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Eclipse Music Menu

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- Eclipse Music Menu -

Welcome to the latest innovation for music lovers in the Eclipse RP community - the Music Menu for Eclipse RP! This user-friendly application is designed to enrich your musical experience while playing Eclipse RP.



What is Eclipse Music Menu

Eclipse Music Menu is a tool that provides a comprehensive interface for managing and playing your favorite music on Eclipse RP. With it, you can create your song library, add favorite tracks for easy access, edit and delete song details, control song playback, and much more!

Click Here for Full Preview Video!


How does it work

Built for AutoHotkey, the application can be run through a single AHK script (or an optional executable file for those not comfortable with AHK).  When selecting a song, it will target the current GTA5.exe application, press the T key, paste /carurl or /speakerurl #, and the Youtube link of that currnet line, before hitting Enter.


What can you do with Eclipse Music Menu
Play Music: Enjoy music with multiple features, and control song playback across multiple speakers.

Manage Your Music: Create and manage your own music library, with features to add, edit, favorite and delete songs.

User-friendly Interface: Navigate easily through the app with hotkeys, and customize the app's size and transparency to your liking.


How to Use Eclipse Music Menu

Getting started with Eclipse Music Menu is simple:

Download MusicMenu.ahk and run it (AutoHotKey Version 1.1 required).

Use F3 hotkey to open the main song menu.
Optionally, you can download the pre-loaded MusicList.txt for a head start and add your songs to it.


F3: Open the Main Song menu. Also used to toggle the menu open or closed.

SHIFT + F3: Toggle between Full Size and Compact size menus.

CTRL + F3: Play a random car song instantly.

ALT + F3: Play a speaker song instantly, using the currently set speaker number from the menu.

F12: Stop and completely close the Music Menu script.


Direct Download or Repo link below!


More information and full README below



🎵 Enjoy the Music Menu for Eclipse RP! 🎵

Change Log
- March 5th 2024 -
Updated with 100ms delay to fix chat update
Fix to prevent sending empty links when clicking an empty area

It's not opening GTA5.exe -  Try to 'Run as Administrator'.  Right click > Run as admin.




Special thanks to Yputi for the song adding function in their car tool AHK!

Edited by Willowick
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Cat Music GIF - Cat Music Listening - Discover & Share GIFs

This is all of us listening to Willowicks playlist rn.


This is very good Willowick, cheers, I've been using it since you released it, thank you!

Can I propose an update?

The thread below is about a similar ahk script, only this one has the possibility to press a key and then have it play the next song in the playlist.

Add that please ❤️



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10 minutes ago, JohnG said:


The amount of code that the developers would have to write for this project is not worth the effort. I believe there are more pressing matters that they should focus on. Although I loved the concept of this music app, I'm not sure how it will improve someone's roleplaying experience.

bro it already exists, this is not a proposal, only a guide to learn how it works 😛 you should read trough it its very good.

I wanna come back on my own proposal and say it doesnt need it as the ctrl + F3 feature is plenty.

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has anyone else noticed that since 2 updates ago, this tool "sometimes" locks up the game when using alt+f3


Edit: i'm a moron, if you're moron like me, you probably don't have the last update installed...

Edited by Tom Solar
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