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Brody King

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Everything posted by Brody King

  1. Brody King

    Tool Chest

    Only way around this problem I've found is to logout and log back in. It will let you finish placing everything. Then I run into a problem with the Consaw part of the chop, it states that I'm not in a chop shop. To bypass that I again have to logout and log back in and it will let me use the Conesaw. Far from ideal but it works for now, hope this helps some.
  2. The Grand Opening Brody and Jack spent weeks building the shop and getting it ready to open but they felt they needed to do something a little more grand for the opening day so the two worked together to make sure that the grand opening would be a day to remember, but first the two had to come up with a track. An idea sparked in Brody’s head, "the island!" The two remembered the day Cheng took everyone to the island and had his friend from Japan import cars. So Brody and Jack went in search of Cheng (Leader of LSD) in order to get the connection he would need for the race. After a few hours they finally ran into him and explained their idea for the opening day. Cheng gave them a phone number to call and the two set off to finish getting the rest of the event finalized. It was April 24th and you could feel the nerves in the air. Today was opening day! Brody called for a meeting an hour before the event to make sure everyone knew what to do. Jack spent a lot of time setting up a planning board for the event so Brody put him in lead for the meeting. The plan was to take 4 Longfins over to Cayo Perico where a racetrack and 6 custom built apocalyptic Issis would be sitting. Once at the line the racers could bet on their race, up to 10k per racer. They then wait for Emily to do her countdown and set off on 2 action packed laps around the dirt track. The races were set up, and it was 4 races with 4 drivers in each race. Jack was on announcements so he began to call off the racers names. The first race had finished and Adrian Dox led the race by 4 seconds. The second race was a little closer with Fez nudging it out and taking the crown. The third race was taken by Nicholas Mazzo and that left one racer to claim their spot in the finals. Chad Rapkov was out randomly on Cayo with some friends and stumbled onto the races. He has always loved racing so once he realized what was going on he was quick to try and sign up. Luckily Jack had one open spot in the race and Chad claimed it, not only that he led the racers and claimed the last spot in the final. It was down to the final race “Adrian Dox, Fez Lequiz, Nicholas Mazzo, and Chad Rapkov you’re up!” Jack called over the microphone. Emily counted them down and off they went, after the first lap Adrian had a decent lead but right behind him was Chad Rapkov. The two battled neck and neck the entire 2nd lap but Adrian ended up holding the lead and taking home the cash. After the event ended everyone loaded back onto the Longfins and headed back to The Tuna Shop. A short relaxing ride later and everyone was on land again safe and sound. Location The Tuna Shop is located at 1 Autopia Pkwy right below the low end car dealer.
  3. +1 this would be awesome, I've had too much food rot while being in a vending machine.
  4. Brody King

    Tool Chest

    I am also having this problem, only way we got around it was to get Redhot to teleport me to the top of chilliad then take me back. That's the only way we could get it to work.
  5. much love my friend
  6. Really appreciate that man, makes all the time even more worth it.
  7. Really appreciate that man
  8. Thank you, we took a good amount of time constructing it!
  9. LSD’s HQ Build This was it, The Aces first job as a construction crew. Brody woke up bright and early ready to put in some work at The Tuna Shop. He was wiring in some of the new crypto servers when he heard “check” over the radio. Famingo had just entered town, Brody answered “checkers”. After a brief conversation Brody convinced Famingo to come down to The Tuna Shop. When Famingo entered he was shocked at how nice the interior was and as Brody continued to show him around you could hear the gear start turning in his head. After seeing the shop Famingo asked Brody if he would be willing to do LSD’s HQ. At the time he didn't have the correct licenses to do that but it was in the works. The next morning Brody got a call over the radio, “come to HQ, we have a surprise for you!” As soon as the shop door opened Brody was hit with a wall of dust. Barely being able to see through he got eyes on Famingo, Barrie, and a few other LSD members. They all had sledge hammers busting all the walls down. Famingo walked over to Brody “You like? Brody laughed slightly then grabbed a sledge hammer. “Let's do this!” That night Brody got the email from the government stating that all his licenses were finalized and ready to be picked up. Famingo and Barrie worked on a basic floor plan so everyone was on the same page. That night they also set up the foundation support walls and laid the template for the future work. The number one concern LSD had was making sure they had a meeting room for Friday. Brody had two nights to finish the meeting room so he asked for some help from Jack Betts. The two worked hard and finished up the room just in time for the meeting. After finishing up the meeting room they worked for the next two maybe three weeks to knock out this project for LSD. This was The Ace's first official construction job after opening “The Tuna Shop”. The main entrance and the bottom floor has a lot to offer. On the lower level Brody and Jack set up a top of the line garage equipped with any and every tool you could imagine. Now all the members can show off their cars and make sure they are performing at the highest level for racing. Shop Floor Leaving the garage and heading down through the hall on the left you will find a large hang out area for everyone to gather and hang out. If you get bored then they have added a full gambling area with a custom built bar. Behind that is a luxury office for the high command meetings, oh and one last thing before you head upstairs make sure to stop in and see Mr. Barrie Bonga in their custom barbershop. Lounge Gambling area Barbershop High Command Office Now head up the steps and take a look around the top floor and you will find the meeting room equipped with a throne for the DK himself, after you can head down the hall and you will see they have also added a full gaming lounge and crypto farm. Overlook Balcony Meeting Room Crypto Farm Gaming Lounge
