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New jobs - new adventures

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Hello guys,

I am going to be honest, I was playing on Eclipse 6 months ago and after couple months I got bored of it. Now, I came back to see that... nothing change. In the end of the day it is cops vs robbers server. Maybe it's time to grow to much bigger project? So the very first idea I have is coming from San Andreas Multi Player (SAMP) servers - MUCH MORE JOBS. They don't have to have huge impact like Medics or Taxi, but they would add much more choices for a players to make this server more vivid. Now I am going to list couple jobs I remember from SAMP servers:

-Construction/road workers: they could go have couple vehicles, couple sites, were they should go and do their work, or just add cone on streets for some time, like it is under construction.

-Limo drivers: It can be like a rank of taxi drivers.

-Helicopters and planes pilots: well.. To fly from one airport to the another. Or allow players to order private pilot.


-Lifeguards: they should be patrolling in beaches and make sure everything is in order.


Pest control: to go from house to house to remove pests


Also we could add more ranks to each job. For example, we can have shuttle bus driver, express driver and so on. Truck drivers could also start from small lorries with cheaper cargo and end up with huge trailers and so on with every job. It could be based on your EXP points. Also, it would be really nice if jobs would have unique uniforms. For example drivers hi-vi vests.

Maybe these jobs do not have a huge impact on a server, but I could make it much more interesting and vivid. I have much more ideas and suggestions. I am starting to code Rage MP myself and would love to help server grow. 

If anyone has questions, feel free to ask! I hope I made myself clear!

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2 hours ago, Vetro said:



How about a Miner job? at the Quarry. Miners would have to go and mine at the quarry for diamonds rocks and other minerals and drive it to the melting place thats in town (FROM GTA single player) and then sell it


Image result for gta v quarry

image.thumb.png.b926f29fc486c550ecf39e278618730a.pngRelated image



Yes yes and yes! We can come up with so much stuff. Like, we don't even have firefighters! Let's work together and make this server as big as it can get!

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Definite +1


I really wanted to be a legal citizen with a legal job. I started doing trucking, courier job, money transfering, garbage job and bus driving. They were all the same thing with a different tag on them. As you can imagine I got bored of that pretty quickly. Then I tried going around selling tacos and that excited me as an idea. Guess what, nobody wanted to buy my tacos (even though I lowered the price quite a bit) because nobody really needed them. This is where a hunger system would help. If there was such a system food making and selling jobs could pop up. Have restaurants and fast food joints instead of selling everything at the general stores. Anyways, in the end I ended up fishing because that was the most well paying job there is as a legal non-government job. Well I don't need to tell you that this became mundane really fast (and didn't make THAT much money, really). So a choice was presented to me: Either become a criminal or a government official. And that's why the server is "Cops vs Robbers".


That pilot job is an excellent idea. I have seen a helicopter only once throughout my time in the server and never an airplane. It could provide a more difficult job that needs more requirements and could offer a high-end more well paying legal option.


More jobs could definitely help the server a lot. In the state it is right now I'm getting bored of it quickly while I really don't want to.

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34 minutes ago, Noobfest said:

Definite +1


I really wanted to be a legal citizen with a legal job. I started doing trucking, courier job, money transfering, garbage job and bus driving. They were all the same thing with a different tag on them. As you can imagine I got bored of that pretty quickly. Then I tried going around selling tacos and that excited me as an idea. Guess what, nobody wanted to buy my tacos (even though I lowered the price quite a bit) because nobody really needed them. This is where a hunger system would help. If there was such a system food making and selling jobs could pop up. Have restaurants and fast food joints instead of selling everything at the general stores. Anyways, in the end I ended up fishing because that was the most well paying job there is as a legal non-government job. Well I don't need to tell you that this became mundane really fast (and didn't make THAT much money, really). So a choice was presented to me: Either become a criminal or a government official. And that's why the server is "Cops vs Robbers".


That pilot job is an excellent idea. I have seen a helicopter only once throughout my time in the server and never an airplane. It could provide a more difficult job that needs more requirements and could offer a high-end more well paying legal option.


More jobs could definitely help the server a lot. In the state it is right now I'm getting bored of it quickly while I really don't want to.

