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More Criminal activities & Increase Risk for Reward

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Currently in the server there is really no point to during criminal actives, hence why you see criminals getting legal jobs. In order to fix this a few things could be done. 

1. Increase Risk for Reward

As of right now if you're doing drug labs, it's not worth spending hours upon end to make less money then you would working at LSC for an hour or two. Drugs should either sell at a higher rate as most of the time if you're cooking at any lab besides LSD you cook with more then 2 people most of the time. After spending several hours at the lab, you really make only 15k each if you have three people. Compared to a legal job that really isn't worth it. 

2. More profitable robberies

As of right now all you can is rob general stores, another way for criminals to make money could be robberies such as Robbing a Jewelry store. As of right now there is no use for the jewelry store. One is located at this position on the map.  



The Jewelry store already has an interior, as shown below. 



How it could work: 

First off in order to execute the robbery it should take a minimum of 3-5 different people, and an X amount of police. It would also only be able to take place at times when stores are normally closed. So from 22:00 - 8:00. Inside the store should be one NPC Security guard. One person would need to have a gun on him at all times, the moment a gun would be pointed off of him is when the police/SWAT would be alerted. While one person has their gun on the security guard.

The second person would be in the office hacking the computer, taking down all of the cameras, etc. A mini game would be present similar to this -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYpLW2JUOu4 (Don't know if that's possible.)  If the person on the computer messes up 3 times the police would be alerted and the criminals would be forced to leave. In the case that someone does not hack the computer there would be a 5:00 timer and if someone does not start the hack on the computer in that amount of time the police would be alerted. 

The third person would be tasked with actually stealing the jewelry from the cases. Each case could be worth anywhere from 10-25k each but each time the glass would be broken there would be a 10% chance the police would be alerted. That person would need to have an empty bag on them and instead of the jewelry going into your pockets, it would go directly into that empty bag. Each bag should be able to carry roughly 10 pieces of jewelry.  Hence why you would want more people robbing with you so you can double that. 

Finally, upon completion your team would leave the jewelry store going to a drop off point where they would make the money, once they leave the store the police would immediately get notified about the robbery. The drop off point should be at a far location away from the city possibly either in Sandy shores or Paleto bay.

Note that is just an idea of how the Jewelry store robbery could work, and in order to steal everything in the store it would take at least three people at the minimum but more realistically if you wanted to be successful 5 people. 

3. Add a reason for Non-Official gangs to buy a laptop.

Instead of the laptop just being for imports, add a section where civilians can chat with members of official factions to buy guns. Not only does this give more profit to criminals, but at the same time it adds more stuff to do.  To make this work though, the prices of laptops would need to be dropped to around ~25k. Every time a message is sent to a gang member on the laptop, there could be a small chance for the police to intercept that message.


Note: I tried making it fair for both the Criminals and Police.

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1. No, thats why people in real life do legal jobs, its impossible that EVERY (wannabe) robber/criminal/gang can have more money than people who work everyday, in this case LSC, DCC, PD, MD... Its ok for bus/postal and other small jobs..
2. +++
3. +++

Edited by Ricko
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1 hour ago, Ricko said:

1. No, thats why people in real life do legal jobs, its impossible that EVERY (wannabe) robber/criminal/gang can have more money than people who work everyday, in this case LSC, DCC, PD, MD... Its ok for bus/postal and other small jobs..
2. +++
3. +++

Do you know how profitable selling drugs is in real life? If you have clientele to push the drugs you would make way more money than most people, even as a regular street drug dealer.


EDIT: +++ To everything OP said

Edited by Shorty
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1 hour ago, Ricko said:

1. No, thats why people in real life do legal jobs, its impossible that EVERY (wannabe) robber/criminal/gang can have more money than people who work everyday, in this case LSC, DCC, PD, MD... Its ok for bus/postal and other small jobs..
2. +++
3. +++

Even if so, Criminals should have to be working legal jobs to make good money. They should be able to make an extremely good amount of money from drug dealing, and selling. 

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27 minutes ago, Shorty said:

Do you know how profitable selling drugs is in real life? If you have clientele to push the drugs you would make way more money than most people, even as a regular street drug dealer.


EDIT: +++ To everything OP said

Half of that is movies, half is rl. You can be busted at every corner. On eclipse everyone sell their drugs to automated black market. No clienteles. And obviously, everyone would be successful dealer in this case.

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2 hours ago, Ricko said:

Half of that is movies, half is rl. You can be busted at every corner. On eclipse everyone sell their drugs to automated black market. No clienteles. And obviously, everyone would be successful dealer in this case.

The thing is illegal>legal the legal should not be paying higher as you're actually risking something making drugs

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To the OP.

  1. No, If you want to make more money as a group then consider moving to a weed-planting lab or doing store robberies. Why not even do the old tactic of destroying a nearby labs crafting table and just stealing the materials?
  2. Not a bad Idea to be honest, not against it but would like to see it fleshed out a little more. Why does breaking the glass alert the police? 
  3. Agreed, again would like to see some more ideas but allowing non-official gangs to buy laptops would be fun, specifically to do a multitude of things. Keep the black market exclusive to official gangs though.