  10. License to Work Brody has finally been granted the permission to buy “The Tuna Shop”. Morning came and Brody got a call from Tyrone Cox letting him know the business plans were accepted and that the building would cost him $975,000. It was a large price tag but honestly for the size of the place it was a steal! The next morning Brody went out to City Hall and placed his initial down payment of $175,000. He then waited for the funds to clear, once they did he received another text, this time Mr. Cox asked to meet at The Tuna Shop and that he had the key for Brody. After finally being able to purchase The Tuna Shop it was time to get the proper licensing to start the construction. Brody had been working with Miss Whitehorse for quite some time regarding the licensing that would be needed so all the paperwork went pretty smooth regarding that part. After obtain your license you need to file for all the other appropriate licenses that you would need for the business. Brody headed back up to City Hall and started looking through all the licenses that are obtainable. Looking at the list Brody originally chose 11 licenses to pursue for the shop with a total being $205,000 per month, but after looking a little closer he decided to remove the Grocery license and that brought the total down to $155,000. Having obtained these licenses The Aces jumped head first into the construction work! Jack Betts and Brody King teamed up and started work on “The Tuna Shop”. Exterior Interior Kitchen Recreation Room Office and Crypto Farm The Aces are planning to host a car show and fishing event every Tuesday after their initial grand opening event which is planned for April 1st.
  11. +1 love the idea, would make a great way to earn passive income
  12. Laced The time had come, the club was tired of waiting on Brody to make a decision. Dexter pulled Brody to the side and started to list the reasons it would be smart to join LSD. Brody listened intently but he already had his mind made up and knew all the good that would come from joining them but he needed to hear it from someone else. After listening to what both Dexter and Jack had to say Brody decided it was time to find Cheng and get the process started. The Aces pulled into LSD’s HQ where Stew was sitting. Brody walked up and started the discussion. “ I think we have decided, joining forces with you would be the best idea for both of us right now.” The guys smiled and welcomed The Aces with open arms. Cheng got straight to the paperwork as Stew started to put a few members through the recruitment process. At the end of the day Brody was given a position in low command that way he would know how to effectively run his club once they went back to being The Amarillo Aces. LSD was willing to bring every Ace into LSD at the rank they were holding in The Aces. Jack and Dexter were put as Resa’s, Dalton was put as Basuta, Jordan Jacobs received the rank of Supidosuta, lastly Ryan Crane was new to the Aces so he went into LSD as a Gaijin. Over the next month The Aces took every chance they could to learn. Monsters in the Canal It was Friday, LSD’s normal day to hold events, this time Cheng was cooking up something wild. He called all of the LSD’s members to come to HQ and get ready. When the guys saw what was in store for the night everyone got excited! Cheng started getting everyone assigned a role for the event. Jack Betts stepped up big time, signing up everyone for the races and calling them out in order. Dexter took over the party bus and got his playlist started, blasting music for everyone. Brody, Gaven, and Arrow got to help out as a mechanic. It was almost time for the event to start but sadly BD was hosting an event at The Vanilla Unicorn at the same time. When it was time for the event to start 80% of the city was at the Vanilla Unicorn so sadly LSD had to reschedule for Saturday. The next morning came quickly as everyone was eager to race the monster trucks. This time things were done right, Weazel showed up early and the blip was put up to inform the city along with getting some advertisements placed. This helped greatly because when the event started the canals were flooded with people. Not only was there an amazing event happening but LSD had put up a brand new maxed out Buffalo STX up for raffle. It was time for the races to start, Jack called out for the first racers. Slowly they made their way to the monster trucks where the mechanics were waiting. Nica, Terrance, Arrow, and Gaven began handing the racers their helmets and strapping everyone in, it was time to begin. The Races carried on without a hitch as the night slowly crept in, then PD showed their face trying to shut the event down. Cheng pulled the cops to the side and talked, then more units arrived. Cheng continued to shut down PD’s attempt to end the event, stating that nothing they were doing was illegal. The cops left and let the event finish. Below are photos taken by Brody King of the event.