The server is currently based on cops VS criminals. Only those get stuff to actually do, commands, etc.. You can't play a Civilian. Only "civ" faction really is downtown cab co. It takes one hell of an imagination to play a civilian as a roleplayer and even then you won't ever make any money by doing so.

Edited by Vetro
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On 4/4/2019 at 4:50 PM, Fireflies said:

-Construction/road workers: they could go have couple vehicles, couple sites, were they should go and do their work, or just add cone on streets for some time, like it is under construction.



I think an illegal faction using a construction company as cover could be interesting RP. Said company could maybe by hired for when new mapping is added?

On 4/4/2019 at 4:50 PM, Fireflies said:

-Limo drivers: It can be like a rank of taxi drivers.


Surely this ones down to DCC management? If they don't have them, surely limos could just be considered luxury when picking an option for pickup.


On 4/4/2019 at 4:50 PM, Fireflies said:

-Helicopters and planes pilots: well.. To fly from one airport to the another. Or allow players to order private pilot.




If and when we reach a point when planes and helicopters are added to the server, this seems like something that would fall down to roleplay and not necessarily scripts. Other than that I see no reason why someone who's probably went through the hassle of aircraft registration and such the like shouldn't be allowed to role-play as a pilot of some sort.


On 4/4/2019 at 4:50 PM, Fireflies said:


-Lifeguards: they should be patrolling in beaches and make sure everything is in order.




This just seems a little unnecessary. There's usually no one at the beaches, and when they are they are usually just fishing and not swimming. This just seems like it'd spread players and possible resources further afield. I'd honestly rather people joined the MD than joined some sort of lifeguards faction.


On 4/4/2019 at 4:50 PM, Fireflies said:

Pest control: to go from house to house to remove pests





Good luck getting people to let strangers into there homes!




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Although all of these jobs look fun, the problem is really deeper than just not having enough jobs. Eclipse is not structured for civilians, at all. I don't have answers, and I don't know all there is to know about the city, but here are just a few things I have noticed that make it tough to RP as a civilian:

1) There is very little crime to be done outside of robbing civilians

1a) the rules are set up to protect the robber, not the victim. Your only chance as a civilian is to carry no cash, and no items, which results in shit robbing scenarios. 

1b) There is no recourse or protection even after you get robbed. So after a robbery, you just forget it and move on like it didn't happen. So again, robbing scenarios are lame.

2) The NCZ are gang hangouts, and no place for a civilian. It is constant harassment, and cops are never there. Plus they are all wearing masks, which is unrealistic, and encourages people to be complete A-holes. There needs to be places where civilians can go and be able to act like civilians, and meet other civilians. 

3) There is very little money to be made as a civilian, no reward, no perks. So even if your heart is set on being a civilian, it is very very hard to get by without becoming a cop or a robber. If eclipse actually wants a civilian population (which I kind of feel like they don't), they need to give some sort of perks or bonuses you can only get by being a civilian (i.e. not a gov worker, and having a clean record).

4) Civilians are deathly afraid to go anywhere. So it is safest inside their little crews (i.e. PD, Bayview, LSC, etc.) and do not dare go out in public, especially alone. I get people will be like "oh yo, be smart yo, don't go it alone or you'll get robbed!!", but that is kind of the point. Robberies should have to be a bit more challenging than hiding in the bushes outside a clothing store, and rushing in when the civilian is locked in a menu. It also makes it so civilians are not in the city, but hide with crews or, like me, gang members.....cuz somehow that's safer than going to the store?

5) And hardest of all, there are so many people just running around in masks being complete assholes to every single person they meet. There are no repercussions for this, and no benefits for acting like a halfway normal person. I know, this is a hard one to fix, and I don't have the answer. But it is very hard, and very rare to find a decent RP interaction in this city as a regular civilian. 

Edited by Jasmine
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It would be really cool but the real problem is scripting. Currently, we experience lots of de-sync and such things. Furthermore, each job needs management. In other words, we cannot let anyone join these jobs without being trained. In my opinion, we need more factions such as "Life Invader" which has been suggested before but denied due to some problems. I was thinking of suggesting "NPCs" as the GTA:O has. However, it is impossible due to sync problems. Consequently, I believe more factions should be added and they must be well-organised. The newest faction, DOC (Department of Corrections) has been one of the best ideas for this server because it has the potential to provide a fun time in the prison, although, it is not completely finished and needs more scripting.

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