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Death and injury systems need a little change

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Don't you think that injury system is so simple and needs some more features. Let me explain with an example:

Think that you are a member of a gang, and got in a shootout with another gang member and he is on the ground, injured. You need to interrogate him for further info about their group's whereabouts and etc. You should be able to put the guy in the trunk and take him to a safehouse or a secluded place. But because of the system you only have 5-6 minutes to RP it. Then he is gone, puff.. RP is over. Like a deathmatch. I think there should be some kind of item, like adrenaline syringe that can be purchased from inside the hospital or the general stores, when applied it would make the player's hp low but stabilized, and make them able to walk slowly. The fact that only a medic or a police officer can get you up while on the ground makes Role Playing harder and ridiculous.

I apologize if there's a system that resembles in any way to the one I mentioned above.

ps. Sorry for the bad grammar.

Edited by SiyaHsaL
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Whenever I try to talk first instead shooting, I got killed. Nearly no one obeys the fear-rp rule. Everyone with low-rp experience in the server is a "gangsta boy". Every attempt to roleplaying ends up with guns.

 I think it wouldn't be abused, if you're injured, you won't be able to use the syringe on yourself, some other player should use it on you. 

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The death system is already abused by people. You can expecialy see that on hostage situations when you're getting swated ofc you try to take hostage with you so you pop few rounds into his brains, yet while he's lying there you get poped aswell. Then what happens "oh boys you're bad shooters he's actually going to live". 

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