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Posts posted by padpilot

  1. 7 hours ago, Higgan0 said:

    Should be easy enough.  Enforce the RP rules that I had to study in order to pass the test to be accepted.  Simple.  Just enforce the rules.  I'm not saying to take away the fun of others, but non RP bullcrap takes the fun away from the people who came here to an RP server.  If you have fun running up and robbing a NewPlayer of his gun and possesions while he lays on the ground injured because you came around the corner doing 5,000 mph and hit him, with not a LICK of RP, go play somewhere else?  Might sound harsh, sorry.  I'd hoped that's what was happening here already.  

    Look, I get it.  We all want to see the community grow and thrive.  I just thought the community would grow and thrive through RP, not just filling the ranks to be called one of the bigger RP servers

    Me and another player got into a roadside accident, we were both speeding around a narrow road. We collided and the other player went down. 

    Both being in an RP server, both having been in RP when the crash happenned, you would think that i would be allowed to rp my injuries and then rp rob them for being an idiot on a bike. 

    Nope, was not allowed, was told if i rob them it is then VDM. I argued my case that at the time of collision we were both engaged in RP, with the server and each other, as we RP all the time, not just when another player is present. The player then switched to admin for just a moment, then switched back, indicating that they were right in the situation. Being a new player at the time i let it go and just carried on. 

    Of course since then i know fully now that it is 100% within the rules, weird though right? 

  2. 7 minutes ago, Marca said:

    Did anyone here feel offended by any games Rockstar has made so far? Because honestly, they're one of the few companies that have the balls to stereotype people, use racism, hate speech and I don't know what else in their games. What about movies that feature those things also? I find it funny and amusing, yet I never felt offended. Look at Lamar for example when he calls Franklin "nigga" in about every single sentence he makes. Why? Because that's his character. Same in movies and other games, so why would it be any different here? RP is basically acting, yet actors IRL don't feel offended if racist remarks are made towards them. 

    RP is basically acting , you are correct. However, i think the argument is centered around how many are actually "acting" vs how many are using the RP to just throw insults around, when their character does not need to at that time. 

    I think you over-estimate the level and number of players who are actually "acting".


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  3. 1 hour ago, Yputi said:

    In case you want to RP running a hotel and stuff, yesd ofcourse you need money. The issue I am seeing is at factions where people stand on duty just for money. Money doesn't make you do more /me's or /do's. Atleast, it shouldn't. I think it's also a bit about the quality of RP, not the type of RP.

    ahh right yes sorry i get what you are saying now. Sweet, i agree. Combined with the fact that many faction members are gang members (fail rp imo) doesnt help. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Yputi said:

    I don't see why you need just money for RP, so apperantly not for me.

    I dont think its a case of "just" needing money, my point was tht to a certain degree i understand that for many roleplay scenarious you need money, or assets at least. Like if you want to RP running a hotel, build rooms and such then you need a hella lot of time and money. 


  5. I have to agree with OP. I came onto the serve to RP as much as I could, when I first got here I managed to RP quite a bit, keep my head down and have a few laughs, but as time has gone on I too have started to see the lack of RP that is available. Admittedly I am now a gang leader, we try to RP but it's very very hard. So like on of my things is that my members should not really have part time jobs at weasel news or the mechanics, yet the biggest gangs have their members working here. We try not to shoot cops as they are working men and women, but they just stop us for nothing much these days, and cause I don't fight them they just stop me, detain me for a bit then let me go. 

    Overall, after being on he server since June I have come to realize that many people live by the motto "win first, roleplay second" and this is widespread. Literally just go to LSC and look at all the fail roleplay with all the gangsters working there. The thing is though, if I don't start to lower my RP standard and just do the same low level RP as other gangs, then we are massively hindered in our progression. By having higher roleplay standards than others you put yourself at a gameplay disadvantage. 

    Tbf mate you summed it all up pretty well. Just thought I'd let you know you ain't alone in noticing the changing levels of Roleplay on the server. That being said, Eclipse still is the best place to Roleplay with DOC being the best RP faction/Group around, by far. 


    One more crucial thing to note. The divide between veterans and server newcomers. 

    Newcomers are attempting to engage in what they perceive to be fresh RP, however veterans have seen and done this all before. Instead of allowing newer server players to realize their own early game RP, veterans are hindering this and forgetting that they two started somewhere. 

