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Something Doesn't Make Sense

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So of course like so many others I am waiting for my application to be approved with no notification of its status and no information from the admins on when I might get my response. So aside from how disorganized and slow that process seems, there is also this rumor floating around that they are so slow because they are receiving "1000 applications a day," and I've even heard 5000 a day from some people. This seems like B.S. to me, something put out by the admins to excuse how slow they are at doing their jobs. If they are receiving this many applications per day, then how come the concurrent player number on their website hasn't shown any significant growth since I've started checking it two weeks ago? Surely, if they are so backed up with applications, then they would accepting some of these applications and the concurrent player number on the website would be growing daily. But it isn't, as of right now there are about 200 players online, which is no different from yesterday at this time, the day before that, and the day before that. These admins need to stop being so lazy and start getting more players into this server.

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11 minutes ago, fiddlefunk said:

So of course like so many others I am waiting for my application to be approved with no notification of its status and no information from the admins on when I might get my response. So aside from how disorganized and slow that process seems, there is also this rumor floating around that they are so slow because they are receiving "1000 applications a day," and I've even heard 5000 a day from some people. This seems like B.S. to me, something put out by the admins to excuse how slow they are at doing their jobs. If they are receiving this many applications per day, then how come the concurrent player number on their website hasn't shown any significant growth since I've started checking it two weeks ago? Surely, if they are so backed up with applications, then they would accepting some of these applications and the concurrent player number on the website would be growing daily. But it isn't, as of right now there are about 200 players online, which is no different from yesterday at this time, the day before that, and the day before that. These admins need to stop being so lazy and start getting more players into this server.

When I joined a couple months ago, youd have 70 players in the morning, maybe 140 - 200 in the evenings.

I have seen the server hitting 500+ recently. And when theres potentially 300 players in the city, that's 200 players right there just doing their applications, and if that happens all day, that's a lot of applications. Youll probably realise that all of these threads about waiting to be accepted have been coming in abundances over the past couple of weeks, probably struggle to really find many of them before then. My applications wait time for a response was between a few hours to 24+.

A lof of applications have more than likely been rejected, because the quiz isn't easy. But complaining about the admins and speculating that they aren't doing their jobs right seems a bit brash, when irrespective of your opinion on it, they are doing their best to try and rinse through the thousands of applicants they have. I don't know whos been streaming it, but literally one well known streamer going on a GTA RP server would instantly boom mass interest.

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13 minutes ago, Hartax said:

been waiting for almost a month now, literally dead server

By definition, the server isn't dead if it has more than one person, but putting aside this big brain take, you realize that Eclipse is one of the biggest english servers on RAGEMP right ? But I guess anything less than 1000 players is ''dead'' in your eyes.

On 3/28/2019 at 3:53 PM, fiddlefunk said:

So of course like so many others I am waiting for my application to be approved with no notification of its status and no information from the admins on when I might get my response. So aside from how disorganized and slow that process seems, there is also this rumor floating around that they are so slow because they are receiving "1000 applications a day," and I've even heard 5000 a day from some people. This seems like B.S. to me, something put out by the admins to excuse how slow they are at doing their jobs. If they are receiving this many applications per day, then how come the concurrent player number on their website hasn't shown any significant growth since I've started checking it two weeks ago? Surely, if they are so backed up with applications, then they would accepting some of these applications and the concurrent player number on the website would be growing daily. But it isn't, as of right now there are about 200 players online, which is no different from yesterday at this time, the day before that, and the day before that. These admins need to stop being so lazy and start getting more players into this server.

This reeks of privilege. Let's get something straight. The admins and the quiz team are hard at work. You have to understand that with everyone and their mother playing GTA 5 RP on twitch and stuff all major RP servers are bound to get a huge influx of players. People here don't get paid, they do this because they love the community and like to help, so it seems awfully disrespectful that you would call them lazy because they don't spend their entire day reviewing applications. 


If you joined discord you would know that the admin team recently recruited more members for the quiz team and they are still accepting applications, these things take time and getting through a huge backlog of several thousand applications and reviewing them carefully so they don't allow any type of moron onto the server takes time, not to mention they then have to re-review all those who fail and have to continue to accept new applications daily.


