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Mortimer Hauch

Realistic police radar gun implementation

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While it could be improved I think given the amount of work it would probably take for it to be adjusted to only get a single vehicle at a time or allow vehicles to block plates and only scan front or back plates is not worth it.  Some of the scenarios given in this thread would still play out the same regardless of the changes to the MDC or not. And ultimately would you rather development time be spent on something that makes cops spend an extra few seconds adjusting their car to get an angle on a plate or work on something that more of the player base can use.

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On 6/5/2022 at 9:19 AM, XeV said:

The use the radar has in its scripted form goes way above any normal function it would have IRL this clip was posted to fashion and it shows the officer getting the plates of 5 different vehicles just by being in the vicinity which realistically makes 0 sense as they are getting plates from vehicles from the front when the plates are in the back. Also they are able to click the plate so it saves in the chat log for later use, so essentially they can "remember" 5 different license plates in seconds.


The radar gun needs limitations on how its used

cool video

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On 6/5/2022 at 4:19 AM, XeV said:

The use the radar has in its scripted form goes way above any normal function it would have IRL this clip was posted to fashion and it shows the officer getting the plates of 5 different vehicles just by being in the vicinity which realistically makes 0 sense as they are getting plates from vehicles from the front when the plates are in the back. Also they are able to click the plate so it saves in the chat log for later use, so essentially they can "remember" 5 different license plates in seconds.


The radar gun needs limitations on how its used

Not sure how someone can justify the scanning of that many plates in seconds as a realistic measure of any kind. The cop is speeding down the opposite road, into a bank robbery. He should be more concerned about killing himself, and not scan 4-5 plates before even stopping. Not sure if I agree with the suggested idea that if it were to be more realistic than it would actually hurt the objectives of this post, I dont see it that way. Human error, and processing is not binary, its very ambiguous, therefore a cop scanning a plate should be a passenger or fully stopped. 

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On 6/7/2022 at 1:07 PM, vexanxd said:


Coming from another person who’s done both LEO and Crim, the mini MDC needs work. As stated above, you should be able to lock a vehicles top speed and it’s plate. I personally think it should only run one plate at a time. As for vehicles that don’t even have plates, e.g. the trophy truck, bicycles, etc. it should return NO info on the vehicle other than speed. This promotes RP through making the officer run an RPly obtained VIN number.

The problem with this is it would be considered a non road worthy vehicle and be impounded, and in accordance with the law could be held for extended periods if repeat offenses occur.

I have watched a few rl cop videos in my days here, as a RP cop. I have also god forbid watch "parking wars" where meter maids scan plates at 50kph going down a residential road lined with cars, and every plate is scanned, its position on the street tagged and logged, and any that have been sitting for an excess of x minutes are flagged for investigation. Any with outstanding tickets are flagged for towing. It is all automated, I also have a fair few buddys that are cops RL, and I can assure you that the plate search return pops up in a matter of 10seconds. (Hell a cop pulled out behind me one day (rl) and ran my plate, and had his lights on before we made it one block at 60kph, because my registration was about to run out in 2 weeks, and he wanted to make sure I knew). 

I agree the Mini MDC needs an update, as does the main MDC, and both have been on the LEO dev request list for sometime. I do not speak on behalf of the department, and it has been a long time since I enjoyed the crim life, that said I would aim for a balance between realism and fun. From my standpoint, I would like to see front back and side scanners, similar to RL speed sensors, I would also like to see a hand held variant so that a cop could be on the side of the road flagging cars for officers down the road. That said I would also like to see it remain fun for everyone else, and the License plates would require extended scan time (Someone flying past shouldn't give a plate), but if i manage to keep up for 10 seconds, than the plate is there for me to use. I would also like to see it not show all the cars, but unfortunately I think this will be rather difficult, I am not a programmer but i believe the MDC operates on a Cone type scan system. (anything within 15 degrees of center and out 15feet (random numbers I have no idea) ) is returned to the display. The limiting of what is shown would be difficult as it could present issues with getting the one car you need, when there are 20 in front of you, like at the bank, pier or other popular places.

Whilst the MDC works, it is still the same script that was implemented before I joined over 4.5 years ago.

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On 6/26/2022 at 8:30 PM, Praetorian said:

Not sure how someone can justify the scanning of that many plates in seconds as a realistic measure of any kind. The cop is speeding down the opposite road, into a bank robbery. He should be more concerned about killing himself, and not scan 4-5 plates before even stopping. Not sure if I agree with the suggested idea that if it were to be more realistic than it would actually hurt the objectives of this post, I dont see it that way. Human error, and processing is not binary, its very ambiguous, therefore a cop scanning a plate should be a passenger or fully stopped. 

I suppose it can be used similar to how we request camera footage from a nearby business, but actually just from the client's own shadowplay recording. 

The police could have justified the capture of plates if the CCTV cameras saw it and they ICly pulled the footage, but seems like there's uncertainty there and is a substitute for a scripted data action (i.e. instead, the cameras have their own MDC-style ANPR and record plates going past, which could be accessed with a script action). 

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