    Example - I tried personally with the two biggest gangs to pay them 50k in a suitcase for taxes. I wanted some neat gang RP for my newere server members, keep in mind this was something my guys had not experianced, I asked if we could meet in a private location, have a meeting and I would hand over the suitcase, instead, the leader of one gang "nah, just go to the bank get me the 50k and pay me in this alleyway next to the shop" the other gang I only managed to speak to their higher up, not leader, they ended up telling me to go inside the bank, just give them the cash there and then that is it. 

    During all of this I had around 20 people who wanted to meet other gangs and have some early game suitcase money RP, very very basic stuff. 

    Both gangs denied them this RP and I did it all in a 1v1 setting. 

    Basically, veterans should help the new guys more, should they wish the server to retain people. 


    Yeah OP is right. RP levels are not the highest.

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  6. 6 hours ago, Kyle White Raven said:

    I mean when the problem is widespread to an entire game genre it becomes everyone's issue.

    You can try and pretend that all players are able to separate IC from OOC, but that's not possible. The entire movie industry for example is based on the assumption that movies can make people feel happy, sad, angry, etc... People then take these emotions and reflect on them, affecting them in real life. Do you go up to someone and say ''Don't feel anything, it's just some actors saying some words''?


    He shoots he scores. Well put mate. Nice 🙂

    • Like 1
  7. Yeah unfortunately this is roleplay so they can say what they want. 

    That being said, out of the 2 biggest gangs, 1 gang I've never heard say it, the other has many many many members who literally will just roll up to you and be like "nigga nigga, fight me, yo nigga fight me, fight me now nigga"


    Honestly it's just very very poor roleplayer and we shouldn't see organized crime syndicates operating in this low RP manner, street gangs however should get away with saying it all the time. 

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  8. On 10/17/2019 at 9:31 PM, Arian said:

    Sweet Jesus. PD and SD already utilise drags and super cars (e.g T20) in order to catch up with criminals. Besides, you have XRay which is something that no criminals have access to?

    Oh and let's not talk about the Crown Vic, which goes over 240 sometimes eh?


    -1. This is pathetic. If anything, PD/SD should stop using supers and drags that they never paid for. They already have a crown vic and a heli. That's more than enough.

    What do you mean they have X-ray? 


  9. On 10/17/2019 at 2:09 AM, GOAT said:

    At this point it would be like closing the barn door after the horse has bolted. People have them already in numbers, people have a lot of them and maybe long term it would alter things but I don't think it's worth the aggravation in the short term.

    However, I think perhaps we could do stuff both IC and in the rules to keep things within acceptable margins.


    • Add in the motorcycle licenses and specific offences in the penal code for crimes committed using a bike. You'd probably still need a valid driving license but if you want to legally ride a motorcycle, you gotta get the license. If you lose it and continue to ride, you recieve a slightly stiffer penalty than driving without a driving license due to the use of bikes.
    • Start allowing both the Sheriffs and Police to passively deploy the high speed motorcycle units, for those trained in their use. Simple fact is, we have high speed bike units but by the time a pursuit with a Hakachou starts, you hardly ever get in a position to use them to pursue anyway.


    • Add something in the rules that prevents motorcycles abusing game physics to go up inclines or jumps that would otherwise cause them injury or not actually work in real life. 
      I think the biggest frustration for PD is not losing bikes in normal pursuits but them hitting the off-road, going up mountains like nothing and they vanish like David Blaine.
    • The key part about the rule addition is you still want to give people the option to escape, but i'm talking about the 'to do this would seriously fuck you up' kind of actions.

    If I were a criminal, i'd probably use a high speed bike too because if you know how to use them, they are strong vehicles. I don't want to people restricted to what vehicles they can drive, I just don't want them to be used unreasonably.

    I have footage of staff stunt jumping their police cars over mountains, all 4 wheels of the ground for a good few seconds, and they were in a car. 

    Like they really were breaking roleplay,however when I challenged it I was told "if the mechanics allow it" - apparently this is a quote from father Osbourne. I believe the reason for this is that it is very hard to maintain standards across all jumps and all chases, what angle a hill was, what speed etc etc.

    Yet you some reason was to make a rule against the bikes. It's the cops that need a rule against them which says they shouldn't really be following a stunt bike over stunt, I mean, it's a stunt bike FFS. 

    Second note, nah mate plz don't day that police should start passively using them. Roleplay guys, let's not forget the roleplay. Unless you looking to play only cops and robbers server. 

  10. Tbf OP has a point. Personally I wouldn't say the problem was solely the Drag bike. It is very very silly for a lot of people to be owning one tbf though. The problem is the low price of most of the vehicles on the server. All vehicles need to have a dramatic price increase, or money from jobs needs to be decreased.