I suggest you occupy yourself with something else while you wait and reflect on your words that can only be comparable to a 12-year-old kid who didn't get his lollipop when he asked so he has to go cry about it to his mom.



Edited by Kyle White Raven
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19 hours ago, Kyle White Raven said:

By definition, the server isn't dead if it has more than one person, but putting aside this big brain take, you realize that Eclipse is one of the biggest english servers on RAGEMP right ? But I guess anything less than 1000 players is ''dead'' in your eyes.

This reeks of privilege. Let's get something straight. The admins and the quiz team are hard at work. You have to understand that with everyone and their mother playing GTA 5 RP on twitch and stuff all major RP servers are bound to get a huge influx of players. People here don't get paid, they do this because they love the community and like to help, so it seems awfully disrespectful that you would call them lazy because they don't spend their entire day reviewing applications. 

Go ahead and cape up for the Admins because you want favoritism from them. Meanwhile, I go to the Eclipse page and the player total is actually lower than it was yesterday at this time, and not significantly increased from any day over the last two weeks at this time. So nice rant, too bad it was based on your desire to gain clout in the server and not in reality or basic accountability of others. Btw, I've already been accepted to two other servers ( Shadow RP and RP Genesis, two outstanding servers that I applied to AFTER my eclipse application but managed to respond in less than half the time), so I'll say again the Admins for this server are painfully useless.

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It's not dead, but yeah I have wondered aswell, admins were claiming that they were approving 800 applications per day or even more. Yet there's no termendous growth what so ever, it really seems strange. Since if they make 800 aplications per day every day there should be huge flow of people in the server which there isn't.

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5 minutes ago, fiddlefunk said:

Go ahead and cape up for the Admins because you want favoritism from them. Meanwhile, I go to the Eclipse page and the player total is actually lower than it was yesterday at this time, and not significantly increased from any day over the last two weeks at this time. So nice rant, too bad it was based on your desire to gain clout in the server and not in reality or basic accountability of others. Btw, I've already been accepted to two other servers ( Shadow RP and RP Genesis, two outstanding servers that I applied to AFTER my eclipse application but managed to respond in less than half the time), so I'll say again the Admins for this server are painfully useless.

You literally couldn't be more of a dickhead if you tried. Have you EVER been a volunteer staff? I was on no-pixel Arma 3. It sucks ass. You'd be lucky to get 10 a day out of me. The applications are long, there's a lot to read. If they get 1000 apps a day they'd need 100 people doing 10 each just to keep up at 1000apps a say. 2,3,4k? multiple days in a row? I'd guess they have a back log of 10k apps. I would literally quit if I was a quiz bitch. I tried literally 6 different unique names before I found an untaken one.

Plus, when you get on the server you're just going to look like a dickhead. What about when you need help or send a player report in? C'mon man, being an ads isn't going to get your app accepted any faster.

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2 minutes ago, fiddlefunk said:

Go ahead and cape up for the Admins because you want favoritism from them. Meanwhile, I go to the Eclipse page and the player total is actually lower than it was yesterday at this time, and not significantly increased from any day over the last two weeks at this time. So nice rant, too bad it was based on your desire to gain clout in the server and not in reality or basic accountability of others. Btw, I've already been accepted to two other servers ( Shadow RP and RP Genesis, two outstanding servers that I applied to AFTER my eclipse application but managed to respond in less than half the time), so I'll say again the Admins for this server are painfully useless.

I mean you are the one basing your opinions on assumptions that can't be substantiated. 


The way you form a logically sound argument is by using a bunch of premises and you form a conclusion based on those premises.


So what I want to know is why do you assume that because the server has a ton of applications this means that the server population would instantly skyrocket?


These are all plausible scenarios to account for the server population:


  • People who have applied failed so they have to reapply (1 application doesn't mean one instant player)
  • Players might try the server once or twice and then stop playing because they dislike the meta or got tired
  • Players might get accepted, but because of potentially week-long wait times they forget or move on to something else
  • Players might not play immediately after being accepted every single day of their lives
  • The 300 players on at one given moment might be different than another 300 players on at another time, this is because of timezones, work commitments, etc.. Not everyone plays GTA RP all day every day.


