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Posts posted by jason

  1. Everyone here agrees that a mass random unban is bad and agrees that case-by-case is what works, but that's literally what the appeal system is. The only difference is that we require their input and reasoning. Going through 500-600 pages of bans and determining someone can come back with no context of their ban or input from them will not lead to more good than bad. People who were denied multiple times from appeals wouldn't pass this case-by-case method regardless, making it completely redundant and increasing senior/head admin workload tenfold for no reason.

    Server population is not the main goal, player quality is. If someone who hasn't committed a serious rulebreak is capable of showing that they're ready to come back alongside demonstrating that they're good quality roleplayers, we will happily let them back. The only exception to this is those who are on a "boy who cried wolf" streak. We have plenty of people who appeal and say the same "forgive me I'm changed" speech every time only to get banned within the next month due to blatant disregard of the rules, not a questionable mistake.

    If you wouldn't be accepted in an appeal, you wouldn't pass a mass unban screening. Appeal and come back, simple as that.

    Locked & archived.

    • PogU 1
    • Confused 2
    • bakmeel 1
  2. 9 minutes ago, Destuin said:

    A brief example I previously mentioned, the administrator has since changed their reasoning for finding the punishment (probably once someone informed them of the rule change), however they still managed to find the same result, this is baffling to me?

    Yesterday I noticed this as well and still recommend going through the proper chain to get an idea of what's going on or to report it directly. You can also attempt to ask the staff member directly but this generally isn't encouraged as it can lead to other people harassing that staff member rather than reaching out in a civil manner like you intend to.


    9 minutes ago, Destuin said:

    \Administrators seem to want to punish people as opposed to the opposite. Most reports tend to go down the avenue of why did you do this and defending yourself. Instead a better approach would be asking the reporter, why do you feel they didn't have rights here? Why did you feel they were not following fearrp rules etc. Not every report has to have a punishment.

    Our guidelines do tell us to guide rather than punish. As previously mentioned in this thread, this is of course based on playtime and prior punishments, but we still aim to educate. Pretty much just refer to my "send it up the chain" comment above this one regarding that. MrSilky is your best point of contact for people you feel are aiming for punishments rather than education.

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  3. I'm speaking from my own thoughts and not as a representative of the staff team.

    Overall I believe that it is beneficial to look at situations on a case-by-case basis with rules that apply to general situations. We used to have blanket rulings for everything and enforce them as such which led to questionable punishments for dissimilar situations that fell under said blanket. It can lead to some inconsistencies and confusion when seen from an outside view, and myself and a few others are wanting to push for more staff transparency regarding certain topics so people aren't left in the dark. I do urge that you guys try and observe situations that fall under the same punishment but have different situational contexts to get a base idea of what I'm trying to talk about here.

    As for staff speaking on situations: We are not allowed to speak on behalf of the staff team as sub-senior admins. Anyone giving you "official rulings" for staff team related things without the explicit guidance or permission from senior staff is not speaking on our behalf, hence my disclaimers in my responses to similar threads. We CANNOT provide you a straight up yes/no to most situations due to situational context being highly relevant. You may feel that you've provided all details necessary in your question/report, but we can't act without seeing it ourselves and hearing from the other side if given the opportunity. Different people involved in one situation may view it differently. Referencing what a member of support staff has told you is acceptable is almost always not going to hold up for our rulings as they're not instructed to give rulings on those. WE DO NOT PROVIDE RULINGS ON WHETHER OR NOT SOMETHING IS A RULEBREAK OUTSIDE OF THE CONTEXT OF A RULEBREAK REPORT. If someone is doing this, I urge that you gain the opinion of more than one staff member so it can be discussed among many of us rather than just the one person. When doing rulebreaker reports, we talk between each other on what we agree is the best plan of action.

