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Posts posted by jason

  1. -1

    F7 can be used or you can just wait for the chat to fade out after a few seconds. Alternatively, you can just run /salary once or twice to hide anything you don't want seen.

  2. 2 minutes ago, flow said:

    Well that's not entirely true. Regular cruisers do not stock SWAT gear, however, members of SWAT often deploy from home and their cruisers as they are required to be able to deploy at any time, anywhere, SWAT responses IRL are time critical, they do not drive back and forth to deploy, members of SWAT deploy from anywhere and carry their gear with them.

    That's fair, but I still don't think we need this as another advantage. We already have passive and active delta patrols for fast deployment on scenes, we don't need the advantage of being able to gear up anywhere at any time. I think the relog bug should be fixed and that's it. Adding this as a feature is an entirely unnecessary thing if you're only looking to solve the relog bug.


  3. -1

    Regular patrol vehicles don't carry SWAT/SED gear inside of them. SWAT gears up at the station or loads gear into designated vehicles to suit up at a staging area near the scene, it's not something they carry on regular, passive patrols. That's speaking for LASD at least. I'd rather just see the bug fixed where if you log back in it's gone. We already have a lot of advantages, this doesn't need to be one of them.

    • Upvote 2
  4. -1

    You made the choice to roleplay as a criminal which results in you getting roleplay consequences. If you weren't ready to roleplay in prison, you shouldn't have roleplayed your way there. 

    There's already some suggestions saying it should count down 1/4 the speed if you're offline, which I do agree with, but you shouldn't be able to just leave and have a long sentence just disappear overnight.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, ElTrucadero said:

    The petition, as it is right now, it is far from being legally and morally acceptable.
    As it has been mentioned previously, there is no legal way to obtain these substances therefore when you purchase them, you are indirectly funding criminal organizations.

    How about diverting resources away from arresting people for having small amounts of weed on them and instead focus on those illegal drug rings? There's no reason someone should be arrested for possession of a gram of marijuana, while the dealer loses nothing due to no following investigation. Focus resources on the problem, not the people. Making this change pushes that goal.

    • Upvote 1
  6. The ultimate goal is to roleplay with other players and enjoy yourself. It's roleplay, there's no winning or losing at the game, there's no overarching story, and there's no ultimate objective. You set out those goals yourself and work your hardest to attain them through whatever means you deem necessary.

  7. Hey there, the casino usually opens on weekends or Friday nights. It's down to the owners ultimately, there's no real set schedule. If you're awake and listening to Weazel News, you'll see some advertisements for it going out announcing when it's opening.

    - Graves

  8. The current method of removing furniture is very very inconvenient, especially if you're removing small details out of your build or trying to move something on a stack of items. You have to be directly on the furniture's anchor point to run the command and get it, but again, with stacked or close-together items, it poses a huge issue.

    I think that we should instead move the removal feature into the Ctrl+X menu. It would be so much easier to Ctrl+X then click the furniture and have a delete button, and it'd save a lot of headache when building things close together.

    • Like 10
    • Upvote 1
  9. I'm not sure what makes you think that cops aren't trusted middlemen. Also, all you have to do to make a trade safe is use /record for RP evidence of the agreement, then turn it in to the cops to have them reverse the trade if they scam you. Sure, it'll have a delay in you getting your items/money back, but it's completely foolproof. There's also no reason for admins to get involved in contracts with /do, as those are contracts, which is an IC issue that should be brought up with police.

  10. How do you plan to tax home trades, property trades, and car trades if there's no money involved? Where is that 10%-20% fee coming from? In addition, we have existing mechanics for any trade with cash on one side and homes/properties/cars on the other, people just avoid using them because of the tax.

    If you want to do trades like these, just get a trusted middleman like a cop.

  11. WLXG38y.png?1


    The previous winner has failed to reply to our SMS. Our new lucky winner is...



    Viktor Walker!

     We'll reach out to you via SMS to schedule a time for the handover. 
    If you fail to reply within 24 hours, the wheel will be spun again.

    Thank you to everyone who participated.

  12. WLXG38y.png?1


    The giveaway has come to an end! Our lucky winner is...



    Carlo West!

     We'll reach out to you via SMS to schedule a time for the handover. 
    If you fail to reply within 24 hours, the wheel will be spun again.

    Thank you to everyone who participated.

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