I don't believe anything needs adjusted scriptwise in the background operations of these entities. This would be purely an RP/IC change so that these entities can operate as proper businesses with their own rules and RP without adhering to government restrictions and risking funding.  At the end of the day, the way I see it, is it doesn't really matter script wise where the monopoly money comes from, it matters RP wise where we say the money comes from.  This would give these businesses more carte blanch to operate under their own independent rules and be a big step up in the quality of RP, especially between these businesses and entities like the police. 

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4 hours ago, Emulsify said:

-1 As much as I think this is a good idea it would completely remove the use of the government faction. This would also remove many RP opportunities between the government and each faction which happen quite often.

I don't understand your response. Government is government and would remain so. PD, EMS, SD, DOC. The rest are businesses and therefore not government. 


21 minutes ago, CarlTTT said:

I'm confused why would this increase RP?

I didn't say anything about increasing RP. I said it would improve RP because things would make a lot more sense in relation to the real world. We don't have government run mechanic shops, taxi companies, and newspapers in the US. You can argue that this isn't the US but you can't really argue LS more closely represents the American economy than Europe. Frankly the idea that Bayview, for instance, is a "government entity" is kinda weird and makes very little sense RPly. 

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In more similar terms, it would reduce a lot of RP opportunities for 5 factions in total, Bayview, LSC, DCC, Weazel and the Gov faction. This is because the government keeps these factions in check with many things such as salary and financing. Upper management within each of these factions have to report to the Government about most things that they do. Without this there would be no sense of control and each company could do whatever they want with no consequences.

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3 minutes ago, Emulsify said:

In more similar terms, it would reduce a lot of RP opportunities for 5 factions in total, Bayview, LSC, DCC, Weazel and the Gov faction. This is because the government keeps these factions in check with many things such as salary and financing. Upper management within each of these factions have to report to the Government about most things that they do. Without this there would be no sense of control and each company could do whatever they want with no consequences.

No they'll report to their parent company. But in many ways this is my point. And I really couldn't care less about reducing RP for 10 people when it would make more sense for 1000. I'm simply talking about an RP shift, and a difference in how we think about these factions. Not a  huge operational change. OOCly everything stays the same. But yes, these factions should really have more ability to do whatever they want. This makes more RP opportunity for the majority of players even if it reduces a few interactions for the few players who are in charge of the factions. And I would say that wouldn't be the case at all.

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I was actually talking about this with someone from Bayview last night. Basically I would think of them more as government contractors I suppose? Though I understand what you mean by it being kinda weird that they do have government IDs for badges and what not.

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They're not government contractors, though. They don't actually do work on government vehicles. They're ICly funded and at the whim of the government . Owners are basically just upper level bureaucrats. It's a socialised system, which I personally have non-issue with, I just don't think it makes much sense in context.

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