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Potential Changes / Fixes to New labs

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So with the addition of the new labs its brought something sort of new and added a bit of variety to the server on the criminal side, However I believe there could be some changes to make them even better. So I will list my ideas below and the community can give feedback and hopefully we can see Paulius make changes that will be enjoyed by all.

Firstly I know I personally said in the community meeting that labs or chops should rotate and change a few weeks apart but after further thought I think the rotation being 1/2 weeks is a bit long and it could perhaps be something like 48-72 hours. This I think would make the labs much more dynamic interesting because right now one spin of the labs and you know they will be there for at least x amount of time and there's no worry of it leaving anytime soon because you got a week or two to cook there. Therefore I think something like every 2-3 days makes more sense and is something people will be more fond of.

Secondly The new labs are interesting but they're not as good as previous labs. For example LSD Garbage and Island had 6 Coke/LSD Tables and Chili Braddock and Right Lake has 6 Crack/Ecstasy Tables but these new labs I AINT LEAKING THERE LOCATION 😉 have a setup like 4 LSD, 3 Crack, 3 Marijuana or 3 Crack & 3 LSD 2 Marijuana While there is more overall tables at some of these labs its a mix and overall not as good as the previous labs and before anyone comments "Why don't you just grab different ingredients for both kinds of tables! 🤓" I invite you to try and grab up to 6-10 different materials for 2/3 different recipes. This is way over complicating cooking more than it needs to be and I think most criminals currently playing the server would agree.

The fix for the mix in tables would be to make half of the new labs all LSD/Coke tables and the other half of the new labs the Crack/Ecstasy tables. Also in the Rotation of 4 active labs assure there is always going to be 2 LSD labs and 2 Crack labs active for balance in cooking. 

Thirdly I think the current amount of active labs could potentially be troubling. As the patch notes stated their would be 4 Active Labs meaning there are now 2 less labs then the active 6 before. Now there is 4 spots in the whole map to cook. In theory and depending on rotation can mean that people would be bumping into one another a lot more and this would force interaction and ultimately more PVP and this may be great for massive groups who are not shy to PVP. but for smaller groups or solo crims they are absolutely cooked and will not be able to step foot in a lab without getting rolled on 10-15 deep within 5 minutes of being there I personally believe the active amount of labs could return to 6 and have 3 Crack and 3 LSD like mentioned above. 

Fourthly This might not be related directly to new labs however the tables at Island are broken and have been for quite a long time, One of the LSD One of the Crack tables and 2 of Marijuana tables are missing recipes and some are completely unfunctional. I'm unsure if this is true for other labs but with the amount of tables in them I'm sure we would all like them to work 😃

I'd love to hear everyone thoughts on the above mentioned topics and hopefully look forward to these potential changes to see the light of day. 

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I would like to agree partially with Chris on this. Rotating every couple of weeks is not what we had in mind when suggesting it. Yes, the idea of it was to rotate labs, but have locations where all would and could be used without the threat of "clapper crews" rolling them. This didn't fix that as labs don't change unless PD/SD raids it or the time limit of a few weeks is up. The combination of tables is something that I feel should be as follows. 5 LSD/Cocaine tables, 5 Crack/Ecstasy tables that would rotated every 24 hours. Labs with Plantations could have 3 regular WEED/Seed tables in them that way people can roll blunts and plant at the old labs (Chili, Braddocks, Sea, and North) Potentially not having the Plantation labs rotate. This would make certain labs more valuable and some less "camp" likely while keeping the New labs, Island lab, LSD lab, Right Lake and garbage lab on a rotation. Thanks for conversation Chris!

Edited by Curtis2011
forgot lab
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2 hours ago, Chris_ said:

Firstly I know I personally said in the community meeting that labs or chops should rotate and change a few weeks apart but after further thought I think the rotation being 1/2 weeks is a bit long and it could perhaps be something like 48-72 hours. This I think would make the labs much more dynamic interesting because right now one spin of the labs and you know they will be there for at least x amount of time and there's no worry of it leaving anytime soon because you got a week or two to cook there. Therefore I think something like every 2-3 days makes more sense and is something people will be more fond of.

I don't have anything to contribute to the other points as I don't use them to cook drugs.

With the rotation of labs they also rotate when shutdown by PD/SD. Already today at least 1 lab was shutdown and moved to a new location. I believe both factors of rotation and the shutdowns will make the labs rotate before the 1-2 week hits.

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1 hour ago, HobGoblin said:

I don't have anything to contribute to the other points as I don't use them to cook drugs.

With the rotation of labs they also rotate when shutdown by PD/SD. Already today at least 1 lab was shutdown and moved to a new location. I believe both factors of rotation and the shutdowns will make the labs rotate before the 1-2 week hits.