    Regarding trusting staff word of mouth: in general we do not take this as proof unless it comes from higher up. In appeals, if no proof is present within logs, videos, screenshots, etc, it will often be overturned. However, just because no proof is shown to those appealing or being punished does not mean that there is no proof. For obvious reasons, we cannot disclose certain details of an investigation or how someone was caught doing X thing as it gives them tips on how to get away with it next time. Staff accountability is being brought up and it would be very helpful if you guys could gather evidence of any supposed wrongdoing and present it to those in charge. If you have an issue with a member of support staff, you can reach out to Bakmeel or MarcoD and they'll bring it up to Lewis if deemed necessary. If it's a moderator, senior moderator, or administrator, you can bring up the issue to RedHot or MrSilky and they'll bring it up among senior staff if deemed necessary. If it's a problem with senior staff, bring it up to head admins and they'll get back to you as soon as possible.

    You are always more than welcomed to reach out to Kat or Aldarine to get their thoughts on a player report if you're confused about the ruling compared to a situation you find similar. If they don't find it to be an acceptable outcome or completely out of touch/inconsistent, they will bring it up to those who can help and will handle it internally. If they do find it to make sense, they could share their thoughts or explanation as to why.

    Please use the proper avenues of reporting staff and you will see changes in accountability if this is found to be a problem. Making these threads while making no attempt to make a change with the tools already available to you often leads to extremely slow progress as we don't have enough documented evidence to accurately determine whether or not these claims hold weight behind them.

    • Like 1
  4. Basically what flow said. Fake licenses should be nothing more than a social engineering aid as they are IRL. If an officer says to show them your license, you can show them. If it were to be further looked at by scanning or something of the like, then you'd be goofed. Could be a great addition if implemented correctly and I overall like the idea. We'll need a license rework as a whole which would display actual license information including a license # and character info such as birthdays at the very least.

    tl;dr, +1 alongside a full license rework

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    1 hour ago, Xoogle said:

    Be able to type while having your phone pulled out. This would improve RP even in simple scenarios like signing an invoice at LSC or Bayview while pulling your phone out and RP'ing signing the invoice while your phone is out. Or possibly add an anim to make your character hold a phone out, but not actually use your phone. Maybe make a /phoneon and /phoneoff command and make /phone an anim to take your phone out.

    Press F7 twice to enable typing with your phone out. It's disabled because if you type T in a text you'll start typing in your chat box as well as your text. This also allows keystrokes for all actions, so if you type F into your text while in a car, you'll jump out. This will reset upon putting your phone down and bringing it back up.

  6. 19 minutes ago, Qiang said:

    we saw officers cheating or using some modes or script to give them the advantage to win. being an officer does not make your character 
    innocent people always breaking the rules if you lose your vehicle once driving it to impound is ok but not 4 time 2 time was at MD that's not random PD dont care about MD parking lot 

    What are you talking about? At no point did I ever mention officers or impound. If you see someone cheating, report them. I highly doubt someone was using cheats just to tow vehicles.

    19 minutes ago, Qiang said:

    is not abuse far as you dont have iligel items in your car is ok far as i know 

    It is. NCZs are not there with the intention of being parking lots. Using them for that purpose is borderline ruleplaying as you're leaving it there solely on the fact that you know it can't be stolen per rules.

    • Like 1
  7. Lockpicks do not work in NCZs. NCZs are not meant for vehicle storage. Vehicles can end up chopped from NCZs for a plethora of reasons, the most common one being them getting stolen from tow trucks once the tow truck sets the vehicle down. Additionally, we will on occasion do NCZ clear-outs if too many vehicles are present within the area by sending them to mors.

    Do not abuse NCZs for vehicle storage. Parking lots, house parking, and apartments are intended for parking. 

    • Like 1
  8. It's not about a specific number, it's about turning an entire luxury apartment into a druglab. You shouldn't be raising the entire floor to a point where it's clipping through things solely for the purpose of building a lab. Due to players abusing this on countless occasions, we've had to make this blanket change until a better solution can be reached.

    • dead 1
  9. PD/SD can't spawn vehicles wherever they're standing, there's faction spawnpoints just like every other faction. If they're bringing out a BF400, they have to do to the station. You've never seen a cop spawn any vehicle on the side of the road.

    Speed tickets ticketing the car owner is just going to result in rampant trolling of people giving each other dozens of reckless ops and tens of thousands of dollars in fines.

    Otherwise, the rest is pretty good.

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