8 hours ago, Shorty said:

The thing is illegal>legal the legal should not be paying higher as you're actually risking something making drugs

I've played both Crim and Legal now and have views on both sides to this argument. You're right that legal shouldn't be paid higher, and people seem to forget about the risks/rewards. If you go into LSD alone, and can OOCly be there for an hour - you have hit 4 restock cycles, giving you 32 LSD and 24 meth. Let's say at even a LOW price of 300 for both LSD & Meth you'd get a MINIMUM of $16,800. Bare in mind this is LOW and they never share the same price, so you're looking at more normally but for the sake of this point I'm giving them low values.

Now let's compare this to what you get paid for doing a legal job, which have base pays of 5k AVG per OOC HOUR. Do you see that Criminals, with the risk they have, can make more money than a legal character? Albeit the reason legals "have more money" is because their jobs don't have immediate, funding-loss risks like getting their drugs stolen. 

Picture this, it's a Saturday and you roll up at LSD lab. Server has 100+ members so restocks are full. You walk in and to your surprise it's empty! You start cooking and have somehow rolled a 6 on luck, managing to cook for 3 hours without getting clapped by a convoy of Zetas. In these 3 hours, you have been able to cook 144 combined LSD/Meth. You manage to get to a selling point and have made (using our figures from before) about $43k. Meanwhile a PO1 who's been dealing with store robberies, car chases, probably been shot at a few times and has been involved in a massive gang shootout has made.... 15k legally... 

Yeah we can say "oh but the Chiefs and Commanders get like 10k+ an hour how is that fair?" - They have worked hard for their position and have undoubtedly put a lot of time and effort into their department, so have been rewarded for doing so with better financial income. All in all, crims can easily make more money than gov jobs if you play it smart and roll a little bit of luck. Gov jobs don't make as much but they have the financial stability to know that "my cash isn't at risk".

So yeah, I guess illegal does have better money overall unless you're a high rank legal worker. With the addition of mining and hunting, crims and legals both have some alternative ways to make money now too. So I do currently like where it's at, however crim side does seem a little stale as of recent 😕

Edited by trashplayboi
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I've produced drugs before and saw quite a few people do it. It's honestly pretty simple and just takes time. Only risk to it is that someone tries to take it, but that doesn't apply to people who group up. There's also not a lot of RP to it either, since it's all automated. So if lets say 10 people are doing this and put their money together, that's actually a lot of profit. Lets not forget that you also get drug components for free, that also automatically restock every few minutes. So even if someone does steal your produced drugs, you still didn't lose anything but time really. 

As said above, it can be way more profitable than gov jobs for less effort. 

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1. I think drug prices going up would be fine, if it actually involved some RP. Now literally anyone can go to a lab, make some drugs and just drop them off for money. Compared to any faction job, this is easy, so easy should not be more rewarding than something that require effort and time.

2. would be interesting to see, but i get the feeling that in most cases it would just end up as a forum DM report from one or the other side.

3. no opinion


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1. The large issue at hand that's hard to do much about is actually selling drugs to other players rather than just the NPC drop off. If criminals making drugs legitimately had a larger buyer market from players, drugs could become much more profitable while also creating rp. Sure the NPC drop off would still exist for a backup sale but there needs to be an greater incentive for players to buy and do drugs in order for the demand of player sales to increase.

I'm not quite sure exactly sure what "pros and cons" drugs could really have to make them more desirable, perhaps someone could do a good detailed list of effects and what not.

2. The large issue with number 2 is more profitable robberies from NPCs won't change much except offer a bit more money to criminals, not too much more in RP except in the planning and get away if LSPD can respond. Now if you could come up with something that entails a player business/faction and a way to rob it for good RP, that would be a lot more enticing.

3. I wouldn't mind seeing some sort of "dark web or crypto market" implemented to further build interactions rather than people trying find out where to buy/sell guns at the bank. Building an entire network for contacts, distributors, etc would be neat, especially if LSPD can hop on there and try to do sting operations on the more careless people.

When it comes down to it, the risks vs rewards both need amplified for criminals. We would definitely see a large growth in RP in regards to tactics and networking for criminals if higher jail Times were a risk but at the same time, profits would increase as well. Criminals would become far less reckless and show more regard in avoiding getting caught than now, especially when more money is at risk too. 

Lastly in regards to criminal money and currency, I'd love to see a crypto currency be implemented. It would make fair more sense for criminals to have the bulk of their funds not sitting in the bank but rather on a crypto market. A whole second market place could be established to be purchased with crypto currency ranging from import items like drugs/guns/ammo, vehicles, special properties(like a chop shop, drug lab, etc), and other neat things. The idea is to pull some criminal cash from the regular market and have a whole secondary marketplace that is more sensible and logical. It would help with the current inflation while also giving criminals their own market to dominate and purchase things outside of the view of the law/government. I'm sure there could be a currency conversion but it should definitely come with a fee and a wait time, just like laundering money.


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22 hours ago, Shorty said:

The thing is illegal>legal the legal should not be paying higher as you're actually risking something making drugs

Yeah, and every wannabe dealer would be actually good, cause its not that hard to spend some time in lab, risk is even smaller.
BUT, prices actually should be bigger since yeah, there is kinda big difference in faction salaries and money from selling certain drugs.

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