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Posts posted by jason

  1. 1 minute ago, strangur said:

    Again, Sure I could understand that. However no replies on the forum post, and very very very very few changes. could they at least say "hey were considering this in the future! we will update you if we take a second look" or "no way we could do this, Legit not possible with the engine" or "we are going to begin working on this!" instead nothing is said. No major changes in a while, every single serious post with serious support includes the pros, the cons, awareness of possible imbalances, current imbalances and consideration that these changes take a considerable amount of time and effort. Often mentioning how much they are willing to pay or donate to see these changes implemented. Sometimes other servers have some of these suggested changes, some of them are minor quality of life changes that could be so simple like changing fuel consumption. Im just not buying that the dev team is so busy adding minor bug fixes for 6-9 months that they cant consider a larger project, or even reply to it. Someones previous comments about how OSRS does it is correct IMO. If not community polled changes, which would be the definition of giving the people what they want, at least some more transparency or a more fleshed out dev blog of whats coming so people can feel like they are being heard or get excited about upcoming changes.

    The issue with allowing people to know what is coming into the server is that it leads to metagaming within the economy and meta of the server. Every time a vehicle is removed from the server, people find out about it OOCly just before or just as it happens and will use it to their advantage. We can't pick and choose which ones we reply to otherwise people will just assume everything that's not replied to will be denied. 

  2. 5 minutes ago, strangur said:

    not that Jason speaks for entire staff or anything of the sort but really could one or more people who are directly responsible for content creation on the server look at this? or any of the posts with massive support over 6 months on the forums? why do they never get looked at? why do they never become implemented? will they ever or we at a stand still? is there a labor shortage? it would be nice to have anything other than radio silence. I even see some mods/admins going out of their way to suggest clearly positive changes that would have a good lasting impact on the roleplay and even those are largely ignored.

    The suggestions forum is not ignored. The devs look at every suggestion and will pick ones to add. Often times player suggestions may sound good to other players, but don't make sense in the balancing or realism aspects that the devs are aiming for. Suggestions can sit untouched for a while and be implemented later on. The devs have a private trello they use for their roadmap of the server. I'm sure their ideas are prioritized over suggestions that require heavy balancing adjustments and discussion within the senior staff team regarding realism and rules surrounding said suggestions.

    Almost all of the updates in the past 2 years have been mostly comprised of server suggestions.

    • Like 1
  3. 11 minutes ago, enantioM said:

    I did indeed get banned by a staff member on discord simply because they were annoyed by my message there. There was nothing more to it. Several minutes after I discussed my opinion in a non aggressive or offensive way, Angel reminded me of rules number 4 and kindly reminded me to create a post on the forums about it, which is what I did. There was a mutual understanding, nothing more, nothing less. Evo and several others agreed with what I said and after checking back to my discord when I made this post, I was banned from your discord server. So the "misinformation" is actually legitimate, and I'd like to be unbanned as that was very immature and irrational on whoever's behalf that was.

    What's your discord name?

  4. 17 minutes ago, Joey Figliani said:

    Ok but see? Everything we say here is getting half read and ignored and cast aside. I acknowledged previously in what I just said that I am well aware it's not all about the money. I get that. But like I just said, you need money in order to create more interesting RP sometimes. What if I want to open up a shop? Or make a party island? Or set up an event somewhere? All these things require you to have some sort of capital in order to pull them off. Sure you can create interesting RP without money, but there is no excuse for the terrible terrible grind on this server. Jobs should pay out more in order to create those interesting scenarios. This game should not feel like an MMO, money should be plentiful so everyone is capable of actually achieving their characcter goals without having to sacrifice 100s of hours of your life grinding boring and monotonous point and click jobs. 

    You don't need a ton of money to open an RP business. You can rent already owned islands for parties rather than buying an entire island. The types of people who own islands aren't people that just work at a mechanic shop or work bus jobs. If you want to make a lot of money, there's very simple ways of doing so, you just need to seek out people who have done it to tell you how. Sometimes it's luck, but most of the time it's because the person knows what they're doing. If everyone got paid more, assets would cost more and nothing would be different other than the amount of 0s following the numbers. 

    • Like 2
  5. 4 minutes ago, Joey Figliani said:

    There 100% needs to be more incentive for legal jobs. All the payouts are absolutely abysmal. Nothing is worth it. Not only are the payouts not good, but the jobs are straight up not fun at all. Everything feels like such a grind. That's why we see 100 people just sitting at the pier fishing. It's NOT because fishing is fun, its because its the most mindless thing you can possibly do to make money in order to make any progress on the server. And although RP is not about progression, some of the more interesting stuff in the game requires money to achieve. 

    Make some of the legal jobs pay more and have built in systems to promote player interaction. Pizza delivery jobs that can be summoned with an app on a phone, anything. Even the real jobs like DOC are stupid low payouts. I was offered to work there and when asked how much is the payout. I was told maximum of 8k an hour. Like cmon guys, 8k an hour? I can make more by fishing or mining. It really comes down to the horrible grind of this server, how am I sopposed to feel encouraged to work in the prison, the most toxic enviornment (story for another post), for a couple of cheeseburgers and gas??

    The goal of the server isn't to make as much money as you can and buy everything you want, it's to roleplay. Yes, money can help with this, but it's not the thing you should be focusing on. Joining a faction isn't about making money, it's about joining a community of people to make friends and roleplay with. Script jobs pay significantly more than faction jobs to balance out the loss of roleplay by doing them.


    • Like 4
  6. 13 minutes ago, Lou The Fig Figliani said:

    Another thing is car accidents are no big deal, if you are going over 150kmph and crash you should not be walking away from that.  This just promotes reckless driving and less rp situations.  The amount of times a bus driver or some maniac has ran me over in the city or Paledo is just ridiculous.

    You're more than free to report driving like this and failure to RP car crashes, it's considered NonRP.

  7. 46 minutes ago, enantioM said:


    Apparently posting this got me banned on discord. Not sure how much offense people take from constructive criticism but that's quite hilarious nevertheless. 

    Our most recent discord ban was issued 2 hours before this post was made. Please do not spread misinformation. 

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