  13. We are just getting started my friend ;)
  14. Thank you my friend
  15. Time to Rethink Rico was cooking “Tuna” in #2 when the fumes got to his head and he passed out. As Rico awoke he realized he was at the hospital and called Brody. Brody pulled into Pillbox and as he did he got a notification on his phone from his apartment's security system, it was being broken into. Brody decided to leave Rico and floor it to his apartment, when he pulled up it was an all too familiar sight as cops had the entrance barricaded again. Frustrated about losing yet another lab, Brody sped off. Thankfully the Aces had seen a little profit from the lab and had enough to put in for some more tables but that was it, the treasury was cleaned out this would be their last chance to do it right. After furnishing a new lab the Aces barely had money for food so the guys got together and ran a few bus routes to cover what they would need for the shipments. The Aces tried to go to LSD but couldn't find anyone so they went over to Grove Street but still had no luck. Their next move was to check if the Royals had any product that they needed cooked, but it was the same story. Lastly Brody tried to give Salvation a call but something was going on with their leadership at the time and nothing was able to be sorted. The Aces continued to struggle for the coming weeks trying to secure a shipment but everyone was either only selling on their own or the people able to make things happen just weren't in town. This left the Aces with no income other than bus routes, and being in the top tax bracket that wasn't making much money either. Some Aces decided it would be best to find work in another city while others went back to their legal life. Brody didn't quit though he continued to search for some lysergic. He pulled into LSD’s headquarters for the 20th time but luckily Barrie was sitting there and he was able to put in an order for Brody. After securing the shipment he went back to their newly furnished apartment and began to cook. The first batch dropped and Brody went to pick it up but as he did he caught a strong whiff of some of the chemicals and passed out. He woke up at Pillbox and was very confused at what just happened. Brody called for a taxi and got a ride back to the apartment. For some reason cops were covering all the exits and the place was barricaded off again. Brody asked “ What's happening in there?” The cop responded “ Someone was cooking and must have fallen asleep, there was a major explosion.” Lost Minds Brody was tired of starting over, this made the third lab in just as many weeks. It cost the club over 1.3 million and they now had nothing to show for it. Brody was lost, everything he had built was being torn apart. The family he spent so long building was slowly walking away and he understood why so he couldn't be upset. All he could do is try to find a way to help who he had left. Brody started doing oil to get the funds to start again but he was losing motivation to move forward. Once he had enough he approached LSD again to buy more tables but this time he was met with a surprising question. As Brody pulled into LSD’s headquarters to place his order Barrie approached Brody with an idea. Apparently LSD really liked the Aces and wanted them to be part of LSD so Barrie asked Brody if the Aces would consider joining. It was perfect timing on their part because in the past Brody had turned down everyone that asked for the Aces to join them, heck he even turned LSD down in the past. This time things were different, the Aces had nothing left. Their membership had dwindled down to what felt like 3 people even though they had around 9 no one was coming around. This put Brody in a spot to sit down and listen to the offer. Brody went inside and discussed what it would look like if the Aces did decide to join forces with LSD. Cheng, Stew, Barrie and Miss Jo all had some input and honestly Brody could see this being something good for the Aces. Cheng was really putting his neck out there for them and Brody knew it. Brody had worked out a deal with Cheng that the Aces would work with them for a month or two so that they could understand the ins and outs of the criminal world. Brody knew nothing about how the criminal world here in Los Santos worked and it was obvious, but by joining LSD the Aces would have a solid mentorship to show them how to move forward. Joining LSD would weigh heavy on the mind of Brody for a while so he called everyone to Amarillo for a meeting. The meeting didn't take long but it did ruffle some feathers within the group. Mostly everyone was on board with the decision to join LSD but Brody had to convince Ronnie it would be a good idea. Ronnie fought the idea thinking it would hurt the Aces more than it would teach them and Brody understood where he was coming from. They had worked hard to build this to what it was and if the Aces join LSD now Ronnie felt everyone would want to stay there. Brody fought the idea of joining for the next two weeks but honestly with no one coming around anymore Brody had to just man up and make the decision on his own.
