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Impound/Mors script job

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As we know impound is currently a pain in the ass for crims with waiting times for cops to arrive and take out your vehicle. So I have an idea that would take time to implement but would be a cool addition to Eclipse. 

Impound being a scripted job, but... only legals with over 5k XP can get hired by PD or SD to work the job, this would require an IC interview process and if the player is approved will get a role in lets say the f4 faction menu where they have access to "clock on shift" (have access to the command to get the uniform and use the script commands) at the impound. The job would allow the player to do the paperwork and make sure the player has a valid drivers license and take out vehicles for crims the pay would be a 20-30% of the cost of the car they just un-impounded. But that would get boring very quickly so there will have to be more to the job such as the impound job will also allow you to take out a tow truck and help PD and SD impound the vehicles, turn up to the scenes and have some good RP with law enforcement, also with unpaid parking tickets PD/SD can send you a radio call out saying the plate number and location of a vehicle that hasn't paid their ticket to impound the vehicle, giving more use to the parking ticket system. By impounding the vehicles they will also receive 20%-30% of the impound fee.

Also with the addition of having new NPC vehicles that spawn around the map that will alert impound that "Light Blue Lynx with the plate number CV4 58S on David Street needs to be impounded" so it gives the player more activities to do when on the job. 

With this job I don't think having it scripted for SD impound lot too would be effective would cause too much divide for the workers so I would only keep it to the PD city impound lot.

Another option would be integrating mors into this job too allowing the workers to release vehicles from mors to players. Have a buzzer option in mors to alert workers "someone is waiting at mors to get their vehicle released." with the pay being a smaller percentage of maybe 10%-15% pay for the worker.

If no workers are online the notifications of people waiting at impound and mors would go to PD and SD. But if this job is successful as the other scripted jobs then I can see their always being at least 1 person being online throughout the day on duty to not give PD and SD the hassle. If there is no one on duty it would encourage PD and SD to do more interviews to hire more people for the job 🙂

Would greatly appreciate feedback. 

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My opinion clearly doesn't matter but I have to -1 this.

I fully understand and acknowledge that the impound process is a pain in the ass for criminals. When I was with SD, I made an effort to prioritize impound over everything with the exception of Code-1's or the transportation of 10-15's. I would also never hesitate to take out a flatbed and dispatch to damaged vehicles when LSC or Bayview were unable to retrieve them. With that said, the majority of officers avoid any impound related duties because it's boring and requires paperwork. Someone will always eventually show up, but having to harass and buzz for 30+ minutes to get their attention isn't fair to those waiting. 

Compounding the problem is the way PD/SD handles Cadets/Trainees. For instance--there's a PAPA unit at the station on desk duty, more than capable of assisting you. But wait! Protocol does not allow him to unless he has completed FTS 2, and even then, trainees at that point of progression are usually coupled up in a SIERRA unit, under the supervision of another Deputy. 

It seems a lot easier to address this problem by either incorporating Bayview/LSC more in the impound release process, or designating a division in PD/SD to prioritize impounds. It doesn't make sense to have divisions for recruitment, Highway Enforcement, Special Enforcement, Investigations, etc. but neglect what I consider to be a crucial part of the job, which is impounds. 

If that isn't possible, then allow automation of the process so players aren't stuck waiting forever during dead times. Even if you only allowed this automation in certain situations, like when there's a low number of officers on duty, it would do wonders in fixing this issue. 

Executing this idea would take way more resources and development than just fixing it with what we have--which is possible. I'm all for more legal job opportunities but implementing this would create more problems than it would correct I feel. 

With that said, I fully support any idea or change that would help to remedy this problem. 

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Pretty sure no one would take it that seriously while it is taken seriously by the police department. It is a pain in the ass to go back and forth from the impound every time a person calls but there are many valid reasons why it is done by cops. If I was to do this job I'd find every reason to impound an expensive car just for the fee. Also the mors thing would make that an issue when it isn't necessary.

