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David Rendall

house robbing

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-1 Nothing as of right now needs to be changed majorly for the house robberies imo. LEO will not be staking out in front of known spawn points for robberies. We have too many other things going on to be set on just dedicated stake outs, not to mention during the off-hours, there's not enough units to afford to do this. What you might see is more varied patrols, but not stake outs. It's also not RPly realistic to stake out spawn points, and we've been discouraged OOCly to do this as well. We want to give crims a chance to succeed, especially since they already have a hard time making money as is.

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I did a house with a friend and got arrested. The sound bar never went above half. I walked out to unlock the truck and a heli was already on site. Cops are watching the houses before you even get to them. They responded way to fast for it to be RP. They are just watching the area. Not all but at least some cops are. As for changing stuff, just make the cops stay back away untill an alarm has been triggered. Then respond. 

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On 2/12/2023 at 8:10 AM, David Rendall said:

i think the house set thing should be higher then what u guys have cause A. cops watch the broker guy or other players do so u just have to go someone and wait them out casue thats what happen to me and im out the money on the house now so i think it should be higher just cause of that thanks

Can you translate to English please?

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17 hours ago, losburn said:

I did a house with a friend and got arrested. The sound bar never went above half. I walked out to unlock the truck and a heli was already on site. Cops are watching the houses before you even get to them. They responded way to fast for it to be RP. They are just watching the area. Not all but at least some cops are. As for changing stuff, just make the cops stay back away untill an alarm has been triggered. Then respond. 

I can assure you first hand that this isn't true. I have responded to dozens of house robbery calls as an LEO already and trust me, with house robberies being new content, EVERYONE is doing it and LEOs are struggling to keep up with the 911 calls during the night time. If you got caught before 911 was called, it was not because an LEO was just camping the spawn point. LEOs dont even know where all the spawn points are. There are SO many spawns on the map we couldn't even do that. Maybe you were being investigated by a detective for a different reason? Maybe you were seen speeding or breaking traffic laws on the way to the house so the cop followed you and saw you picking the door? Maybe a cop was responding to a different call and saw you picking the door also? Many reasons you could have gotten caught. LEOs already have an OOC rule in place that prevents us from camping houses just cuz someone is parked by it or assuming someone is robbing a house. If you feel a rule was broken for metagaming, then feel free to report it. 

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