  16. A Rude Awakening The Aces woke up the next morning eager to get their tables set up, they set off to get the ingredients needed to start. Brody knew that the Aces couldn't be caught at any of the farms around the city because everyone thought of the Aces as a legal group so he decided to capitalize on the thoughts of others and try to keep The Amarillo Aces looking as legal as possible. Instead of using the farms and risking their legal front The Aces have decided to move forward only using the Lysergic they can acquire from other local gangs. As they set off in search of the ingredients Brody got a call from Miss Jackie wanting to meet about what had happened at LSC. He set off to meet her while the other went to Humane and secured the ingredients that were needed for the cook. Jackie gave BK instructions to meet in a secluded area behind LSIA, as Brody pulled in he saw 8 Salvation members waiting. Miss Jackie and Donnie stepped up and started introducing Salvation and explained what they really do. With the knowledge Brody decided on the smart approach and used them to handle the problem with John Styll. That night The Aces decided it was a bad idea to keep everything on Amarillo so they began to move all the product into multiple stash houses. They took what they needed to the 3g and started their cook. It was small and cramped inside but this was the beginning of something a lot bigger, they proceeded to cook through the night and into the next morning. Two days had passed and The Aces was starting to finally see some good profits then Brody got a call that changed the entire course of action. The Aces must have been spotted refilling their water because Brody got a call from Agent Marcos about a house in the Vespucci area. Shortly after Brody's phone rang again, this time it was his lawyer. The lawyer said that a search warrant had been placed on the desk of a judge and that The Aces had roughly 15 minutes to get everything moved. The Aces scrambled, luckily everyone was able to the house, once there they ripped the place apart making sure to remove all the incriminating evidence that could of been found. “This was a scary moment but we stuck together and did what needed to be done, I am proud of how everyone handled the situation.” Brody said as the adrenaline died down. The only smart thing they could do is sell the house now and try to find a new location, and that's exactly what happened. That night Ronnie found a realtor and put the house up for sale. The next two weeks became very stale with The Aces not knowing how to move forward until finally Ronnie got a call from the realtor letting him know the house had sold. This was great news for the club, now they had the funds to find a new location. This time they chose an apartment, it seemed more spacious and they could definitely put more than the 8 tables in there. The Aces gathered all their equipment and began to set up the new place. Once it was set up Ronnie and Brody took off and let the members cook. They had been driving around for maybe 30 minutes when they got a call that stopped them in their tracks. When Brody answered “Help” was the only word that came from his friend's mouth. Quickly they spun the car around and headed back to the apartment, the scene that they pulled up to had them both lost for words. As Ronnie and Brody pulled in they saw an endless amount of police and barricades guarding off the hotel. “What do we do now!?” Ronnie exclaimed. The two drove back and forth past the apartment trying to see what was happening but they couldn't get a good look. Frustrated and distraught, The Aces returned to Amarillo to gather their thoughts. Everyone sat at Brody's house and talked about the "what ifs" that might happen. After two hours passed they decided to go and check on the apartment, the closer they got the louder the sirens sounded. “Could they still be there? Ronnie asked. Moments later The Aces arrive at the apartment and Brody nods “yep, so much for that legal life.” The entrance still had a few guards but they seemed to be picking up the barriers. “We can't risk it tonight, let's just see what tomorrow brings.” The Aces all struggled to sleep that night not knowing what they might wake up to. Brody woke up early the next morning, surprised by the fact there weren't any cops around. He stood up, chuckled to his self, then grabbed his coffee eager to head over to the apartment. Nervously Brody entered the apartment and to his dismay there was barely anything left, just a few empty water bottles scattered around. Brody kicked around the water bottles then packed up what remained. As Brody was leaving he stopped at the front desk and asked them to please put a for sale sticker on the apartment with a heavily reduced price. The Aces didn't have much but they had enough to start over if everything went south and after last night I would say they were pretty far south. Together the Aces went in search of another location, this time they would be smarter. Looking a Little Brighter “This is it,” Brody said as he waved his arm revealing the new apartment. This was the last of what the Aces had saved up. “ This one has to work.” Brody said with softness in his voice. The guys sat down and tried to work out a way to keep the tables colder. They decided on a stricter watering schedule. With the new way of doing things everything started to smooth out. Brody got a call from the realtor letting him know the apartment had sold and he needed to come sign the final papers. This was great news for the club because now they could expand into having multiple apartments for the guys to cook in. Ron went with Brody to get the papers signed then they took off in search of “#2”. Together they decided on a new place that all their members could use and they got to work. The guys found out really quickly that Melo was a force in the kitchen, not only that but he was a talented carpenter and was able to get the apartments ready in no time. Now with two labs up and running it was time to start making some real money. The Aces went to all the clubs looking to make some deals. Brody went over to the LSD HQ again, this time he ran into Miss Jo. The two talked for a little while and eventually were able to set up 4 shipments to come throughout the coming week. Brody left feeling happy but he had nothing on hand to work with so it was off to his friends over on Grove Street. Ballas had offered to help Brody before so he knew nothing bad would happen if he just rolled up, so that's just what he did. After leaving he was able to secure two shipments and set up for another two to come throughout the week. Things were finally looking up, the money was flowing in and so was the shipments. The Aces were finally seeing some profits and it felt nice. The club worked hard that week securing the shipments that were to come through when out of the blue they were hit with a curve ball. Maxwell Lancaster, Brody's third in command, decided that it was time for him to part with the club. Brody knew Maxwell has always had friends within the LS Royals and understood that's where his heart was really at. It was a hard hit for the club, moving deeper into the criminal world and the Aces continued to lose members. Their numbers may have dwindled but what was left was now family. These were the guys that stuck around through the hard times so they vowed to always have each other back.
  17. Awesome post, good luck my friends!
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