The PD/SD impound are a pain in the ass at around 11am UTC and we can all agree. That's because there are more or less 2 or 3 cops on duty if you merge both factions. If they are busy with something that may be as stupid as an ATM robbery, that has the priority and your car will stay in the impound lot.

Maybe you can suggest another solution. Something more down to earth.

On 2/11/2023 at 1:40 AM, Blazejackson said:

As we know impound is currently a pain in the ass for crims with waiting times for cops to arrive and take out your vehicle. So I have an idea that would take time to implement but would be a cool addition to Eclipse. 

Impound being a scripted job, but... only legals with over 5k XP can get hired by PD or SD to work the job, this would require an IC interview process and if the player is approved will get a role in lets say the f4 faction menu where they have access to "clock on shift" (have access to the command to get the uniform and use the script commands) at the impound. The job would allow the player to do the paperwork and make sure the player has a valid drivers license and take out vehicles for crims the pay would be a 20-30% of the cost of the car they just un-impounded. But that would get boring very quickly so there will have to be more to the job such as the impound job will also allow you to take out a tow truck and help PD and SD impound the vehicles, turn up to the scenes and have some good RP with law enforcement, also with unpaid parking tickets PD/SD can send you a radio call out saying the plate number and location of a vehicle that hasn't paid their ticket to impound the vehicle, giving more use to the parking ticket system. By impounding the vehicles they will also receive 20%-30% of the impound fee.

Also with the addition of having new NPC vehicles that spawn around the map that will alert impound that "Light Blue Lynx with the plate number CV4 58S on David Street needs to be impounded" so it gives the player more activities to do when on the job. 

With this job I don't think having it scripted for SD impound lot too would be effective would cause too much divide for the workers so I would only keep it to the PD city impound lot.

Another option would be integrating mors into this job too allowing the workers to release vehicles from mors to players. Have a buzzer option in mors to alert workers "someone is waiting at mors to get their vehicle released." with the pay being a smaller percentage of maybe 10%-15% pay for the worker.

If no workers are online the notifications of people waiting at impound and mors would go to PD and SD. But if this job is successful as the other scripted jobs then I can see their always being at least 1 person being online throughout the day on duty to not give PD and SD the hassle. If there is no one on duty it would encourage PD and SD to do more interviews to hire more people for the job 🙂

Would greatly appreciate feedback. 


Edited by TheCactus
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I'm on the fence on this one.

I like the idea of being able to help citizens scriptly to get their vehicles back, especially during off hours like @TheCactus said, especially cuz we are usually responding to priority calls. Impound sadly is not a high priority call for us. We don't ignore the requests for it, but sometimes we're on the other side of the city, and on the way in, get someone doing 200 km/h on San Andreas Ave, or a call about an ATM robbery, shots at LSC, a construction worker stabbing another worker cuz they took their hazard placement point, or a number of other things.

On top of that, there's a few things that need to be taken into account. When a LEO is at impound, we need to check license to ensure your license is not suspended, we need to check BOLOs to see if there's any exact confirmable matches, check to see if you have any charges warranting an arrest, all these things I think would be hard to deal with scriptly.


On the other hand, looking at it from a civ point of view, it's annoying. You sit there for 30 mins, an hour, two hours, no one has come yet, you place a 911 non-emergency call, which isn't needed, we all can see the request at impound. No one shows. You wait another 30 mins, still no one. It's annoying, it's a horrible experience, you are basically just sitting there AFK until someone shows up. So I get that a scriptly thing is needed, and desired. I just sadly cannot think of a way that meets the internal tasks that LEO goes through to release a vehicle, as well as the loss of RP due to it. 


Case; I responded to a impound release request, and once there, the individual who was requesting to have his vehicle released, tried to hide the part on his license that said it was suspended. However, once RPing the /license ID, ignoring the suspension, the cover up RP was a bit shoddy and vague in description, and I was able to see something off on the license. Got to RP checking the MDC for the validity of the license status, RP the interaction explaining that the license is expired, etc. It was fun, it was different, it was a clever attempt to surpass the requirements needed to be met to release a vehicle.

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