I'm with you on the rotation not being much of an issue, but the labs having a mix of 2 types of tables, when you'll only use 1 is the thing, everyone who goes to LSD/coke labs, goes to cook those 2 drugs, and everyone who goes to cook at the Crack/etc labs, goes to cook one of the drugs, which is why they were good for their purposes, having 6-7 of the same type tables, per lab, x2 labs would be the most ideal

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As you mentioned grabbing 6-10 different ingredients and try to cook all the drugs at once is very tough, that almost leaves you with no space in your inventory to carry a bag with a heavy in it (as most crims do). You can’t expect us to go unarmed in a lab to just cook and eventually get robbed right as you finish your batch. Also a valid opinion for the tables, half of the labs there should have tables for Crack/Ecstasy only and the other half tables should be for LSD/Coke only. 



I definitely don’t agree on labs switching every two days for only one reason, that is what would happen if you place 5-6 drugs per table and suddenly that table disappears? Yes you can place one per table which lowers the risk of you losing a lot of money at once but people don’t want to run around with ingredients on them and usually they place 5-6 per table and go around scouting the lab until they are done being cooked. So I’d say this is a -1 on a 50% level. It can be good for someone but also bad at the same time. Idk I may be wrong for this one but that’s just what I think would happen.

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1 hour ago, ILLYRIANN said:


I definitely don’t agree on labs switching every two days for only one reason, that is what would happen if you place 5-6 drugs per table and suddenly that table disappears? Yes you can place one per table which lowers the risk of you losing a lot of money at once but people don’t want to run around with ingredients on them and usually they place 5-6 per table and go around scouting the lab until they are done being cooked. So I’d say this is a -1 on a 50% level. It can be good for someone but also bad at the same time. Idk I may be wrong for this one but that’s just what I think would happen.

There can be measures to ensure this wont ever happen via development like a warning or countdown at the blip at the lab for a soon to happen rotation

Edited by Chris_
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+1 for tables and drugs adjustements.
-1 from me for the rotation part, it would be pain in the ass to keep looking every 2-3 days for the active labs, it's boring and a waste of time imo. Also PD raid should be considered as well, if they shut down a lab it would be active somewhere else and with 2-3 days rotation it's gonna be too much mess. Yesterday for example 2 labs or more got shut down in only 1 day which is automatically a new rotation, i don't think the ability of shutdowning a lab would be a good combination with 2-3 days rotation.

Edited by ChenZen
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In my humble opinion,

I believe labs should rotate weekly, as hobgoblin mentioned above they will rotate if shutdown by PD, which I am sure this will happen at least every couple of days due to certain things happening icly.

There should be at least 7 tables in each lab and I believe these should consist of coke/lsd tables for 2 locations. I.e out of the 4 locations 2 labs have 7 coke/lsd tables in each and the other 2 labs have 7 tables each for crack/meth etc.

I think some of the tables are also missing the ability to place down drugs as they are missing the recipes.

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Allow players to add a few extra tables in the lab. This will encourage them to import new drug tables from shipments or use old tables stored in houses, with the hope that a future drug update will make them usable ONE DAY. The number doesn't have to be large, I think 5-6 addable tables will solve all the issue mentioned above. Cops raid will make crim lose those extra added tables as it will be destroyed by the cops.

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I think now is a good time to revisit this topic. Changing it to be a "Rotation to a different location after getting shut down" in my opinion NEEDS TO HAPPEN even if its 3 active labs its better then 0 or just 1. Server is too populated for there to be 1 or 0 labs and it just creates more hostile PVP mentality to fight over 1 single lab or create the "This is boring" PD/SD included, just log off after driving around for 20 minutes. Another suggestion having a "Red Zone" where there are no free tables set up, players could bring their own set number of tables most likely 3-5 to where they can put them up no matter if PD/SD raids it or not, they will just take the loss on their tables if they can't dismantle in time. Thanks for reading 🙂 

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7 minutes ago, Curtis2011 said:

Changing it to be a "Rotation to a different location after getting shut down" in my opinion NEEDS TO HAPPEN 

I believe this already happens, at first it was instant but a timer was introduced. Maybe the timer needs to be lowered, however I'm not sure what the timer currently is.

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something needs to change, last 2 weeks when I log on could find a maximum of 3 labs at once, then PD raided 2 within 6 hours and we were stuck with one lab on the whole server for the day, needs to be more than 1-3 active at once which is currently how it is maximum you would find open on a good day is 3 labs. there is seven T1+ factions 2-3 labs is not enough in the server, not to mention 15 locations with 1-2 open spending so much time to try and find the open rotated labs, at first it was a very good idea but I believe everyone can believe it has gotten really repetitive quick having to find the labs everyday 

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