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Expanding Criminal Opportunities

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Firstly, I don't play a criminal character. The idea here is to generate more content for criminals, not to debate jail times or opinions about criminals so let's be civil and keeps tensions down.

This thread is meant to create a list of potential expansions to game mechanics in order to offer more opportunities for criminals that don't always rely on conflict with a player victim like mugging or stealing vehicles. With the high amount of criminals on the server, there's always some sort of conflict going on. By having more opportunities for criminals, it'll like reduce the amount of conflict.

At this time, most criminal activities directly relate to have player victims which given the current state of punishments via the penal code, no current judicial stucture, and the high amount of crime, it all generates a lot of OOC tension between civilians/police vs criminals which is hampering a healthy and entertaining role play environment. We see it in game, in OOC and we see it on the forums and it continues to fester. While we've seen numerous debates regarding increased jail times or punishments, I think we all can agree criminals need more to do anyways.

I believe a good way to lessen these growing tensions is to develop additional opportunities for criminals that don't always rely on having player victims. An example in game of this already is making drugs and selling via the "NPC drop off". Of course rival criminals tend to intercept one another doing this so having extra opportunities will cut down on such happening so commonly.

1. Introduction of bootleg(untaxed/unregulated goods) smuggling. This would work similar to ordering ammo/guns except it would bring a shipment of commonly usable items like batteries, laptops, speakers, furniture, etc that criminals could attempt to sell to other criminals or civilians. These items would lack proper serialization and tax markings that could be noticed by inspecting them. This would promote criminal rp that does not rely on having player victims and require a more friendly/charismatic approach for criminals to make additional money.

2. Ability to hijack a stationary shipment. This would work similar to #1 in terms of having to sell the goods to other players. Criminals would pay a fee in order to get information on a trailer containing a shipment of goods that they could steal. Once the trailer is attached to a truck or its lock is picked, it would notify the police. Criminals could try to escape with the trailer or try to unload the cargo(likely inside marked crates) on site at the trailer into other vehicles before the cops could catch them. The crates would need to be lockpicked in order to open them to retrieve the actual contents from inside. The criminals could then decide to attempt to sell the contents to other players or keep them for their own use.

3. Importing a drug lab(furniture item) that can be placed inside of a property. Drug money is what fuels most gangs in real life and should be expanded further in game. Criminals should be able to create their own drug labs in their properties. The drug lab would be a more basic form than what's currently implemented, only allowing a certain drug to be made, depending on which one is imported. The lab would create a reduced amount of drugs but offer not only new locations to produce but also the ability to hide it when not in use. The police would be able to raid a property to destroy them and rival criminals could attempt to destroy or steal the lab as well. **Note: Current implemented drug labs would need to remain in game to assure less wealthy criminals can still make drugs.

If things Like these were implemented, I think we'd see a decrease in player on player crime and effectively decrease OOC tensions. I'm curious to see what other people can come up with and hopefully something productive will come from it all and maybe eventually in-game.


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7 minutes ago, Wifye said:

3. Importing a drug lab(furniture item) that can be placed inside of a property. Drug money is what fuels most gangs in real life and should be expanded further in game. Criminals should be able to create their own drug labs in their properties. The drug lab would be a more basic form than what's currently implemented, only allowing a certain drug to be made, depending on which one is imported. The lab would create a reduced amount of drugs but offer not only new locations to produce but also the ability to hide it when not in use. The police would be able to raid a property to destroy them and rival criminals could attempt to destroy or steal the lab as well. **Note: Current implemented drug labs would need to remain in game to assure less wealthy criminals can still make drugs.

I really like the idea of this but make it so you have to go collect your ingredients from the current drug labs or maybe even import the ingredients like ammo via laptop, +1, and maybe making it so police get a notification when someone is cooking for a long time like NPC would call in suspicious behavior coming from a house so players would not sit in their house all day using the drug lab to become rich.

Edited by xxxJustTimmy
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1 minute ago, xxxJustTimmy said:

I really like the idea of this but make it so you have to go collect your ingredients from the current drug labs or maybe even import the ingredients like ammo via laptop, +1

I should've noted that, ingredients should have to be fetched from elsewhere, not included with the lab.

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Perhaps the ingredients can be collected similar to the way all other goods are. A gang can order a container of ingredient x which would have say 100? for a fee, that gang has to head to the location with a truck to tow it back to their HQ or get several vans to break the load down. It's going to look suspicious to onlookers a trailer pulling up to a house and then being unloaded, but a van not so much? Perhaps they have a nightclub which is just a front, a truck delivering stock wouldn't be unusual so they could have a central hub of their manufacturing. 

Same could work for guns/narcotics/alcohol it's simply a base system used to create a product. 

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9 minutes ago, Randul said:

Perhaps the ingredients can be collected similar to the way all other goods are. A gang can order a container of ingredient x which would have say 100? for a fee, that gang has to head to the location with a truck to tow it back to their HQ or get several vans to break the load down. It's going to look suspicious to onlookers a trailer pulling up to a house and then being unloaded, but a van not so much? Perhaps they have a nightclub which is just a front, a truck delivering stock wouldn't be unusual so they could have a central hub of their manufacturing. 

Same could work for guns/narcotics/alcohol it's simply a base system used to create a product. 

This would actual be pretty cool, especially if conducted subtly and smoothly.

Perhaps illegal brewing could become a thing as well.

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As discussed briefly on discord, perhaps instead of importing just ammo, you could import an ammo reloading bench.

You'd basically craft bullets similar to drugs and the ammo bench would be a piece of furniture, 1 bench per ammo type, and you have to import materials just like you would with the drug lab mentioned in prior post.

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+1. I think that the possible RP opportunities that could come from this suggestion are great, as well as the ones further expanded on in the comments. I think that the ammo benches and mini-drug labs would have to be acquired through illegal means, and not just bought from the furniture store though. I don't really know what these means would be, but if someone has any ideas, please expand on them further in the comments. I don't personally like criminal RP, but this is a great suggestion regardless.

Edited by iAchieve
Spelling & grammar
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3 hours ago, iAchieve said:

+1. I think that the possible RP opportunities that could come from this suggestion are great, as well as the ones further expanded on in the comments. I think that the ammo benches and mini-drug labs would have to be acquired through illegal means, and not just bought from the furniture store though. I don't really know what these means would be, but if someone has any ideas, please expand on them further in the comments. I don't personally like criminal RP, but this is a great suggestion regardless.

I should've clarified a bit more, it would be imported like guns/ammo but it would be a furniture item that gets placed down. The druglab/distillery/ammobench would not be on sale at the furniture store.

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2 hours ago, Wifye said:

I should've clarified a bit more, it would be imported like guns/ammo but it would be a furniture item that gets placed down. The druglab/distillery/ammobench would not be on sale at the furniture store.

Sounds good to me.

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