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let players take out a city bee if there is 1 or less taxi drivers available

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  • Who is the suggestion for?
    - people stuck around the map without access to a vehicle
  • Why is the suggestion being made?
    - DCC regularly has only a single person clocked on during peak hours, more often or not seemingly afk, and a majority of drivers only clock on during off hours to AFK grind salary.

  • What are the pros and/or cons of the suggestion?
    - Pro: people can still function around the server without a vehicle available, due to DCC members AFKing salary not responding to requests
    - con: DCC people will be upset

  • How should the suggestion be implemented?
    - let CityBee's be pulled out if there is 1 or fewer taxi drivers, currently its disabled if any person is clocked on at DCC

    im sure im not the only one who has this complaint. DCC is regularly inactive during peak USA timezones, and is regularly quite active outside of that when the server pop is significantly lower. from an outside perspective, it feels like DCC employees regularly avoid clocking in during high pop times, having seen extremely regularly a single taxi available when the server is over 200+ pop. but in very late USA timeslots, DCC can be seen with 3,4 ,6, 7 taxies all hanging out at highend parking.

    i dont know if the is the right suggestion, as letting players just bypass DCC when there is only a single person clocked on working, or if DCC needs to be checked more often by Faction management for why people seem to actively avoid clocking on and working DCC during peak hours, but clock on and seemingly afk or chat with their DCC friends durring low pop hours when they're not expected to work.

    This more or less would be a bandaid fix, letting players pull out a citybee even when theres is 1 driver available. 

    idk, not an amazing suggestion, but I and many people are frustrated with the current system, when a single DCC employee is on, and not responding, and you're stuck at DOC or Paleto or wherever, unable to get a ride, or pull a citybee to be able to get yourself to where you need to go.

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While I dont wanna get into drama about alleged salary farming i think we can all agree its mega frustrating being stranded on foot with no means of transportation. particularly somewhere like DOC where you are pretty much in the literal middle of nowhere and upon release, short of getting a friend to give you a lift, your only method of transport is a taxi or a city bee. one of these should always be available.

Perhaps the DOC city bee kiosk should get their own cache of bikes separate from the rest of the stockpile which despawn faster after being hopped off of, in an attempt to help prevent having to run all the way back to the city.

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People like to work when the server is quiet and have fun with their friends when the server is busy, thats why peak hours have less drivers, every other faction has this same issue.

I know this makes it so services aren't available during peak hours but everyone is free to join any faction and help relief that.

The restrictions around citybee usage was put in place to entise people to use the taxiservice as it holds more roleplay value.


The thing about your proposition is that its already in place, when all the available drivers are busy with a call, citybees are available.

They become unavailable again whenever a taxidriver is free, I think this is plenty and its already being abused.

And for new players city bees are always available.


I hear some people complaining about not being serviced and that they think people are salaryfarming or ignoring their calls but from what I can see, people don't keep in mind that there are also other players who order cabs and most players will cancel their order after less than a minute (most cancel after seconds).

If there are drivers on duty, they will come get you eventually.

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15 hours ago, Quietthecutie said:


While I dont wanna get into drama about alleged salary farming i think we can all agree its mega frustrating being stranded on foot with no means of transportation. particularly somewhere like DOC where you are pretty much in the literal middle of nowhere and upon release, short of getting a friend to give you a lift, your only method of transport is a taxi or a city bee. one of these should always be available.

Perhaps the DOC city bee kiosk should get their own cache of bikes separate from the rest of the stockpile which despawn faster after being hopped off of, in an attempt to help prevent having to run all the way back to the city.

speed limit citbee's to like 50-60kph, and make them always available to be pulled out. that way there is always a mode of transport available, but underpowered where people who dont want to waste the time, can call a taxi, which are much faster. idk, brainstorming a nerf to balance it out to make it fair for both players and DCC drivers, so theres a balance between the two choices.

For reference, a LOT of cities IRL have these E-scooter programs, where people can rent electric scooters to more easily travel around the city. they're a LOT faster than walking, but a LOT slower than getting a car typically. so i could see making the citybee's more of an E-scooter system like IRL cities have, speed limiting them to nerf them a lot more, but make them always available, so theres still a benefit for taking DCC cabs, since they are MUCH faster. 

Edited by Demonmit1
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+1 perfect suggestion. 

Does not make any sense that people cant rent bikes if they want, only if stars align so that there is no on-duty taxi driver.

This would also promote healthy environment between human taxi drivers and bikes, they would need to fight for people will to use taxi more.

This cant hurt nobody, IMO.

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again, as i said in my previous comment, your proposition is already in place, no available taxidrivers, citybees are available, available taxidrivers, citybees are not available.

The script makes taxidrivers "unavailable" when they took a call and are on their way there, to make citybees always available would decrease the amount of roleplay available for people in our faction.

some players don't really see the roleplay value and then they will propose stuff like this or repair kits or automated impounds but at least IMO those things dont fit a semi realistic roleplay server.


I get it, its easy to just +1 an idea you think would make your life easyer but you have to think beyond your own needs and think about how it would better the server. 


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"would decrease the amount of roleplay available for people in our faction."

i don't mean to be rude, but at least from an outside perspective, how much roleplay is actually happening? when the server is very high pop, there's often only a single taxi driver. that situation is EXTREMELY common. but then when the server is lower pop, like 70-100, its significantly more common to see a couple to several people clocked on. it has been MANY times ive watched large groups of taxi drivers sitting around at highend chatting, or sitting around at the bank all hanging out chatting, while clocked on during non peak hours.

Whats going on inside DCC as a faction that is causing faction members to avoid clocking on during peak hours where there would arguably be higher demand for taxi drivers, and more interaction, more RP options? but choosing to clock on during low population hours, and sit around chatting with their coworkers at DCC designated waiting areas?

there's clearly something bigger going on within DCC that needs to be changed, but that problem currently affects larger parts of the player population.

letting players during peak pop times have access to CityBees even though there might be a single taxi driver working or AFKing would be a viable bandaid fix till the core issue with why DCC faction members typically avoid peak hours where they would expect more calls and RP opportunities. Don't get me wrong, its very much not all the DCC drivers, but theres something going on with avoiding working, AFK farming during off hours, or something that needs to be addressed, but until then, it would be nice to see a bandaid fix available for the rest of the server to not have to deal with DCC labor issues.

How viable is DCC as a faction in its current state and how people play within the faction? would it be better to remove DCC and make the taxi job a freelance option, similar to truck driving, and based on commission for each ride? big questions about DCC, which could be discussed in a different topic, but having a bandaid fix so a large population of the server isnt stuck without viable transport options available would reduce the frustration of players while DCC gets its stuff figured out.

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