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Posts posted by TreMetal

  1. 13 minutes ago, Kyle White Raven said:

    In this report the reported party was punished with DM for shooting at a vehicle that was owned by him when someone decided to walk into a very active mechanic shop in the middle of the day and yoink a car.

    The worst part of that report is that it is contrary to the rules:

    14. Deathmatch (DM)

    • Examples of valid reasons to attack another player:

                 • If they attempt to arrest or hurt you, an ally, or damage your property.



  2. You need to define what "at gun point" means.  Technically I could have someone 50 feet away "at gunpoint", but I don't think that should be reason for DM rights. 

    Also, if this were ever to happen car stalling needs to be completely reworked at least in terms of melee/weapon stalling cars.  

    Anyways, I'll always throw a -1 for any suggestion that pushes the server closer to GTA:O and further from RP.  I don't think we need a convoluted rule in general for this situation.. if you feel the user is doing NonRP by baiting/taunting using their car as a NCZ then you should report them for such.  It is the first bullet point under NonRP: "Actions that are unrealistic or promote poor quality roleplay are considered as non-roleplay."  This would cover general baiting and what not, but still allow someone to simply drive away to escape a situation. 

  3. Nice new track friend.  It's okay to be different.. don't get too upset about people that are jealous of what you are or have.  Keep your head up Mr. Inguana the haters are always going to hate.

    I hope you keep making great new songs!

    Sincerely your friend,

    Eric Demarco

    P.S. I love your helmet with it's inguana spikes, bullet hole and the feathers you drew on it.. it looks great and unique!

    • Upvote 1
  4. 5 hours ago, alexalex303 said:

    It is customary when you point out problems with someone else's approach, that you provide your own solution. Therefore, my suggestion is that the following be removed from Deathmatching rules.


    If they are not in compliance with demands, attempt to escape, or call other players for help in a situation where they are required to display fear under fear roleplay rules.

    Now let's visit the same scenario. Two gangs, purple and green on bad terms. A few green gang members are chilling in the hood, purple car drives around. They decide to make a play for the car. They go close, point weapons, they tell him "Out the car!". At this point, the driver has a choice, he can make a run for it, risk getting injured/his car stalled, or he surrenders.

    I feel that this is much more realistic and better suited for a roleplaying game, than hard coded rules that force you to act in a very linear fashion.

    Biggest hell no to this suggestion.  I think this change removes your entire civilian population over night. Which is mot a very good move (unless your goal is to eliminate them) and has a complete lack of foresight. 

    At minimum you need to add a clause about the person you are shooting in the car having either done an illegal activity or hostile activities towards you.  Your current wording opens anyone and everyone up to just people rolling up saying "get out" once then instantly disabling your cars (because that is how cars work for some reason) and  robbing you for no real RP reason or benefit.

    Your situation is fine as described IF purple and green are "at war" or have some previous RP to enable them to act in that way, but I don't see this working as a general case rule whatsoever and ultimately would just lead to people just DMing everyone out of their cars with little to no roleplay (because they haven't figured out how to log into GTA:O).

    • Like 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, GWXCORE said:

    I've often considered whether I'd get a non RP punishment for locking my car, rolling up to a lab or something with an enemy gang there, and just sitting and shit talking. I shouldn't right? No matter how many cars they box me in with, no matter how many heavies they point at me, no matter how many demands they give, I can sit with my engine on and shit talk and the minute they ram me or shoot me, they have committed V/DM. 

    A "letter of the law" reading of the rules shows how absurd it is. @alexalex303 what do you think about my scenario I described?

    Pretty sure that would fall under NonRP.  "Actions that are unrealistic or promote poor quality roleplay are considered as non-roleplay."

    • Like 1
  6. Stacking meat might be fine, but that would be a pretty big change to how people drop stuff off @ the butcher.

    For the other items.. just stop stealing GPS since they have basically no value.  Also, I am not sure why anyone would have a map let alone multiple to stack.


  7. 8 minutes ago, obama said:

    @TreMetal an npc shop will not help if we add them to the ammunation gun prices can raise up and the city will be more safe so we can reduce crimes  and add a judicial system and make the game more realistic .

    Nothing you've said here makes any sense.

    NPC shop that sell bullets would be perfectly fine. 

    Raising prices of guns makes the city LESS safe because criminals already get guns for less than they are in the gun shops because criminals own the gun shops and sell them to themselves/friends for less than the price legal gun buyers pay for them. Not to mention this would also let criminals sell their stolen guns for even more than they get now which will incentivize robbing people for their guns.  This also completely ignores the fact that guns are already at a price inflated something at least 2x their value in their current state (they were making profit at ~4.2-5k and are now charging ~10k for .50).

    Judicial system has nothing to do with this suggestion.

  8. 2 minutes ago, TheCanadian said:

    Except once a feature is put in and people are invested in it, it makes it even more difficult to remove. Owners have invested time and money into these stores, i doubt any of them want to give that up. Even if a buyout was offered. 

    If inactive owners are going to be put up for an auction how is that any different than it going to an NPC? Just refund their initial purchase price of the store.

  9. In my opinion they should just make scripted stores NPC ran.  There's next to no RP involved with these scripted stores other than for the owner to play farmville (order stuff, set prices, collect free money).  Pretty much the only RP involved is the truck drivers who could still deliver to NPC owned businesses.  Scripted stores are extremely OP and really only benefit the people who are already extremely wealthy get even more wealthy.

