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More activities for civilians

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Currently, there are a LOT of gang members and random civilians robbing each other on a near constant basis. Especially with 2 of the largest gangs joining together to form an alliance.


The only 'hang out' spot for your regular crime-free civilian seems to be the bank (for hanging out and meeting people), Tequi-la-la for poker, lady luck for gambling and a strip club. 


My character does not participate in gambling all that often and would never hangout at a strip club regularly. There is very little to do for your regular civilian who wouldn't do any of the crime style stuff. Some suggestions would be adding a coffee shop that you can actually sit at the tables or a restaurant you can order at. Maybe making some of the current city areas useable? This would add to the real life feel. 


If anyone has any other suggestions feel free to weigh in.

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The robbing part is not that bad like it used to be since the weapons are a bit harder to obtain now,but it would be really cool to have an active hang out spot with variety of rp,not just bank.But its up to the community really to make this happen,you can buy properties now and make them into a hang out areas,like the strip club was made so hopefully some people with cool ideas pull something off.

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2 hours ago, Sandiego said:

The robbing part is not that bad like it used to be since the weapons are a bit harder to obtain now

That only applies to people without connections. If you want to be a criminal you need to have a crew. Getting a permit is super easy too so long as you’re clean.

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In order to develop more activities for civilians, you have to find out what players would actually enjoy doing and actually provide opportunities for real player interaction.

Let's use the vanilla GTA activities for example, golf, darts and tennis.

Golf, darts, and tennis can quickly get old as it's very repetitive but it's fun when playing and talking to other people. Since it requires a different "lobby" to join, I don't think it's practical to implement those.

Now let's look at some current civilian activities in the server:

Fishing: mindless and repetitive, easily robbed, little player interaction

Civilian jobs: repetitive mindless head to destinations, little player interaction

See the trend, mindless and/or repetitive with little to no new factors or player interaction. The other issue is obviously the "safety" element. People hang out in NCZ's since they can't get attacked and nothing drives them to go out into the world besides money or privacy.

The safety factor is pretty much unavoidable. People don't like losing, especially losing "hard earned money". Having more profitable "player victimless activities" for criminals is the only way to probably cut down on that but that a whole other beast.

In order to break the mindless and repetitive features, you need to introduce more opportunities for player interaction. Player interaction adds the chance of new factors coming into play and we as humans(especially rp'ers) enjoy social interaction. An example of this on the server right now is requiring 2 people to rob a store. By having to have 2 people working together, that alone forces player interaction. It also adds the chance of it not always being mindlessly repetition since each player could affect the other based on their actions and requires some socializing.

Based on the bit above, you probably can see where I'm going with this. New activities(doesn't have to be all of them) should require more than 1 person. Here are a few simple examples to get the ball rolling:

Checkers/Chess in an open public area - The idea is pretty simple and straight forward. Have a couple checkers and chess games scattered around that people can hang out at.

Races and obstacle courses- obviously not illegal street races but maybe foot races, off road races, and maybe obstacle courses to run through. People can be competitive so having high scores could further incite people to participate for bragging rights. Basically have a marker that requires two or more people to be near it to start the event then place a route/destination for them to travel to. Of course this could be easily done through to but by having actual hard coded markers that random people can go to, it might increase new interactions between players.

Boxing - This one could be a bit rough given how combat can be buggy at times. Basically two people can enter a ring to fight. The trick here is setting an end point on the match based on health to avoid people going into "injured mode". Obviously we don't want to have medics come pick people up at the end of each fight. Perhaps a wage could be placed by each fighter. Depending on how popular it ends up, maybe spectator bets could become a thing too.


That's all I got for now so hopefully others can go off of that.


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