    The second problem is the space at high-end. People know they will struggle to sell vehicles in the future, so why bother driving anything but the best rides, fix high-end and more people with drive a variety of vehicles 

    Also, police should be able to permanently seize assets like drag bikes.

  11. yes please all of the above. mega mega mega + 1 from myself, every single suggestion is well thought out and put together and will only improve the server. 

    However, ive been playing this server since June. All of these suggestions have been mentioned many times since i have been here "Additional vehicle selling yards apart from highend/lowend. " -  this is almost a weekly suggestion now

    The problem is, they keep getting brought up and the dev team in no way whatsoever ever indicates, hints or suggests that these suggestins are even remotly being considerd for scripting and implementation. 

    Again, great suggestions from OP and i am keen to see a member of the dev team at least comment and acknowledge the suggestions beng made. 

    EDIT: Also have the "dirty money" apply to the sellingo drugs, cause as of right now to sell drugs you just throw the drugs at a brick wall, get paid then bank. 

  12. I was told that a crash is part of roleplay, if you are both speeding around corners and crash well that the roleplay, you both could have gone slower or tool more care, if they then decide to rob you then I was told by a very very high ranking gang member that it is perfectly fine to then rob them. 


    By not robbing them you are breaking roleplay, if you only don't rob then because you scared of the rules then it's meta gaming, and if you decide to call a medic, well you just a nice person. 

    You cannot forget RP, when you choose to, if you guys crash, play the RP out, if one survives and one in injured, then it's just the luck of the draw which one you are. 

  13. On 10/3/2019 at 3:34 AM, Brawnkoh said:

    I've edited your post to remove drug lab locations. Please do not post those here.

    Secondly, Drug labs are already being reworked.

    Do you have any info or a road map, maybe hints at a Dev blog, any indication to what is being worked on? As people may be putting effort into suggestions and you guys are already working on something. 


    The available info on development is 0.

  14. Massive -1 from me. 

    At times the "hot spots" on the server are already dead, I've driven around all drug labs at peak times and see only a handful of people. Increasing the amount of spots will just dilute player interaction even more. 

    Drug labs should be a place of worry, you need to be careful as people will rob you there. 


    Increasing the slots just means there is less chance of interaction. If 1000 players were actively on the server daily then yes I would agree. But there are not and diluting the interaction between players is really really bad. 


    You literally seem to miss the point of drug labs, they are meant for interaction, people camping then and waiting to rob is actually some of the only roleplay provided by drugs labs, it certainly is the only interesting gameplay element of the entire drugs system. 

    You literally are suggesting to dilute gameplay, decrease chances of player interaction, decrease likelihood of being robbed or robbing a player and overall wish to spread RP around even further. 


    Bad bad suggestion. Mega - 1 from me. 


  15. -1 yeah this just makes no sense. In no way does any part of this server replicate or imitate real life. This is a roleplay server, not a realism server. 

    Game play and roleplay take priority over realism, with immersion taking the next priority slot.

    What you suggest would just result in poop RP, poor immersion and poor gameplay. 

    It might be considered more "real" to have them sold in shops but then the aim of roleplay is not to imitate real-life. 

  16. just remove the drop off for drug locatons, and get rid of the /me throws drugs at the wall and somehow gets paid in clean unlaundered bills which can go straight into ban account.

    The drugs system is terrible, it has no rp, no immersion, no exciting gameplay and requires no skill.

    Once drugs are complete, they are they taken to a brick wall (again no rp) and sold 

    you then receive clean money (no need to rp cleaning it) and you just put it straight into the bank. 

    remove the drug drop off locations, forcing players to have to sell to other players to make money. 

    as it stands now, drugs is all about rocking up to labs, running back and forth in a field for a little while then dropping drugs at nothing and being paid in cash 

    1. times drop offs, come back later
    2. clean the dirty drug money
    3. only have 1 drug drop off if you have to have any (forcing rp interaction for others) 

    the entire drugs system is broken, the very first stage, the crafting stage promotes stake out and ambush RP, thats about it. 

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  17. great effort in the thread and suggestion but as others have said, this is brought up all the time. 

    ive been gaming here for around 5 months on and off. in that time ive been active on the forum and  have read several threads surrounding this topic. Depsite the active debate amonst the playervase i have not managed to get hold of any concrete feedback from the dev team regarding this system. 

    i still have no idea if this is possible, under consideratin or what? 

    like i say, great thread and suggestion, however due to the little feedback, roadmap or clear development plans by the dev team it is difficutlt to even harard a guess to if this will ever be a thing. One thing that is certain is that you are correct, this system is already in place elsewhere. 

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