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NA server

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Make NA eclipse server. After RP mod blowed up on twitch lots of Americans want to join. I personally live in NY and I have 150ping probably lots of people doesn't want to join just because of very high ping. I don't think it's a bad idea for eclipse to have few servers. 

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I don't like the idea of having 2 servers honestly. There are times when the server can feel dead and if we had 2 servers, it would feel even more so. 

I played on US servers before and I'm from EU. It doesn't really make a huge difference honestly. 150ms latency isn't that bad. Anything below 1/4 of a second is pretty much great. Considering a huge majority of people are fine with the server being in EU, I see no good reason to move it to US.

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As a West Coast Eclipse player its not that bad. Its playable for sure. I get a ping from 120-140 max. I don't see the point in having a second server at this point. Now if the current one was capped due to "massive twitchers flood" coming in and stayed like that for some time then yeah consider making a second server. The current state its in it would be more a waste of money to pay for another server. 

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Considering at times you can empty a magazine into someone and they won't die, yeah there's ping issues. But you can't really ask for them to uproot what they've already had for years that's unfair even though I'd love to not have to worry about terminators eating bullets. 

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