Anyways I could go on and on, you've once again managed to prove your childlike behavior and mindset, congratulations. To insinuate that I am responding because of ''clout'' is hilarious, I literally have a thread up right now and several comments critiquing the server, the RP meta and how it's run, but I guess those in your mind count as ''clout chasing'', but hey I wouldn't expect anything else from someone who has displayed such a lack of critical thinking and his opinions are mostly baseless conjecture 🙂



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13 minutes ago, Kyle White Raven said:

I mean you are the one basing your opinions on assumptions that can't be substantiated. 


The way you form a logically sound argument is by using a bunch of premises and you form a conclusion based on those premises.


So what I want to know is why do you assume that because the server has a ton of applications this means that the server population would instantly skyrocket?


These are all plausible scenarios to account for the server population:


  • People who have applied failed so they have to reapply (1 application doesn't mean one instant player)
  • Players might try the server once or twice and then stop playing because they dislike the meta or got tired
  • Players might get accepted, but because of potentially week-long wait times they forget or move on to something else
  • Players might not play immediately after being accepted every single day of their lives
  • The 300 players on at one given moment might be different than another 300 players on at another time, this is because of timezones, work commitments, etc.. Not everyone plays GTA RP all day every day.


Anyways I could go on and on, you've once again managed to prove your childlike behavior and mindset, congratulations. To insinuate that I am responding because of ''clout'' is hilarious, I literally have a thread up right now and several comments critiquing the server, the RP meta and how it's run, but I guess those in your mind count as ''clout chasing'', but hey I wouldn't expect anything else from someone who has displayed such a lack of critical thinking and his opinions are mostly baseless conjecture 🙂



Wow you've wasted a lot of time caping up for the Admins when there is crowds of people on this forum complaining about app time and agreeing with my post. Thanks for your useless input though LOL

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5 minutes ago, fiddlefunk said:

Wow you've wasted a lot of time caping up for the Admins when there is crowds of people on this forum complaining about app time and agreeing with my post. Thanks for your useless input though LOL

I mean if I was waiting for weeks for my application to be accepted I would probably be upset as well 😂😂 😂 The difference is I'm not a child who expects people to work on a voluntary basis reviewing hundreds of boring and unique applications per day, which is why I called you priveleged in an earlier post.

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3 hours ago, fiddlefunk said:

Wow you've wasted a lot of time caping up for the Admins when there is crowds of people on this forum complaining about app time and agreeing with my post. Thanks for your useless input though LOL

Very privileged. He doesn't have to accept applications, they can close applications if they want. That's the beauty of it, its his server and he can do what he wants, as he should be able to; he pays for it. It's like capitalism, you don't like it? Go to a competitor, but you're not offering much except a head ache and a player report waiting to happen tbh.

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I would have to agree with OP on one thing, if there are this many applications being accepted why is the player base not moving up? I've actually noticed it decreasing. As of when this post was created there are 295 players in game.. there was 500 this time last week. Something doesn't make sense. Just my 2 cents ❤️ 

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3 hours ago, obscurD said:

I would have to agree with OP on one thing, if there are this many applications being accepted why is the player base not moving up? I've actually noticed it decreasing. As of when this post was created there are 295 players in game.. there was 500 this time last week. Something doesn't make sense. Just my 2 cents ❤️ 

Maybe 205 of them are admins checking the 1000s of applications 😂

Fair play to them thou, can’t be easy!

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On 4/1/2019 at 2:02 PM, fiddlefunk said:

Go ahead and cape up for the Admins because you want favoritism from them. Meanwhile, I go to the Eclipse page and the player total is actually lower than it was yesterday at this time, and not significantly increased from any day over the last two weeks at this time. So nice rant, too bad it was based on your desire to gain clout in the server and not in reality or basic accountability of others. Btw, I've already been accepted to two other servers ( Shadow RP and RP Genesis, two outstanding servers that I applied to AFTER my eclipse application but managed to respond in less than half the time), so I'll say again the Admins for this server are painfully useless.

If you've put as little effort in to your application as you have to showing respect for the staff team of this community, which I assume you have, you'll find your application will be swiftly denied. 

Don't even bother waiting, there is no room for your attitude here.

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