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Furniture removal/editing QoL

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The first one is fairly straightforward - add an "Are you sure?" prompt when removing furniture via the CTRL+X menu for furniture. I've removed pieces so many times by accident by missclicking Remove instead of Edit, instantly removing the often carefully adjusted piece of furniture.

The second one would be improving the /removefurniture command - possibly rework it to have an "Are you sure?" prompt that also shows which piece is being targeted, or add a /targetfurniture command that selects the closest piece of furniture, instead of instantly deleting it. Some items are impossible (glass) to select or just very difficult to select (selectable only at the item's 0,0,0 coordinates), and you can't touch them without either removing with /removefurniture or having a mod+ noclip and painstakingly select/remove the piece. There could also be a /selectnextfurniture (or something) command that cycles through nearby furniture, selecting it as if it were selected via the CTRL+X menu.


Edited by Mpache
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- 1, the time you waste clicking that extra button is better spared, than for being to fast that one time missing out on a furniture and doing that over again,

also I think its skill issue, be a bit more slow and you wont have this issue, it happened to me a couple times but I gladly take that few times, compared to everytime clicking that extra button 

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5 minutes ago, Ritchie Stones said:

- 1, the time you waste clicking that extra button is better spared, than for being to fast that one time missing out on a furniture and doing that over again,

also I think its skill issue, be a bit more slow and you wont have this issue, it happened to me a couple times but I gladly take that few times, compared to everytime clicking that extra button 

Bro skill issue bro? Oh man you’re so special you deserve a medal for that. This would +100 like what you gonna stay there for 5 min tryna click a pixel? Ever tried using a desk and smaller props side by side in a tight area. It’s literally impossible to select the only thing you can doo is use the command.

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Bonus points if /removefurniture gave any kind of indication of what the fuck I’m deleting too, a 2 second flash or even just the prop name in a confirmation box is better than playing games of chance 

Edited by Ash
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23 minutes ago, Ash said:

Bonus points if /removefurniture gave any kind of indication of what the fuck I’m deleting too, a 2 second flash or even just the prop name in a confirmation box is better than playing games of chance 

/selectlocalfurniture followed with /removefurniture

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3 minutes ago, Guru_Sappo said:

Maybe /RemoveAllFurniture then confirmation to remove all in one go?

I mean keep /removefuniture if you don't care about what furniture it removes and add /selectlocalfurniture if you want to be precise

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