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1 minute ago, ComradeCorbyn said:

Just yesterday I investigated an occurrence of this in SD when it was reported to us by a criminal roleplayer. Unfortunately, I don't think people who report these things to us are going to reply to a thread like this because they understand how thorough our investigations into these occurrences are. A few bad apples does not hold up when both law enforcement factions have command teams that are actively ready to investigate such occurrences. I recommend in the future directing this to faction command for investigation instead of starting a bold thread with wild accusations (Not saying you personally did this, but it has certainly happened in this thread). Perhaps then you will understand just how seriously we take this.

I understand what you are saying and I’m on board with it 100 percent. The way in which the initial post was worded may seem like an attack on your integrity. However I can assure you that was not the intention, I for one do understand that these things are taken seriously. However what we don’t see is the work it’s self due to a lack of transparency between LFM and FM i general. I’m not asking for all the details, just some acknowledgment that these things are being looked into and are being monitored.

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1 minute ago, SaltyPoiosn said:

I understand what you are saying and I’m on board with it 100 percent. The way in which the initial post was worded may seem like an attack on your integrity. However I can assure you that was not the intention, I for one do understand that these things are taken seriously. However what we don’t see is the work it’s self due to a lack of transparency between LFM and FM i general. I’m not asking for all the details, just some acknowledgment that these things are being looked into and are being monitored.

Although I can't speak for PD, any time someone reports an OOC incident in SD we send back a response as detailed as possible into any potential breaches of our internal policy or lack thereof in incidents. We include how we expect people to act and how a faction member's behavior may have diverged from that. If the faction member did not have any misconduct (Which is often the case) then this is made clear to the reporting party as well. The only more transparency we could have is if this was done on a public forum which is entirely unnecessary.


I'm not taking anything as a personal attack on our integrity! That would require me to think much more highly of these claims. It should, however, be expected that bold claims are met with an equally bold response.

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People that truly take a chance and speak with me in an out-of-character scenario will know I will always be willing to offer dialog. If the situation turns into a flame war or a /disruptive/ critique fest then I will direct them to posting a report on the forum. If I see a situation is calm, collected and promotes healthy dialog I will gladly sit there and go back and forth (within reason) until a medium is reached. Will this get someone out of an arrest? No, but if your character is being arrested and you feel frustrated with the situation and want to talk it out to at least keep your mental cool while you're going through the arrest process I encourage dialog in PMs with me in game (as long as you're not ignoring the ongoing roleplay),


The most common complaint I hear is about the response that criminals receive from law enforcement when it comes to certain situations. An example, two or three units for a traffic stop or aggressive tactics deployed from law enforcement in things like a pursuit.


To not beat around the bush and to set the record (possibly disappointingly) straight to some criminal roleplayers: The response your character receives is at the end of the day a culmination of previous experiences that led to that point. If your character has multiple violent charges, has a track record of being aggressive, is a known gang member then law enforcement (naturally) will be more cautious when interacting with that character. 


If your character has repeatedly used auxiliary vehicles to swap into mid pursuit in order to elude law enforcement, do you truly expect police /not/ to be aggressive in pursuits in order to prevent you from doing so?


Peoples characters have consequences, that being the same reason that I simply refuse to report someone I know might have issues with my in game character when they open fire on me even if they might not always be under what the deathmatching rule considers acceptable. 

Edited by Clank
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Welp, we are on page 3 boys and nothing constructive has happened yet.

1. when you are making these kinda posts, your tone is SUPER important.  Leading with "cops are making crim life unplayable" immediately puts you on the back foot, Puts LEOs into a defensive "awh shit, here we go again" mindset and destroys the chance for any decent dialogue to take place, case n point, most of this post is you backpedalling from that opener or trying to pivot, a lot of effort coulda been saved.

2. A lot of this is just general handwaving, silky noticed this right away, when youre presenting suggestion or trying to open a discussion, specifics are important. having POVs or IAs to demonstrate your claims is super helpful.  From what i can see we are unable to even provide a date, nevermind a UNIX, badge numbers, or player IDs. because without them, the people who could maybe make the changes you want havent got a leg to stand on because you cannot provide evidence to substantiate your claims which totally go against their perspective. how can you expect them to take you seriously?

3. this was posted in the suggestions section.....what is your suggestion? again your opener is so much broad hot air. Its a rant. What would you like to see implemented to fix the problems you see? how would it work? who would take responsibility? is this a rule change your suggesting or some in game limitation?

I dont have an LEO character, and i too get frustrated sometimes when i feel they might be over reaching. but posts like this do nothing, absolutely nothing positive for anyone. if you see a problem, have evidence to present, and a suggestion as to how the problem can be fixed then im all ears. 

Edited by Quietthecutie
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