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Luke Raven

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Everything posted by Luke Raven

  1. Edit: When the items are purchased they are then displayed correctly on the character.
  2. Date and time (provide timezone): 05/11/2020 (UTC) Character name: Luke Raven Issue/bug you are reporting: Bugged clothing Items (saw some but im sure there are more that aren't being correctly displayed) Expected behavior: Clothing Items to be displayed properly Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: https://i.imgur.com/56CLTu5.png https://i.imgur.com/CR9IB1e.png https://i.imgur.com/tNVvmOW.png
  3. Dont think this is really a bug but more a feature that would need to be added. It has been requested before but has not been implemented as far as I know.
  4. Date and time (provide timezone): 30/08/2020 Character name: Luke Raven Issue/bug you are reporting: Phone conversations get bugged after a number of messages if reached (assumed this is the issue). Out of nowhere the conversation stopped working, I could not send more texts but could see the conversation preview. When I clicked on the preview it opened some other conversation with a contact I dont have saved and messages I never exchanged. Expected behavior: For conversations to keep working properly and not be bugged Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Well I assume the bug is due to the amount of messages in the same coversation, I did nothing special, the messages just stopped working. -> the random conversation that shows up
  5. +1 Yes please, the old system was 1000x better IMO. I understand the idea of not allowing replies to the posts but at least let us filter through what is being advertised. Doubt you'll see many, if any, -1's to this suggestion.
  6. Looking good!
  7. Luke Raven

    Los Zetas

    Was in Zetas for around 2 or so months but I can truly say it has been the best time I've had on ECRP. I always knew that If I went on the crim path I would like it to be with Zetas and I am glad that ended up happening even though it was for a short while. I met plenty of amazing people and made new friends in this period of time, I hope the best for everyone from now on and that we keep crossing paths in the future. Blue will always be our colour, Zetas will live on forever.
  8. A trucking update will happen in the future, just have to wait.
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