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Posts posted by jason

  1. Fuel and repairs suggestion sounds fine. I can't think of any police force in the US that uses the military as a middleman for purchasing ammo and weapons though, nor do I see any realism benefit in constantly allowing criminals the chance to get dozens and dozens of carbines, .50s, and a few snipers in exchange for their .50 and an AK that they'd use to hit the convoy. This isn't mexican cartel RP, it's set in Los Angeles.

    As for the prison breakouts, there's literally endless possibilities for breaking out of prison. If you choose to only do hostage situations and take it the loud way, then that's your choice. You absolutely can sneak out of prison by being clever and it has been done a few times before in the past.


    After reviewing this report and evidence attached to it, we've decided to accept this report and issue the punishments to the following player(s):

    • Wade_Floyd (27) - NonRP | FearRP | Disregarding demands for several seconds while at gunpoint.

    If you have received a punishment that you disagree with, feel free to file a punishment appeal following the punishment appeal guidelines and format. If the reporting party suffered a loss greater than $25,000 in value, feel free to file a refund request following the refund request guidelines and format. 

    jason & Puzzling

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