    The only store that ever has any RP interactions is the Zeta's store (which itself is debatable if it makes any sense.. but at least there is rp there). 

    Inactive stores -> NPC owned stores seems like a good way to transition them.

  10. If they ever update taco trucks I think there should be a way to check the price of the taco before buying it.  This suggestion for drinks seems fine though, but honestly you could do this on your own by buying water and then dropping a water for people after they buy. (e.g. charge price to include the water, then when they buy a taco with the script hand them a water).

  11. 2 hours ago, Tezhl said:

    The law you stated is meant to restrict "few" business from becoming oligopoly  cartels. Given the only barrier of entry is the scripted amount available this law would be applicable in that stance as their is no "barrier" from others opening a gun store other then scripting. An the current prices are based on the demand/supply of pistols supplied.

    Price Fixing is 100% included in that law.


    • Violations "per se": these are violations that meet the strict characterization of Section 1 ("agreements, conspiracies or trusts in restraint of trade"). A per se violation requires no further inquiry into the practice's actual effect on the market or the intentions of those individuals who engaged in the practice. Conduct characterized as per se unlawful is that which has been found to have a "'pernicious effect on competition' or 'lack . . . any redeeming virtue'"[18] Such conduct "would always or almost always tend to restrict competition and decrease output."[19] When a per se rule is applied, a civil violation of the antitrust laws is found merely by proving that the conduct occurred and that it fell within a per se category.[20] (This must be contrasted with rule of reason analysis.) Conduct considered per se unlawful includes horizontal price-fixing,[21] horizontal market division,[22] and concerted refusals to deal.[23]

    Horizontal Price-fixing:


    Horizontal price-fixing occurs when two or more competitors conspire to set prices, price levels, or price-related terms for their goods or services. With very limited exceptions, price-fixing is per se illegal, regardless of its reasonableness or actual effect on competition. As a result, price-fixing is serious business. 

    You also have no understanding of supply and demand if you think guns in this game could or should even be considered on a supply/demand rate.  Being that guns are more or less an inelastic demand (not to mention infinite supply, lol).  Any person who bought a gun store and priced them for 2k under what everyone else has greedily priced them or would make a killing, Too bad the same gang members own every store currently hence being an EXTREME barrier to entry.  Even if a new one were to go up for sale it would be instantly bought for more than most people could afford by the same goons running then ones that own the current ones.

  12. -1 unless there exists at least one Server/Government run business of each type that creates the baseline for the maximum prices to be set.  Gun Stores on this server show that if left to players to set prices they will basically fuck everyone over except themselves which is why IRL there are competition laws basically everywhere (Los Santos would fall under US Anti-Trust laws called the Sherman Act of 1890).   Hell, if there wasn't such a barrier to entry someone could very easily set prices to around half of what they are currently price fixing at and still make a very cool profit.  I don't want to pay 3k per clothing piece because a bunch of goons buys all of them.

    Also, store limit per per character wouldn't stop a faction (or even a single person) from buying every store of a particular type. So even saying there is a limit in place is pointless unless that limit also considers factions and alternate characters (and linked accounts).  

  13. 8 hours ago, Jasmine said:

    In our current state of things, this would result in the already mega rich buying them up and becoming even richer.

    It would add no new RP situations, be limited to a tiny portion of the community, and make the already skewed wealth gap even larger.

    Without implementing a host of changes such as:

    1) Some sort of limitations on business ownership

    2) Requiring more online activity from owners

    3) Implementing an employee systems to businesses

    4) Finding a way to fairly distribute the income of scripted businesses

    5) Etc.

    Scripted businesses would not have any positive effects on the community, in my opinion. Scripted businesses are currently nothing but an automated, uninteresting system which only benefit a select few.

    Yeah, can't wait for them to buy all the barber shops, clothing and furniture stores and triple the prices like the gun stores.  It is pretty evident leaving the pricing of scripted business up to the filthy rich people doesn't work for the city at all.  It also makes 0 sense that a bunch of gang members own all the gun stores, but I guess that's for a different thread.

  14. 11 minutes ago, alexalex303 said:


    If you don't want to get scammed, use Highend or the markers outside the property to sell.

    This is caused by greed, because people don't want to pay the tax.

    Pay the tax, or risk getting scammed. It's a give and take.

    You want to not pay the tax, and have no risk. 

    The case he is quoting is a trade car for car, how do you propose someone does this via the high end (assuming neither player has the full value of the cars as cash?)

    Also, it is hilarious that you think a 1.5% tax (e.g. 3k on a 200k car) is reason to allow people to scam players and potentially cause them to leave the server as a result of said scam. Fraud is a crime, NCZs should not allow fraudulent activities.  If the server wants some weird tax for item to item trades then there should be a real trading system instead of what is currently allowed, but with current scripts scamming in the NCZ should not be allowed.

    Also, generally speaking the person scamming has the car and goads people with offers and does not want to use the high end, rather than the person getting scammed avoiding taxes.  The same guy has been scamming day after day with his mint green elegy(?) and even if you offer to pay the 3% extra he says no and drives away (or says 185 cash or 210k with high end which is like 22k extra for no reason, lol)

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