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Inaudible and invisible infliction of bullet wounds.

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Date and time (provide timezone):  Around 8pm BST

Character name: Ramiz Bashkimi

Issue/bug you are reporting: I've noticed that when being shot at a particular angle or distance, you are unable to see the trace of the bullets (regardless of suppressor), the blood from being shot/the impact of the gun wounds and also the gunshots are completely inaudible. 

Expected behavior:  Usually, you would hear the sound of an AK-47 screeching through the sky as well as the wind-trail from the bullets hitting you, and the blood splattering from your own body.

Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicatehttps://streamable.com/bi7jwv
- Upon initially viewing this footage, I had genuinely believed someone was cheating against me, it was only once a fellow player noticed that there was someone shooting me from behind the rocks did I notice that this was not in fact an instance of cheating, but a glitch. 

- It is worth noting that this is a potentially game-breaking bug as you should be able to hear any sort of firearm loud and clear, and the combat system sort of relies on knowing where you are being shot from via sound/bullet trails

- I have no idea why this has happened but maybe it does have something to do with players being in the water and then emerging on land / the distance from the actual island. 

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I can second that this has been a problem, regardless of suppressor there is no audio a lot of times or a tracer of being shot. This has happened to me twice, once in chilliad and once off of the highway. It might be an elevation issue even if it’s just a few feet, it just seems inconsistent 

I hope we might aren’t forced to do the visual effects to find out if we’re being shot 😧

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I believe this has to do with water and (t-posing) I was once had the same issue when someone left a river and got out to shoot me, on my screen they were T-posing and flying around, and i started taking damage without seeing a gun or bullet trails / sounds

I believe this might actually be a RAGEMP issue and not an issue with ECRP.

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